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860-292875 - Black Grouse;Lyrurus tetrix) mating on snow in the Vaud Pre-Alps, Switzerland.
860-291925 - Black grouse (Lyrurus tetrix) fights at dawn in a peat bog, Finland
860-291642 - Black Grouse (Lyrurus tetrix) male displaying on a bog, Finland
860-287568 - Black grouse (Lyrurus tetrix) fighting in lek in a snowy bog
860-287566 - Black grouse (Lyrurus tetrix) fighting in lek in a snowy bog
860-287571 - Black grouse (Lyrurus tetrix) portrait
860-287569 - Black grouse (Lyrurus tetrix) displaying in lek in a snowy bog
860-287567 - Black grouse (Lyrurus tetrix) fighting in lek in a snowy bog
832-379381 - Black grouse, also blackgame or blackcock (Lyrurus tetrix) courting males in fighting stance, Hedmark, Norway, Europe
832-379384 - Black grouse, also blackgame or blackcock (Lyrurus tetrix) courting male, Hedmark, Norway, Europe
832-379383 - Black grouse, also blackgame or blackcock (Lyrurus tetrix), male taking flight, Hedmark, Norway, Europe
832-379382 - Black grouse, also blackgame or blackcock (Lyrurus tetrix) courting male, Hedmark, Norway, Europe
832-379385 - Black grouse, also blackgame or blackcock (Lyrurus tetrix) courting male, Hedmark, Norway, Europe
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