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860-292756 - Soft coral;Dendronephthya sp) and lyretail anthias;Pseudanthias squamipinnis) and tropical grouper;Cephalopholis miniata). Coral reef, corals. Ras Muhammad National Park;Sharm Al Sheikh - Raas Mohammed) and Tiran Strait. Sinai Peninsula. Red Sea, Egypt.
1387-516 - A velvetfish, Paraploactis sp., waits for prey to swim by in Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-343 - An unidentified moray eel (Gymnothorax sp.) swims over a sandy seafloor in Komodo National Park, Indonesia.
1387-288 - Detail of the colorful dorsal fin of a scorpionfish (Scorpaenopsis sp.) in Wakatobi National Park, Indonesia. This remote region is known for its incredible marine biodiversity and gorgeous reefs.
860-291993 - Moray (Gymnothorax sp) fluorescing under blue light, in the reef at night, Mayotte
860-290063 - A fish tower. For a moment, the shoal of sweetlips (Plectorhinchus sp) took the form of a tower rising to the surface.
860-290266 - Flipper of a parrot fish (Scarus sp) sleeping at night on a Sudanese reef in the Red Sea.
860-288999 - Staghorn Coral (Acropora sp) on reef, Raja Ampat, Indonesia
832-387965 - Coral block with different stony corals (Scleractinia), Melithaea gorgonian (Melithaea sp.), Feather star, yellow (Crinoidea) and Sabre squirrelfish (Sargocentron spiniferum), three, Great Barrier Reef, Coral Sea, Pacific, Australia, Oceania
860-288273 - School of fish under the surface at dusk, island Procida, La Corricella, Tyrrhenian Sea, Campania Italy
860-287937 - Ancistrus sp. "temminckii" gold albino
860-287916 - A floating, abandoned net in the ocean, Dominica, Caribbean Sea, Atlantic Ocean.
860-282371 - Diver and school of young bluefin tuna, Azores
860-285746 - Shore rockling in the reef, Mediterranean Sea
860-284235 - Tiger snake eel on bottom, Galapagos Islands
860-283967 - White-banded Cleaner Shrimp on Grouper, New Caledonia
860-285468 - Grizzly bear cubs eating a salmon in Canada
860-284707 - Brown Bear eating a Salmon, Kuril Lake Kamchatka Russia
860-286267 - Portrait of Red Irish Lord , Pacific Ocean Alaska
860-284415 - Grizzly eating on a trunk, Chilcotin Mountains Canada
860-285465 - Female grizzly bear and her cub eating a salmon in Canada
860-285467 - Female grizzly bear and her cub eating a salmon in Canada
860-282428 - Juvenile lionfish, Beangabang Bay Pantar Island Indonesia
860-283151 - Pygmy Seahorse- Lembeh Strait Indonesia
860-282505 - Lionfish and Soft Corals, Raja Ampat Indonesia
860-283143 - Portrait of Common sea dragon, Aquarium Singapore
860-284722 - Sockeye Salmons near the bank, Kuril Lake Kamchatka Russia
860-285198 - Pink anemonefishes in sea anemones, Fiji Islands
860-285457 - Young grizzly bear eating a sockeye salmon in Canada
860-286271 - Brown Irish Lord on reef, Pacific Ocean Alaska
860-286252 - Blotched snailfish on reef, Gambier bay Alaska
860-285260 - Sailfish below the surface, Gulf of California
860-284700 - Brown Bear catching a Salmon, Kuril Lake Kamchatka Russia
860-285747 - Ringneck Blennie on reef, Mediterranean Sea France
860-285483 - Grizzly bear male fishing a sockeye salmon in Canada
860-284705 - Brown Bear catching a Salmon, Kuril Lake Kamchatka Russia
860-286531 - Undulated Moray with cleaning fishes, Ari Atoll Maldives
860-282480 - Stargazer portrait, Lembeh Strait Indonesia
860-286205 - Longfin Gunnel on reef, Pacific Ocean Alaska USA
860-283791 - Sandager wrasse, Poor Knights Island New Zealand
860-283798 - Yellow moray, Poor knights Island New Zealand
860-283804 - Crested blenny, Poor knights Island New Zealand
860-282714 - Lizard fish feeding fish on coral rock, Vava'u Tonga
860-285760 - Mediterranean Moray in seagrass, Mediterranean Sea France
860-285239 - Common bluestripe snapper, Fiji Islands
860-283842 - Quinnock salmon spawning in a mountain river, New Zealand
860-285460 - Young grizzly bear cub eating a sockeye salmon in Canada
860-285200 - Pink anemonefishes in sea anemones, Fiji Islands
860-285236 - Portrait of pennant bannerfish, Fiji Islands
860-285240 - Common bluestripe snapper and diver, Fiji Islands
860-282576 - Presentation of a northern pike, Vosges France
860-286127 - Red-bellied Piranha teeth, Rio Ipixuna Brazil Amazon
860-286244 - Decorated Warbonnet on reef, Pacific Ocean Alaska
860-285772 - Mediterranean moray and shrimp in the Mediterranean sea
860-286210 - Portrait of Wolf-Eel male, Pacific Ocean Alaska USA
860-286369 - Arctic tern and chick on rock, British Isles
860-286241 - Decorated Warbonnet on reef, Pacific Ocean Alaska
860-282502 - Schooling Ribbon Sweetlips, Raja Ampat Indonesia
860-284680 - Brown Bear catching a Salmon, Kuril Lake Kamchatka Russia
860-284236 - Galapagos Gardenne Eels on bottom, Galapagos Islands
860-282572 - Presentation of a northern pike, Vosges France
860-284687 - Brown Bear catching a Salmon, Kuril Lake Kamchatka Russia
860-286165 - John Dory and abandoned fishing net, Mediterranean Sea
860-284703 - Brown Bear catching a Salmon, Kuril Lake Kamchatka Russia
860-282495 - School of Bigeye Snappers, Raja Ampat Indonesia
860-284678 - Brown Bear catching a Salmon, Kuril Lake Kamchatka Russia
860-282498 - Giant barrel sponge and Unicornfish, Raja Ampat Indonesia
860-282443 - False clownfish in magnificent anemone, Komodo Indonesia
860-286211 - Portrait of Wolf-Eel female, Pacific Ocean Alaska USA
860-286588 - Grizzly catching Salmon in a waterfall, Katmai Alaska USA
860-285202 - Pink anemonefishes in sea anemones, Fiji Islands
860-282432 - White Eye Moray Group on reef, Moluccus Indonesia
860-283968 - White-banded Cleaner Shrimp on Moray eel, New Caledonia
860-284694 - Brown Bear catching a Salmon, Kuril Lake Kamchatka Russia
860-282463 - Clark's Anemonefish in pink bubble tip anemone, Indonesia
860-285461 - Female grizzly bear and her cub eating a salmon in Canada
860-285174 - Portrait of Hairy Striated Frogfish, Bali sea Indonesia
860-282945 - Mediterranean Parrotfish on reef, Azores Atlantic Ocean
860-283389 - Magnus prawn Gobys with blind shrimp cleaning burrow, Fiji
860-286537 - Regal angelfish on reef, Ari Atoll Maldives
860-284671 - Brown Bear catching a Salmon, Kuril Lake Kamchatka Russia
860-286269 - Portrait of Red Irish Lord , Pacific Ocean Alaska
860-282573 - Presentation of a northern pike, Vosges France
860-286136 - European Perch in a backwater of the River Ain, France
860-286466 - Red blackfaced Blenny on reef, French Riviera France
860-286162 - Portrait of Grizzly catching a Salmon, Katmai Alaska USA
860-284704 - Brown Bear catching a Salmon, Kuril Lake Kamchatka Russia