832-389388 - Man on a hill in a black lava field with green moss stretching hands into the dramatic sky, Leihrnjukur in the Krafla, Skutustaoir, Norourland eystra, Iceland, Europe
832-389377 - Road in the evening light runs through vuclan plateau with lava rock in the Krafla, Myvatn region, Skutustaoir, Norourland eystra, Iceland, Europe
857-95803 - A young woman dressed in black and wearing boots walks along the ridge of the Hverfjall crater with steam rising in the volcanic background.
857-95805 - A blue coloured boiling hot mud pool emanates steam as the sunset colours the sky orange, in Hverarâândor Hverir Geothermal Area at Namaskard Pass, North Iceland.
832-380805 - Woman standing at divergent tectonic boundary between North American and Eurasian plates, photographing, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, rift valley, Krafla, Myvatn, Northern Region, Iceland, Europe
746-88316 - Geothermal area Hveraroend near lake Myvatn and the ring road during winter with mud pools , fumaroles and solfataras. europe, northern europe, scandinavia, iceland, February
746-88258 - Geothermal area Hveraroend with mudpots, fumarales and solfataras near lake Myvatn and the ring road. europe, northern europe, iceland, February
746-88256 - Geothermal power plant Kroefluvirkjun near the vulcano Krafla and lake Myvatn in the snowy highlands of wintery Iceland. europe, northern europe, iceland, February
746-88257 - Geothermal power plant Kroefluvirkjun near the vulcano Krafla and lake Myvatn in the snowy highlands of wintery Iceland. europe, northern europe, iceland, February
746-88315 - Geothermal area Hveraroend near lake Myvatn and the ring road during winter with mud pools , fumaroles and solfataras. europe, northern europe, scandinavia, iceland, February
746-88317 - Geothermal area Hveraroend near lake Myvatn and the ring road during winter with mud pools , fumaroles and solfataras. europe, northern europe, scandinavia, iceland, February
975-290 - Krafla Geothermal Power Station, the largest in Iceland with a distinctive cooling tower reminiscent of a cheese grater, Krafla, Iceland, Polar Regions
911-6897 - Three forms of renewable energy on one site, wind power, solar power and geothermal at a fresh lava flow that erupted during the Krafla fires at Leirhnjukur near Myvatn, during the 1970s and 80s, Iceland, Polar Regions
911-6878 - Part of the plant that removes water from the geothermal steam, before it is fed into the steam turbines at Krafla geothermal power station, Iceland, Polar Regions
911-6877 - Part of the plant that removes water from the geothermal steam, before it is fed into the steam turbines at Krafla geothermal power station, Iceland, Polar Regions