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1350-122 - A composite of the August 21, 2017 total eclipse of the Sun, showing the second and third contact diamond rings and Baily's Beads at the start (left) and end (right) of totality, flanking a composite image of totality itself. The diamond ring and Baily's Beads images are single images.
832-388807 - Man, athletics, long jump series, Germany, Europe
832-383800 - Cutting a wooden block using a band saw, wooden mask carver, Bad Aussee, Styria, Austria, Europe
832-383801 - Wooden mask carver cutting a wooden block using a band saw, Bad Aussee, Styria, Austria, Europe
832-383803 - Drawing the outline of a face on a wooden block, wooden mask carver, Bad Aussee, Styria, Austria, Europe
832-383806 - Carving the face of a wooden mask into wooden block using wood carving tools, wooden mask carver, Bad Aussee, Styria, Austria, Europe
832-383802 - Carving a wooden block, shaping a face, wooden mask carver, Bad Aussee, Styria, Austria, Europe
832-383807 - Carving the mouth of a wooden mask using wood carving tools, wooden mask carver, Bad Aussee, Styria, Austria, Europe
832-383804 - Wooden mask carver using wood carving tools on a wooden block, wooden mask, Bad Aussee, Styria, Austria, Europe
832-383805 - Wooden mask carver using wood carving tools on a wooden block, wooden mask carver, workbench, Bad Aussee, Styria, Austria, Europe
832-383810 - Sanding the face of a wooden mask, wooden mask carver, Bad Aussee, Styria, Austria, Europe
832-383808 - Wooden mask carver using wood carving tools at workbench in workshop, Bad Aussee, Styria, Austria, Europe
832-383809 - Carving the backside of a wooden mask using wood carving tools, wooden mask carver, Bad Aussee, Styria, Austria, Europe
832-383811 - Painting the face of a wooden mask with a paintbrush, on a workbench, wooden mask carver, Bad Aussee, Styria, Austria, Europe
832-383812 - Wooden mask carver in a window, framed by painted wooden masks, wooden mask carving workshop, Bad Aussee, Styria, Austria, Europe
985-11 - Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) breaching with long, white pectoral fin visible. Hawaii, USA. (See also image: ...1025MW)
979-5327 - Views at night of downtown Seattle, Washington State, USA. Pacific Ocean. No model or property releases are available for this image.
979-5326 - Views at night of downtown Seattle, Washington State, USA. Pacific Ocean. No model or property releases are available for this image.
979-5329 - Views at night of downtown Seattle, Washington State, USA. Pacific Ocean. No model or property releases are available for this image.
979-5330 - Views at night of downtown Seattle, Washington State, USA. Pacific Ocean. No model or property releases are available for this image.
979-5328 - Views at night of downtown Seattle, Washington State, USA. Pacific Ocean. No model or property releases are available for this image.
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