796-2731 - Khobz bread vendor in the main produce market in Place Petit Socco district (Souk Dakhel), old Medina, Tangier, Morocco, North Africa, Africa
1113-68060 - Nippes Kulturrevolution, Mao Figuren, Nippes, Kitsch, Nostalgie, Ikone, Kulturrevolution, Viererbande, Gang of Four, Erniedrigung des Klassenfeindes, Politische Opfer, Propaganda, Diktator, Porzellan, china ware, Keramik, Bronze, Cultural Revolution, political victim, prisoner, Rote Garde, Red Guard, Souvenir, aus: "Mythos Shanghai", Shanghai, Sachbuch, Bildband, Fotos Karl Johaentges, Text Erich Follath, Verlag, Collection Rolf Heyne, 2005