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832-394112 - Diver looking at large colony of Klunzinger's Soft Coral (Dendronephthya klunzingeri) with shoal of Red Sea Red Sea Basslet (Pseudanthias taeniatus), Red Sea, Aqaba, Jordan, Asia
832-394116 - Dugong (Dugong dugon) grazing on seagrass meadow followed by Golden Trevally (Gnathanodon speciosus), Red Sea, Aqaba, Jordan, Asia
832-394108 - Scales of Parrotfish (Scaridae), green, red, Red Sea, Aqaba, Jordan, Asia
832-394110 - Young leather coral (Sarcophyton) on sandy bottom, Red Sea, Aqaba, Jordan, Asia
832-394107 - Yellow boxfish (Ostracion cubicus), Red Sea, Aqaba, Jordan, Asia
832-394111 - Diver looking at large colony of Klunzinger's Soft Coral (Dendronephthya klunzingeri) Red Sea, Aqaba, Jordan, Asia
832-394115 - Jetty overgrown with stony corals, common lionfish (Pterois miles), Red Sea, Aqaba, Jordan, Asia
832-394113 - Diver at the bow of the Cedar Pride, Wreck, Shipwreck, Red Sea, Aqaba, Jordan, Asia
832-394109 - Eye, Tentacled flathead (Papilloculiceps longiceps), fish eye, Red Sea, Aqaba, Jordan, Asia
832-394114 - Cedar Pride, Stern, Wreck, Shipwreck, Red Sea, Aqaba, Jordan, Asia
832-393676 - Entrance covered with stony corals (Scleractinia) at the bow of the Cedar Pride, shipwreck, wreck, Red Sea, Aqaba, Jordan, Asia
832-393677 - Diver, American tank M42 Duster with self-rotating 40mm anti-aircraft gun, wreck, Red Sea, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
832-393672 - Chimney, Superstructure, Shipwreck, Wreck, Cedar Pride, Red Sea, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
832-393675 - Large soft coral (Dedronepthya klunzingeri) on the mast of the Cedar Pride, shipwreck, wreck, Cedar Pride, Red Sea, Aqaba, Jordan, Asia
832-393674 - Lookout overgrown with Klunzinger's soft corals (Dendronephthya klunzingeri), Emperor angelfish (Pomacanthus imperator) Shipwreck, Wreck, Cedar Pride, Red Sea, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
832-393673 - Lookout covered with Klunzinger's soft corals (Dendronephthya klunzingeri), Shipwreck, Wreck, Cedar Pride, Red Sea, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
832-393716 - Large Klunzinger's Soft Coral (Dendronephthya klunzingeri) on column under jetty, Red Sea, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
832-393706 - Eye of common octopus (Oktopus vulgaris), Red Sea, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
832-393725 - Juvenile Red Sea Red Sea clownfish (Amphiprion bicinctus) with open mouth, Red Sea, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
832-393702 - Peacock Collector Urchin (Tripneustes gratilla), Red Sea, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
832-393720 - Green Eyed Cup Coral (Mycedium elephantotus), Red Sea, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
832-393723 - Hemispherical Favia stone coral (Favia speciosa), on sandy bottom Red Sea, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
832-393703 - Two, Christmas tree worm (Spirobranchus giganteus) on stone coral (Porites), Red Sea, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
832-393707 - Broad-armed Sepia, or Broadclub Cuttlefish (Sepia latimanus), juvenile, Red Sea, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
832-393711 - Pyjama Chromodoris quadricolor (Chromodoris Quadricolor) Magnificent star snail, nudibranch, Red Sea, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
832-393719 - Stone coral (Favia favus), detail with indented polyps, Red Sea, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
832-393714 - Indian lionfish (Ptrois miles) swimming in the open sea, Red Sea, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
832-393709 - Sea cucumber also sea cucumber or holothuria (Holothuria) camouflaged with seaweed, Red Sea, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
832-393724 - Typical coral reef in seagrass meadow with Red Sea fire coral (Millepora dichotomata), splendour anemone (Heteractis magnifica), Red Sea Red Sea clownfish (Amphiprion bicinctus), behind it Favia Lesser Valley Coral (Favia), Red Sea, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
832-393717 - Large-pored stony coral (Coeloseris mayeri) with indented polyps, Red Sea, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
832-393713 - Painted frogfish (Antennarius pictus), Red Sea seagrass meadow, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
832-393726 - Clutches, spawn, fish spawn, eggs, fish eggs, Red Sea clownfish (Amphiprion bicinctus), red Red Sea, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
832-393704 - Geometric Moray (Gymnothorax griseus), also spotted moray eel, three, patch reef with soft corals (Xenia) and various stony corals, sandy bottom, seagrass bed, Red Sea, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
832-393722 - Spotted reef in the middle of seagrass meadow, Favia stone coral (Platygyra lamellina) in front, Red Sea fire coral (Millepora dichotomata) in the back, Red Sea, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
832-393712 - Painted frogfish (Antennarius pictus), Red Sea seagrass meadow, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
832-393721 - Small patch reef in seagrass meadow with predominantly Xenia (Xenia) soft corals, pair of dusky spinefoot (Siganus luridus) escapes, Red Sea, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
832-393715 - Scrawled filefish (Aluterus scriptus) swimming over coral reef, Red Sea, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
832-393701 - Colony of white-spotted diadem Black Longspine Urchin sp (Diadema setosum) on seagrass meadow, Red Sea, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
832-393718 - Lesser Valley Coral (Favia), detail with retracted polyps, Red Sea, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
832-393705 - Common octopus Octopus vulgaris), mating, male on left inserts mating arm into mantle cavity on female's siphon transfers sperm-filled capsule, Red Sea, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
832-393708 - Sea cucumber also sea cucumber or holothuria (Holothuria) camouflaged with seaweed, Red Sea, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
832-393710 - Common marbled shrimp (Saron marmoratus), Purple-footed marble shrimp, Red Sea, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
832-393763 - Shoal of Common Bigeye (Priacanthus hamrur) Bass swimming backlit over coral reef, Red Sea, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
832-393761 - Red Sea Grey Humbug (Dascyllus marginatus) seeks shelter in in Stylophora stony coral (Stylophora subseriata) on seagrass meadow, Red Sea, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
832-393758 - Shoal of gold-band fusilier (Pterocaesio chrysozona), Red Sea, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
832-393767 - Emperor angelfish (Pomacanthus imperator) swimming over seagrass meadow, Red Sea, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
832-393765 - Margaritata Puffer (Canthigaster margaritata) Red Sea, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
832-393766 - Crowned Puffer (Canthigaster coronata) swimming over seagrass meadow, Red Sea, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
832-393759 - Blacktip grouper (Epinephelus fasciatus), Red Sea, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
832-393760 - Bearded Tassled Scorpionfish (Scorpaenopsis barbata) on sandy bottom, Red Sea, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
832-393764 - Bluespotted ribbontail ray (Taeniura lymma) swimming over sandy bottom Red Sea, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
832-393762 - Shoal of Common Bigeye (Priacanthus hamrur) swimming backlit over coral reef, Red Sea, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
1113-104956 - Rock formations near Eilat at Red Sea, Akaba bay, South-Israel, Israel
1113-104957 - Rock formationsin near Eilat at Red Sea, Akaba bay, South-Israel, Israel
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