Recent searches
1387-98 - Amberjack (Seriola rivoliana) caught by a fisherman off the island of Yap, Micronesia, Pacific
759-13337 - Giant Trevally with hook, Caranx ignobilis, Christmas Island, Australia
1178-42498 - Retro fishing lures against yellow background
1178-41359 - Fishing lures and fishing rod on tree stump
746-90314 - Fisherman on the sea ice of a fjord using a longline, species is Sebastes Norvegicus. Fishery during winter near Uummannaq in northern Westgreenland beyond the arctic circle. North America, Greenland, Danish territory
860-288847 - Blue shark (Prionace glauca) with fishing hook and Pilot fish (Naucrates ductor), Pico Island, Azores, Portugal, Atlantic Ocean
1178-30276 - Vintage fishing lures on blue background
1178-30263 - Arranged group of vintage fishing lures on yellow background
1116-44930 - Arctic Grayling (Thymallus Arcticus) Underwater With Hook In Mouth, United States Of America
1116-44723 - Blue Fin Tuna Hanging From The Boat Off The Coast Of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, United States Of America
1116-43385 - Fisherman Holding A Fresh Caught Jackfish Tuna, Tahiti
1116-43830 - Landscape From Villages Around Xiapu City, Famous Place For Chinese Traditional Fishing, Xiapu, Fujian, China
857-91093 - Sept 24, 2008 20 miles offshore of Morro Bay California. Captain Bill Blue fishing for Sable Fish or "Black Cod" off the coast of Big Sur California using the "hook and line", or "long-line" method. A new wave in sustainable commercial fishing is pushing fisherman to switch from higher impact methods of harvesting fish like trawling- to hook and line or long line harvest, United States of America
857-91102 - Sept 26, 2008 Fishing offshore, Big Sur California on the MV Nikki J using the "hook and line", or "long-line" method of sustainable fishing. Crew: David Anderson & Brian Long Fishing for Black Gill Rock Fish and Sable Fish or "Black Cod". A new wave in sustainable commercial fishing is pushing fisherman to switch from higher impact methods of harvesting fish like trawling- to hook and line or long line harvest, United States of America
857-91094 - Sept 24, 2008 20 miles offshore of Morro Bay California. Captain Bill Blue fishing for Sable Fish or "Black Cod" off the coast of Big Sur California using the "hook and line", or "long-line" method. A new wave in sustainable commercial fishing is pushing fisherman to switch from higher impact methods of harvesting fish like trawling- to hook and line or long line harvest, United States of America
857-91098 - Sept 24, 2008 20 miles offshore of Morro Bay California. Captain Bill Blue fishing for Black Gill Rock Fish off the coast of Big Sur California using the "hook and line", or "long-line" method. A new wave in sustainable commercial fishing is pushing fisherman to switch from higher impact methods of harvesting fish like trawling- to hook and line or long line harvest, United States of America
857-91090 - Sept 24, 2008 20 miles offshore of Morro Bay California. Captain Bill Blue fishing for Sable Fish or "Black Cod" off the coast of Big Sur California using the "hook and line", or "long-line" method. A new wave in sustainable commercial fishing is pushing fisherman to switch from higher impact methods of harvesting fish like trawling- to hook and line or long line harvest, United States of America
857-91048 - August 18, 08 A Coho salmon is caught off the coast of Prince of Whales Island Alaska. Trolling for salmon is considered the "high-end" fishery because the way they catch is not harmful to the fish, in fact any by-catch or non-keeper salmon can be tossed back with little damage to the fish. So since the fish are in such good shape when caught, on individual hooks on long lines, they can be brought in and prepared or dressed (gutted and bled) and then iced within minutes and then within hours are on the troll tender that fillets and vacume pacs and then flash freezes them, so that most of the fresh caught fish for pricier consumption is troller caught, United States of America
857-91095 - Sept 24, 2008 20 miles offshore of Morro Bay California. Captain Bill Blue fishing for Sable Fish or "Black Cod" off the coast of Big Sur California using the "hook and line", or "long-line" method. A new wave in sustainable commercial fishing is pushing fisherman to switch from higher impact methods of harvesting fish like trawling- to hook and line or long line harvest, United States of America
857-91092 - Sept 24, 2008 20 miles offshore of Morro Bay California. Captain Bill Blue fishing for Black Gill Rock Fish off the coast of Big Sur California using the "hook and line", or "long-line" method. A new wave in sustainable commercial fishing is pushing fisherman to switch from higher impact methods of harvesting fish like trawling- to hook and line or long line harvest, United States of America
857-91101 - Sept 25, 2008 On docks of Morro Bay California fisherman Dave Rose at his processing wharf unloading his catch of Black Gill Rock Fish, caught on sustainable long-lines. A new wave in sustainable commercial fishing is pushing fisherman to switch from higher impact methods of harvesting fish like trawling- to hook and line or long line harvest, United States of America
857-91097 - Sept 24, 2008 20 miles offshore of Morro Bay California. Captain Bill Blue fishing for Black Gill Rock Fish off the coast of Big Sur California using the "hook and line", or "long-line" method. A new wave in sustainable commercial fishing is pushing fisherman to switch from higher impact methods of harvesting fish like trawling- to hook and line or long line harvest, United States of America
857-91096 - Sept 24, 2008 20 miles offshore of Morro Bay California. Captain Bill Blue fishing for Sable Fish or "Black Cod" off the coast of Big Sur California using the "hook and line", or "long-line" method. A new wave in sustainable commercial fishing is pushing fisherman to switch from higher impact methods of harvesting fish like trawling- to hook and line or long line harvest, United States of America
857-91105 - Sept 26, 2008 Fishing offshore, Big Sur California on the MV Nikki J using the "hook and line", or "long-line" method of sustainable fishing. Crew member David Anderson hauls in a Sable Fish or "Black Cod". A new wave in sustainable commercial fishing is pushing fisherman to switch from higher impact methods of harvesting fish like trawling- to hook and line or long line harvest, United States of America
857-91103 - Sept 26, 2008 Fishing offshore, Big Sur California on the MV Nikki J using the "hook and line", or "long-line" method of sustainable fishing. Captain Dave Rose (L) and his crew David Anderson reel in a Sable Fish or "Black Cod". A new wave in sustainable commercial fishing is pushing fisherman to switch from higher impact methods of harvesting fish like trawling- to hook and line or long line harvest, United States of America
857-91100 - Sept 24, 2008 20 miles offshore of Morro Bay California. Captain Bill Blue fishing for Black Gill Rock Fish off the coast of Big Sur California using the "hook and line", or "long-line" method. A new wave in sustainable commercial fishing is pushing fisherman to switch from higher impact methods of harvesting fish like trawling- to hook and line or long line harvest, United States of America
857-91099 - Sept 24, 2008 20 miles offshore of Morro Bay California. Captain Bill Blue fishing for Black Gill Rock Fish off the coast of Big Sur California using the "hook and line", or "long-line" method. A new wave in sustainable commercial fishing is pushing fisherman to switch from higher impact methods of harvesting fish like trawling- to hook and line or long line harvest, United States of America
857-91091 - Sept 24, 2008 20 miles offshore of Morro Bay California. Captain Bill Blue fishing for Black Gill Rock Fish off the coast of Big Sur California using the "hook and line", or "long-line" method. A new wave in sustainable commercial fishing is pushing fisherman to switch from higher impact methods of harvesting fish like trawling- to hook and line or long line harvest, United States of America
857-86540 - Fisherman by a creek selecting the right fly to snag the next fish, Colorado, USA
832-375053 - Night fishing on a squid, Japanese common squid or Japanese flying squid (Todarodes pacificus), Japan sea, Far East, Primorsky Krai, Russia
832-339326 - Fishing hook snatching money out of the pocket of a pair of jeans
832-269036 - Fishermen's catch, trophy Lake Trout (Salvelinus namaycush), fishing rod, fishing reel, Big Salmon Lake, Yukon Territory, Canada, North America
1113-72716 - Fly Fishing Tackle Box, Lough Inagh Fishery Near Recess, Connemara, County Galway, Ireland
857-22408 - Long line fishing, handlining and measuring tagged cod off the coast of Chatham MA. The Cape Cod Commercial Hook Fishermen's Association is an organization of fishermen commited to practicing, researching, and lobbying for sustainable commercial fishing practices within the US fisheries. May 2003 cover story for US News & World Report
979-2106 - Yellow-footed Gull (Larus livens) with a fishing hook and line embedded in its leg in the Gulf of California (Sea of Cortez), Mexico. This species is enedemic to the Gulf of California.
979-2758 - Northern (Steller) sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) colony on sail rock in Frederick Sound, southeastern Alaska
979-2119 - A Mexican fisherman holds up a Jumbo Squid (Dosidicus gigas - also called the Humbolt squid) hand caught at night off the Baja Peninsula, in Santa Rosalia, Baja, Mexico
979-1954 - Yellow-footed Gull (Larus livens) with a fishing hook and line embedded in its leg in the Gulf of California (Sea of Cortez), Mexico. This species is enedemic to the Gulf of California.
979-7903 - Green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) at cleaning station (note fishing hook embedded in mouth) at Olowalu Reef on the west side of the island of Maui, Hawaii, USA
979-1968 - Adult female eider duck (Somateria mollissima) in breeding plumage in the Svalbard Archipelago in the Barents Sea, Norway. Note the fishing hook in this animals beak.
920-1894 - Piranha (Pygocentrus nattereri), a carnivorous fish, caught on a line, southern Pantanal, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, South America
920-1893 - Piranha (Pygocentrus nattereri), a carnivorous fish, caught on a line, southern Pantanal, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, South America
920-1500 - Skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) hooked on fishing line, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, United States of America, North America
920-1502 - Skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) hooked on fishing line, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, United States of America, North America
920-1501 - Skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) hooked on fishing line, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, United States of America, North America
920-1456 - Grey reef shark (Carcharhinus amblyrhinchos) being hooked with long line, Rongelap, Marshall Islands, Pacific
920-1009 - Fisherman pulls skipjack tuna hooked in fishing line, Katsuwonus pelamis, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, United States of America, Pacific
920-1010 - Skipjack tuna hooked in fishing line, Katsuwonus pelamis, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, United States of America, Pacific
911-247 - An Inuit man baiting lines for catching Greenland halibut, Ilulissat, Greenland, Polar Regions
911-246 - Baited lines for catching Greenland Halibut, Ilulissat in Greenland, Polar Regions
911-244 - An Inuit man baiting lines for catching Greenland halibut, Ilulissat, Greenland, Polar Regions
759-6022 - Veined Kalmar on Fish Hook , Loligo forbesi, Azores, Atlantic Ocean, Portugal
759-6020 - Veined Kalmar on Fish Hook , Loligo forbesi, Azores, Atlantic Ocean, Portugal
724-411 - Fish hanging from hook, northeast coast, island of Praslin, Seychelles, Indian Ocean, Africa
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