Robert Harding

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832-330433 - The bull of the Bull and Bear in front of the brightly lit Frankfurt Stock Exchange at night, illuminated by multicoloured spotlights for the Luminale, biannual lighting festival in Frankfurt, Germany
832-260821 - Promenade in front of the former maritime trade stock exchange, Sa Llotja, facade in the Catalonian Gothic style, now used for artistic and cultural exhibitions, historic city centre, Ciutat Antiga, Palma de Mallorca, Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain, Eu
832-260798 - Terrace with sun shades in front of the medieval entrance portal of Sa Llotja, former maritime trade stock exchange, used today for exhibitions of art and culture, facade in the Catalonian gothic style, historic city centre, Ciutat Antiga, Palma de Mallor
1196-227 - Wearing tree bark cloth masks and skirts, dancers representing fish spirits are invited during the season of the peach palm harvest to drink the juice. it is a feast and ritual exchange: the host group offers the spirits large quantities of peach palm juice, smoked meat and fish, and shaman-blessed coca and snuff. the visitors are the costumed dancers impersonating animal spirits. people eat the meat and fish, animal spirits receive the fruits of peach palm, which are cultivated, harvested, and processed by humans. this exchange expresses the idea that people and animals depend on each other for survival and reproduction. vaupes basin, eastern colombia amazon, population: 600
808-144 - Statue of George Washington in front of Federal Hall, Wall Street, with the New York Stock Exchange behind, Manhattan, New York City, New York, United States of America, North America
808-143 - Statue of George Washington in front of the Federal Building and the New York Stock Exchange, Wall Street, Manhattan, New York City, New York, United States of America, North America
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