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860-292474 - Giant Seychelles tortoise (Aldabrachelys gigantea), Turtle island, Prison island, Zanzibar. This island was used as a prison for slaves, and four giant Seychelles tortoises were introduced. Today, they are protected from poachers, and the oldest are between 170 and 200 years old.
1176-1213 - Pentre Ifan Neolithic (New Stone Age) burial chamber in the Preseli Hills, Nevern, Pembrokeshire, Wales, United Kingdom, Europe
1116-40770 - Cowboy On His Horse With His Dog, Alberta, Canada
1116-40771 - Cowboy Herding Cattle Across River, Alberta, Canada
1112-3777 - Animal forms in the 9000 year old ground and polished Stone Age rock art at Leiknes, Norway, Scandinavia, Europe
1112-3779 - Animal forms in the 9000 year old ground and polished Stone Age rock art at Leiknes, Norway, Scandinavia, Europe
832-368463 - Children splashing water at an animal watering trough, Elendsalm, Klooaschertal valley near Bayerischzell, Blauberge, Upper Bavaria, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
832-371383 - Children beating an octopus with sticks in order to make it edible, Jambiani, Zanzibar, Tanzania, Africa
832-367498 - Elderly Peruvian woman with a traditional costume and a Llama, Saqsaywaman near Cuzco, Peru, South America
832-371382 - Children beating an octopus with sticks in order to make it edible, Jambiani, Zanzibar, Tanzania, Africa
832-371384 - Children beating an octopus with sticks to make it edible, Jambiani, Zanzibar, Tanzania, Africa
832-367293 - Video-operator and Beluga, White whale (Delphinapterus leucas), dolphinarium, Odessa, Ukraine, Eastern Europe
832-368663 - Lion engraving, neolithic rockart of the Acacus Mountains or Tadrart Acacus range, Tassili n'Ajjer National Park, Unesco World Heritage Site, Algeria, Sahara, North Africa
832-368664 - Elephant engraving, neolithic rockart of the Acacus Mountains or Tadrart Acacus range, Tassili n'Ajjer National Park, Unesco World Heritage Site, Algeria, Sahara, North Africa
832-300142 - Palio, medieval joust in Stilo, rider tries to spike a little ring, Calabria, Italy
832-297249 - Rock engraving of an ox, Wadi Mathendusch, Libya
832-297250 - Rock engraving of an ox, Wadi Mathendusch, Libya
832-297248 - Rock engraving of an ox, Wadi Mathendusch, Libya
832-294738 - Mammoth Styrassic park Bad Gleichenberg Styria Austria Europe
1161-1049 - Elephants in Moremi National Park, Botswana
1161-1014 - Mother elephant and calf in woodland in Moremi National Park, Botswana
832-140666 - Cave painting from the stone age, Cheddar Man Museum of Prehistory, Cheddar, Somerset, England, United Kingdom, Europe
832-113564 - Solvognen, Trundholm sun chariot, from the Bronze Age, at display at the National Museum, Nationalmuseet, Copenhagen, Denmark, Europe
1116-28490 - South East Asia, Cambodia, Siem Reap, Tourists take a guided elephant tours to ancient Banyon Temple.
1061-15 - Pygmy marmoset2. Cebuella pygmaea. Captive adult. La Vallee des Singes Poitou-Charentes, France More info: status: least concern but numbers decreasing.
912-7 - Barbed fly. Nature, Moldova, insect, summer, Green, macro, fly
1061-12 - Captive Colobus guereza adults in La Vallee Des Singes, Poitou - Charentes France. More info: Status, least concern
1061-14 - Captive adult Chimpanzees Pan troglodytes verus in La Vallee Des Singes, Poitou - Charentes France. More info: Status, endangered. This rare sub species of chimp came from a breeding centre in Holland. They were originally rescued from a laboratory when the Netherlands at last made it illegal to experiment on primates.
912-5 - Ant and a flower. Nature, Moldova, ant, ants, insect, summer, Green, Flower, Seed
1061-18 - Captive adult Red Titi Callicebus discolor in La Vallee Des singes, Poitou - Charentes France. More info: Status. Least concern
1061-16 - Pygmy marmosets. Cebuella pygmaea. group of 3 captive adults grooming. La Vallee des Singes Poitou-Charentes, France More info: status: least concern but decreasing.
912-9 - Favorite place to sleep. Nature, Moldova, insect, summer, Green, macro, flower, bee, wasp
1061-19 - Captive Red Titi Callicebus discolor adult and baby in La Vallee Des singes, Poitou - Charentes France. More info: Status. Least concern
912-8 - Skydivers. Nature, Moldova, ant, ants, insect, summer, Skydivers, Green, Flower, three, Seed
1061-9 - Captive adult Barbery Macaque Macaca sylvanus. in La Vallee Des singes, Poitou - Charentes France. More info: Status, Endangered. Once common but being exterminated by farmers and loss of habitat
1061-11 - Captive adult Chimpanzees Pan troglodytes verus Standing in La Vallee Des Singes, Poitou - Charentes France. More info: Status, endangered. This rare sub species of chimp came from a breeding centre in Holland. They were originally rescued from a laboratory when the Netherlands at last made it illegal to experiment on primates.
912-18 - Two brothers shepherd. Nature, Moldova, macro, ant, ants, insect, summer, Green, Flower, shepherd
1061-13 - Geoffroys marmoset. Callithrix geoffroyi. captive adults. Newquay zoo Cornwall UK. More info: status: least concern but numbers declining due to habitat destruction, pet trade, zoos, biomedical research and persecution.
1061-3 - Japanese Macaque (Macaca fuscata)wild adult, keeping warm in a hot spring. Honshu Japan. Status:least concern but 1/10 of the pop is killed by humans evey year. more info: They spend much of the winter swimming,diving or just contemplating life in the warm water.
1061-6 - A young Indian girl opens her door to a visiting goat in a jumper and ribbon. In Agra India. In developing countries people often live cheek by jowl with other species. The back streets of Agra are teaming with cows, pigs,goats kites etc.
912-3 - About butterflies and wind. Nature, Moldova, insect, summer, Green, macro, butterflies, wind, butterfly, flower
1061-17 - Rainbow Lorikeet Trichoglossus haematodus captive adult.Bird Paradise, Hayle, Cornwall, UK. more info: status; least concern but heavy trapping of wild birds, more than 100,000 have been traded on the international market since 1981.
1061-10 - black tailed marmoset Mico melanura. captive adult eating.La Vallee Des singes, Poitou - Charentes France. More info: status, least concern.
1061-21 - Captive Western gorilla, gorilla gorilla. Female and baby and adolescent in La Vallee Des singes, Poitou - Charentes France. More info: Status, critically endangered due to loss of habitat, hunting and infectious disease.
1061-20 - Captive Tufted Capuchin Cebus apella in La Vallee Des Singes, Poitou - Charentes France. More info: Status, least concern.
1001-31 - European oak leafroller;Green oak moth (Tortrix viridana);North West Bulgaria;Europe
1060-14 - New born baby humpback whale calf, white in colour, curious and playful. Vava'u Tonga South Pacific
1060-21 - Hammerhead shark swims by, Galapagos Islands Ecuador
1001-26 - European tree cricket (Oecanthus pellucens);North West Bulgaria;Europe;Slow shutter speed in combination with wirelessly controlled macro flash
1060-9 - Two Bottlenose Dolphins at sunset in the Azores Portugal moving in Synchronicity
1001-1 - Praying mantis (Mantis religiosa);North West Bulgaria;Europe
1001-14 - Red mite (Balaustium sp);North West Bulgaria;Europe
1001-2 - Praying mantis (Mantis religiosa);North West Bulgaria;Europe
1060-22 - Antarctic skua attacks sea gull in South Georgia
1001-11 - Convolvulus Hawk-moth (Agrius convolvuli);North West Bulgaria;Europe
1001-20 - Goldenrod crab spider (Misumena vatia);North West Bulgaria;Europe
1068-19 - Elephants and women share the same river banks to bathe and wash, Sonepur,Bihar, India
1001-19 - White Ermine (Spilosoma lubricipeda);North West Bulgaria;Europe
1001-32 - Meadow brown (Maniola jurtina);North West Bulgaria;Europe
1001-5 - Checkered beetle (Clerus mutillarius);North West Bulgaria;Europe
1001-34 - Buffalo Carpet Beetle (Anthrenus scrophulariae);North West Bulgaria;Europe
1060-34 - Leopard seal below the surface near ice, opens its mouth and blows bubbles, Antarctica
1001-13 - Red Velvet mite (Trombidium grandissimum);North West Bulgaria;Europe
1001-15 - Midge fly (Chronomidae);North West Bulgaria;Europe
1001-3 - Greenhouse whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum);North West Bulgaria;Europe
1060-15 - Humpback male and female adults courting above the shallow reef, Vava'u Tonga, South Pacific
1060-23 - King Penguins on the beach head to head, South Georgia
1060-16 - Humpback whale calf ascends to the surface for a closer view, Vava'u Tonga, South Pacific
1060-2 - Beach master, Male Elephant Seal, South Georgia patrolling the shore
1060-12 - Humpback female and her calf Vava'u Tonga in the South Pacific, shot with a fisheye lens
1001-24 - Jumping leaf beetle (Cryptocephalus sp);North West Bulgaria;Europe
1001-33 - The Map (Araschnia levana) - Summer brood;North West Bulgaria;Europe
1060-20 - Whaleshark surrounded byfish in Galapagos Islands, Ecuador
1060-33 - Group of Walrus spyhopping in the iceflow. The Arctic, Svalbard
1001-12 - The Lappet (Gastropacha quercifolia);North West Bulgaria;Europe
1060-26 - Arctic Skua surveys the pack ice for food with the surrounding mountain range in the background, Svalbard Arctic
1001-8 - Lime Hawk-moth (Mimas tiliae);North West Bulgaria;Europe
1060-30 - Small fish find shelter under a large Red Jelly Fish, Exmouth, Western Australia
1001-21 - Common Brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni);North West Bulgaria;Europe
1060-8 - This new born calf with its mother graceful glide together as the mother protects her calf and the calf learns essential behaviour to survive the open ocean. taken in Vava'u Tonga South Pacific
1001-7 - Black Scavenger Fly (Sepsidae);North West Bulgaria;Europe
1060-1 - Sally lightfoot red crabs, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador
1001-22 - Five-Spot Burnet (Zygaena trifolii);Rhodopi Mountains;Bulgaria;Europe
1001-29 - White Plume Moth (Pterophorus pentadactylus);North West Bulgaria;Europe
1001-6 - Black Scavenger Flies (Sepsidae);North West Bulgaria;Europe
1060-10 - Sperm whale juvenile shot with a fisheye n the Azores Portugal
1001-28 - Eastern festoon (Zerynthia cerisy);North West Bulgaria;Europe
1001-30 - Midge fly (Chronomidae);North West Bulgaria;Europe
1060-27 - baby Gorilla in clearing with sun piecing through the follage, Democratic republic of the Conga, Africa
1001-17 - Red eyed fruit fly (Drosophila sp);North West Bulgaria;Europe
1060-11 - Two adult Humpback whales courting, Vava'u Tonga in the South Pacific