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920-414 - Historical buildings built along the waterfront of Grand Canal, Venice, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Veneto, Italy, Europe
920-1280 - Favela Rocinha, the most populated slum in the world, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America
920-2628 - Queen angelfish (Holacanthus ciliaris), St. Peter and St. Paul's rocks, Brazil, South America
920-2065 - Wave crashing over rocks, St. Peter and St. Paul's rocks, Brazil, South America
920-1636 - Diver photographs black coral (Anthipataria sp.), St. Peter and St. Paul's rocks, Brazil, South America
920-2753 - Whitespotted filefish (Cantherhines macrocerus), St. Peter nd St. Paul's rocks, Brazil, South America
920-688 - Southern right whale (Eubalaena australis) detail of tail underwater near beach, Imbituba, Santa Catarina, Brazil, South Atlantic, South America
920-2917 - Free diver strokes Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostrus), Crystal River, Florida, United States of America, North America
920-2117 - Girl kissing a bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus), Oahu, Hawaii, United States of America, Pacific
920-804 - Falungong (Falun Dafa) demonstrators practising relaxation exercises, Geoje-Do, South Korea, Asia
920-99 - Peacock grouper (Cephalopholis argus), Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, United States of America, Pacific
920-380 - Sea gull in flight, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia, Caroline Islands, Micronesia, Pacific Ocean, Pacific
920-2637 - Longfin spadefish (Platax teira) schooling, Dauin, Dumaguete, Negros Island, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
920-2119 - False killer whale (Pseudorca crassidens) with sunscreen Marine Mammal Research Center, Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, Oahu, Hawaii, United States of America, Pacific
920-1567 - Aerial view of cliffs and hidden beaches on the Napali coast, Kauai, Hawaii, United States of America, Pacific
920-1980 - Split image of rocks and green algae (Caulerpa racemosa), St. Peter and St. Paul's rocks, Brazil, South America
920-95 - Green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) gets cleaned by yellow tangs (Zebrasoma flavescens) and lined bristletooth (Ctenochaetus striatus), Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, United States of America, Pacific
920-998 - Entrance to Jangseunpo Bay, Geojedo Island, South Korea, Asia
920-1149 - Flounder (Bothus lunatus), Fernando de Noronha, Brazil, South America
920-206 - Freshwater plants in rain water ponds in the middle of sand dunes, Lencois Maranhenses, Maranhao, Brazil, South America
920-1479 - Whale shark (Rhincodon typus) pup specimen, circumglobal in warm and temperate seas
920-835 - Wild crabs captured for the local market, Parnaiba, Piaui, Brazil, South America
920-2708 - Thousands of scalefin anthias (Pseudanthias squamipinnis), hovering over colonies of red whip coral (Ellisella sp.), Canyons, Puerto Galera, Mindoro, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
920-2318 - Bigfin reef squid (Sepioteuthis lessoniana), Dumaguete, Negros Island, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
920-2295 - Eye detail, green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas), Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, United States of America, Pacific
920-2477 - Gigantic sea anemone (Stichodactyla gigantea) hosting pink anemonefish (Amphiprion periderion), Fujikawa Maru, Truk lagoon, Chuuk, Federated States of Micronesia, Caroline Islands, Micronesia, Pacific Ocean, Pacific
920-1648 - Parrotfish (Sparisoma axillare) sleeping, St. Peter and St. Paul's rocks, Brazil, South America
920-996 - Heavy cranes, machinery and ships under construction at Samsung shipyard, Geoje-Do, South Korea, Asia
920-2330 - Sea star (Nardoa novaecaledoniae) and feather star (Comanthina nobilis) at night, Puerto Galera, Mindoro, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
920-1035 - Scuba divers explore underwater cones in cave, Anhumas abyss, Bonito, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, South America
920-1882 - Aerial view of patch of destroyed rain forest, Amazonas, Brazil, South America
920-1606 - View of the Great Wall of China, UNESCO World Heritage Site, near Badaling, China, Asia
920-1217 - View from Preguicas river, Barreirinhas, Maranhao, Brazil, South America
920-1880 - Aerial view of patch of destroyed rain forest, Amazonas, Brazil, South America
920-2632 - Blue-ringed angelfish (Pomacanthus annularis), Similan Islands, Thailand, Andaman Sea, Southeast Asia, Asia
920-973 - Handgliding course at Gavea Rock, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America
920-1489 - Hong Kong's modern skyline overlooking Victoria harbour and Kowloon peninsula at dusk, Hong Kong, China, Asia
920-145 - Aerial view of Kauai's northern coastline, Kauai, Hawaii, United States of America, Pacific
920-620 - Winding road snaking along Serra do Rio do Rastro, Santa Catarina, connecting the Brazilian plateau with the coastal towns, Brazil, South America
920-185 - Morro do pico and reef, split level, Fernando de Noronha, Pernambuco, Brazil
920-2486 - Beached Portuguese man-of-war (Physalia physalis), Praia do Forte, Bahia, Brazil, South America
920-526 - Pass between Lanai and Molokai, Hawaii, United States of America, Pacific
920-2393 - Whip coral (Junceella fragilis), Monad shoal, Malapascua, Cebu, Philippines, Southeasat Asia, Asia
920-2045 - Flooded tropical rain forest, Mamiraua sustainable development reserve, Amazonas, Brazil, South America
920-857 - Poor house made of haystack, Santo Amaro, Maranhao, Brazil, South America
920-2895 - Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris), Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park, Florida, United States of America, North America
920-919 - Sao Paulo and helicopter, view from the rooftop of Italia Building, Brazil, South America
920-1861 - Vinaceous Amazon (Amazona vinacea), a parrot critically endangered found only in the South American Atlantic Forest, Feliciano Abdalla Private Reserve, Caratinga, Minas Gerais, Brazil, South America
920-2853 - Gray reef sharks (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos) glide over reef, Chuuk, Federated States of Micronesia, Caroline Islands, Micronesia, Pacific Ocean, Pacific
920-815 - Ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) at night, Fazenda San Francisco, Miranda, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, South America
920-2386 - Gorgonian soft coral close-up, Rongelap, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Pacific
920-625 - Stone Cathedral (Igreja de Pedra) (Paroquia Nossa Senhora de Lourdes), the main church in Canela, Rio Grande so Sul, Brazil, South America
920-1905 - Hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) head, nostril detail, photo taken in captivity
920-772 - Raposo Tavares road, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America
920-2321 - Bearded fireworm (Hermodice carunculata), St. Peter and St. Paul's rocks, Brazil, South America
920-117 - Hanauma Bay, Oahu, Hawaii, United States of America, Pacific
920-1021 - Scalloped hammerhead shark pups (Sphyrna lewini), kept for research, Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, Kaneohe, Oahu, Hawaii, United States of America, Pacific
920-1240 - Fishing vessels at port, Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, South America
920-18 - Split image of pristine coral reef and sky, Rongelap, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Pacific
920-1826 - Capture of silky shark (Carcharhinus falcifomes), offshore commercial longline shark fishing, Brazil, South America
920-1688 - Bearded fireworm (Hermodice carunculata), St. Peter and St. Paul's rocks, Brazil, South America
920-1696 - Southern Atlantic sharpnose puffer (Canthigaster figueiredoi), Ilha Escalvada, Guarapari, Espirito Santo, Brazil, South America
920-2442 - Mantis shrimp (Odontodactylus scyllarus), Dungan wall, Puerto Galera, Mindoro, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
920-2006 - Sandy bottom at Atalaia beach, Fernando de Noronha national marine sanctuary, Pernambuco, Brazil, South America
920-109 - Green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas), Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, United States of America, Pacific
920-2721 - Juvenile scorpionfish (Scorpaenopsis sp.), Sahara, Dumaguete, Negros Island, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
920-934 - Bee hive of Tetragonisca angustula at University of Vicosa, Vicosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil, South America
920-1517 - Research scientist taking hook off hammerhead shark pup (Sphyrna lewini), Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, Kaneohe, Oahu, Hawaii, United States of America, Pacific
920-226 - Local Gurgel buggy overlooking Enseada da Caieira, Fernando de Noronha, Pernambuco, Brazil, South America
920-30 - Heron (Butorides sp.), Rongelap, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Pacific
920-1732 - Green algae (Caulerpa racemosa), St. Peter and St. Paul's rocks, Brazil, South America
920-23 - Split image of pristine coral reef and sky, Rongelap, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Pacific
920-1665 - St. Peter and St. Paul's rocks, Brazil, South America
920-1159 - Rapel landing platform at Anhumas Abyss, Bonito, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, South America
920-542 - Koko Crater, South Oahu, Hawaii, United States of America, Pacific
920-899 - Korean ginseng roots for sale at Namdaemun street market area, Seoul, South Korea, Asia
920-592 - Internal courtyard in the historic town of Split, Croatia, Europe
920-732 - Rainbow lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus moluccanus), native to Australasia, Parque das Aves, Foz do Iguaµu, Parana, Brazil, South America
920-476 - Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia mydas) approaches the surface before taking next breath, Hanauma Bay, Oahu, Hawaii, United States of America, Pacific
920-1557 - Tuna ready for shipment after fish auction, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, United States of America, Pacific
920-1330 - Purple ochre sea star (Pisaster ochraceus), in tidepool, Oregon coast, United States of America, North America
920-490 - Female snorkeller explores the underwater landscape at Waimea Bay, North Shore, Oahu, Hawaii, United States of America, North America
920-2529 - Black durgon (Melichthys niger) schooling, St. Peter and St. Paul's rocks, Brazil, South America
920-288 - Spectacular sunset over the Pacific Ocean, West of the Hawaiian Islands, Pacific
920-1080 - Split image of the lush vegetation above and below water, Sucuri River, Bonito, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, South America
920-700 - Beach flowers, Imbituba, Santa Catarina, Brazil, South America
920-2538 - Balloonfish (Diodon holocanthus) at night, Dumaguete, Negros, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
920-1325 - Free divers observe playful Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostrus), Crystal River, Florida, United States of America, North America
920-2725 - Papuan scorpionfish (Scorpaenopsis papuensis), head detail, Dumaguete, Negros, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
920-1263 - Waterfall near Visconde do Rio Branco, Minas Gerais, Brazil, South America
920-41 - Split image of sandy substrate and beach, Hanauma Bay, Oahu, Hawaii, United States of America, Pacific
920-1864 - Bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus), commercial fisheries, St. Peter and St. Paul's rocks, Brazil, South America
920-1924 - Loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) hatchlings, Center for sea turtle protection, TAMAR project, Arembepe, Bahia, Brazil, South America
920-1025 - Pantropical spotted dolphin (Stenella attenuata) leaping, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, United States of America, Pacific
920-1725 - Snorkeller dives down to observe the substrate, St. Peter and St. Paul's rocks, Brazil, South America
920-1127 - Characins (Piraputangas) (Brycon hilarii), Balneario Municipal, Bonito, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, South America
920-2113 - Boat with local family approaches island for a day trip, Truk lagoon, Chuuk, Federated States of Micronesia, Caroline Islands, Micronesia, Pacific Ocean, Pacific
920-205 - Longsnout seahorse (Hippocampus reidi), Guriu River, Jericoacoara, Ceara, Brazil, South America
920-484 - Bird wrasse (Gomphosus varius), Hanauma Bay, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States of America, Pacific
920-2458 - Stripe-leg spiny lobster (Panulirus femoristriga), eye and rostrum detail, Short drop-off, Palau, Caroline Islands, Micronesia, Pacific Ocean, Pacific