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1387-767 - Anker's whip coral shrimp (Pontonides ankeri) strolls along a whip coral in Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-766 - A bright orange emperor shrimp (Periclimenes imperator) sits on top of a nudibranch, Lembeh Strait, North Sulawesi, Indonesia.
1387-765 - Red sawblade shrimp (Tozeuma armatum), Lembeh Strait, North Sulawesi, Indonesia.
1387-520 - Flamboyant cuttlefish embryos, Metasepia pfefferi, wait to hatch from their eggs on the sandy seafloor in Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-519 - Flamboyant cuttlefish embryos, Metasepia pfefferi, wait to hatch from their eggs on the sandy seafloor in Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-517 - A colorful flamboyant cuttlefish, Metasepia pfefferi, crawls across the sandy seafloor in Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-516 - A velvetfish, Paraploactis sp., waits for prey to swim by in Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-514 - A well-camouflaged Mototi octopus, Octopus sp., hides in plain view on the sandy seafloor in Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-512 - A unidentified juvenile lionfish hovers above the seafloor in Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-513 - A bigfin reef squid, Sepioteuthis lessoniana, hovers midwater in Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-511 - A hairy frogfish, Antennarius striatus, lies on the dark, sandy seafloor in Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-508 - A bleached magnificent sea anemone is found on a reef off the coast of Sulawesi in Indonesia. Bleaching is usually associated with higher than normal sea temperatures.
1387-505 - Detail of a sponge growing on a reef in Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-497 - A Wonderpus, Wunderpus photogenicus, hunts for prey on the sandy seafloor in Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-396 - A porcelain crab sits on its host anemone in Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-395 - Detail of the mouth on a mushroom coral (Fungia sp.) in Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-394 - Detail of a warty starfish on the seafloor of Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-392 - A fire worm crawls across the seafloor of Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-393 - Abstract of the tentacles on a bulbed-anemone (Entacmaea quadricolor) in Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-391 - A ribbon eel opens its jaws in Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-389 - Detail of an anchor coral (Euphyllia ancora) growing in Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-387 - Detail of the polyps of a Goniopora coral growing in Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-386 - A harlequin swimming crab (Lissocarcinus laevis) sits on the seafloor of Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-385 - Unidentified mollusk eggs lay on the seafloor of Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-384 - Detail of an encrusting sponge growing in Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-383 - Abstract of the mouth of a Trachyphyllia coral growing in Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-380 - A colorful bouquet of tunicates grows on the seafloor of Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-379 - A colorful bouquet of tunicates grows on the seafloor of Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-377 - A pair of harlequin shrimp (Hymenocera elegans) lie in a small recess on the seafloor of Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-374 - A juvenile many-spotted sweetlips (Plectorhinchus chaetodonoides) feeds on a small fish near the seafloor in Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-373 - A coconut octopus (Amphioctopus marginatus) clings to shells on the seafloor in Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-372 - A young painted frogfish (Antennarius pictus) sits on the volcanic seafloor of Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-371 - A coconut octopus (Amphioctopus marginatus) clings to shells on the seafloor in Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-369 - A colorful scorpionfish waits to ambush prey on the seafloor of Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-368 - A beautiful nudibranch (Glossodoris rufomarginata) crawls across the black sand seafloor in Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-367 - A beautiful nudibranch (Halgerda batangas) crawls across the black sand seafloor in Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-366 - A beautiful nudibranch (Glossodoris cincta) crawls on the black sand seafloor in Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-365 - A baby broadclub cuttlefish (Sepia latimanus) hovers in Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-362 - Saddleback anemonefish embryos develop on the seafloor of Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-361 - A shortfin lionfish (Dendrochirus brachypterus) waits for prey on the seafloor of Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-360 - Detail of the eye on a blacksaddle snake eel (Ophichthus cephalozona) in Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-244 - A hairy frogfish (Antennarius striatus) uses its incredible camouflage to successfully capture prey in Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-219 - Vibrant soft coral colonies grow on a reef dropoff in Lembeh Strait, Indonesia. This area is known for its spectacular marine biodiversity.
1387-218 - A pair of colorful tunicates grows on a reef in Lembeh Strait, Indonesia. This is a filter-feeding organism.
1387-217 - A Clark's anemonefish (Amphiprion clarkii) snuggles amongst its host's tentacles on a reef in Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-198 - A thorny seahorse (Hippocampus histrix) uses effective camouflage to blend into its surroundings on the seafloor of Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-197 - A Clark's anemonefish (Amphiprion clarkii) snuggles amongst its host's tentacles on a reef in Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-189 - A beautiful nudibranch (Halgerda batangas) crawls on the sandy seafloor of Lembeh Strait, Indonesia. Lembeh Strait is known for its diverse array of bizarre marine organisms.
1387-169 - Bigfin reef squid (Sepioteuthis lessoniana) tending eggs which have been laid along a buoy line, taken at dusk, Lembeh Strait, Indonesia, Southeast Asia, Asia
1387-167 - A Coconut Octopus (Amphioctopus marginatus), a species that gathers coconut and mollusk shells for shelter, Lembeh Strait, Sulawesi, Indonesia, Southeast Asia, Asia
1387-168 - A juvenile hairy frogfish (Antennarius striatus) of approximately 5mm long, Lembeh Strait, Indonesia, Southeast Asia, Asia
1387-166 - A Coconut Octopus (Amphioctopus marginatus), a species that gathers coconut and mollusk shells for shelter, Lembeh Strait, Sulawesi, Indonesia, Southeast Asia, Asia
1387-163 - Bigfin reef squid (Sepioteuthis lessoniana), tending eggs which have been laid along a buoy line, taken at dusk, Lembeh Strait, Indonesia, Southeast Asia, Asia
1387-162 - Bigfin reef squid (Sepioteuthis lessoniana), tending eggs which have been laid along a buoy line, taken at dusk, Lembeh Strait, Indonesia, Southeast Asia, Asia
1387-161 - A Coconut Octopus (Amphioctopus marginatus), a species that gathers coconut and mollusk shells for shelter, Lembeh Strait, Sulawesi, Indonesia, Southeast Asia, Asia
1387-160 - A Coconut Octopus (Amphioctopus marginatus), a species that gathers coconut and mollusk shells for shelter, Lembeh Strait, Sulawesi, Indonesia, Southeast Asia, Asia
860-291921 - Juvenile Taylor's Inflator Filefish (Brachaluteres taylori), Jadi-Jadi dive site, Lembeh Straits, Sulawesi, Indonesia
860-291920 - Clark's Anemonefish (Amphiprion clarkii), Makawide Slope dive site, Lembeh Straits, Sulawesi, Indonesia
860-291641 - Poison Ocellate Octopus (Octopus mototi) on blue fabric, TK3 dive site, Lembeh Straits, Sulawesi, Indonesia
1350-3540 - Stargazer portrait, Uranoscopus sp., Lembeh Strait, Bitung, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean
1350-3530 - A school of striped catfish, Plotosus lineatus, Lembeh Strait, Bitung, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean
1350-3536 - Mimic Octopus, Thaumoctopus mimicus, Lembeh Strait, Bitung, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean
1350-3544 - Three people jump into the water at the same time, Bunaken National Park, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean
1350-3526 - A diver interacts with a cuttlefish, Sepia sp., Lembeh Strait, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean
1350-3537 - Hairy Striated Frogfish, Antennarius striatus, Lembeh Strait, Bitung, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean
1350-3505 - Backlit soft coral, Dendronephthya sp., Lembeh Strait, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean
1350-3524 - Blue ring octopus displaying rings, Hapalochlaena sp., Lembeh Strait, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean
1350-3538 - Hairy Striated Frogfish, Antennarius striatus, Lembeh Strait, Bitung, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean
1350-3532 - Zebra lionfish, Dendrochirus zebra, Lembeh Strait, Bitung, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean
1350-3520 - A false clown anemonefish, Amphiprion ocellaris, with a parasitic isopod, Cymathoa exigua, inside its mouth, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean
1350-3550 - Split shot or over under of a shallow reef with a variety of table, leather, and staghorn corals, Acropora sp., Porites sp., Litophyton sp., sarcophyton sp., and the island of Bunaken, Bunaken Marine Park, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean
1350-3533 - Estuary stonefish pair, Synanceia horrida, Lembeh Strait, Bitung, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean
1350-3539 - A plastic bag floats across the reef, Lembeh Strait, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean
1350-3535 - Bigeye conger blending in with sponge field, Ariosoma anagoides, Lembeh Strait, Bitung, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean
1350-3557 - False clown anemonefish, Amphiprion ocellaris, in a magnificent anemone, Heteractis magnifica, Lembeh Strait, Bitung, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean
1350-3525 - Shorthead fangblenny, Petroscirtes breviceps, in a bottle, Lembeh Strait, Bitung, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean
1350-3541 - Bamboo Fish Trap, Lembeh Strait, Bitung, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean
1350-3523 - Cuttlefish in the spotlight, Sepia sp., Lembeh Strait, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean
1350-3531 - Wonderpus or Wunderpus on the sand, Wunderpus photogenicus, Lembeh Strait, Bitung, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean
1350-3517 - Four lobed porcelain crab in seapen, Lissoporcellana quadrilobata, Lembeh Strait, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean
1350-3521 - Portrait of a snakefish, Trachinocephalus myops, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean
1350-3512 - Painted Frogfish, Antennarius pictus, Lembeh Strait, Bitung, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean
860-283151 - Pygmy Seahorse- Lembeh Strait Indonesia
860-282480 - Stargazer portrait, Lembeh Strait Indonesia
860-282483 - Emperor Shrimp on Nudibranch, Lembeh Strait Indonesia
860-282481 - False clown anemonefish, Lembeh Strait Indonesia
860-282479 - Hairy Striated Frogfish, Lembeh Strait Indonesia
1113-34253 - Impressions of Lembeh Strait, Lembeh Strait, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
908-34 - Black finned snake eel (Ophictus Melanochir) with short hand commensal shrimp (Palaemonidae).
Lembeh Straits, Indonesia.
1012-120 - Coconut or Margined Octopus (Octopus marginatus) hiding in Paint Can. This animal often hides in the husk of coconut, and also in 1/2 shells (like clams) when young. Lembeh Strait, Sulawesi, Indonesia. (rr)
1012-119 - Cockatoo Flounder (Samaris cristata) flicks out its long filament dorsal rays, when disturbed or alarmed. Lembeh Strait, Sulawesi, Indonesia
1012-150 - Moon-faced Euselenops (Euselenops luniceps) mating. Lembeh Strait, Sulawesi, Indonesia
1012-187 - Commensal Shrimp (Urocaridella sp) sitting on Giant Mantis Shrimp (Lysiosquillino sp.). Lembeh Strait, Sulawesi, Indonesia
1012-164 - Lacy or Merlot Scorpion Fish (Rhinopias aphanes). Lembeh Strait, Sulawesi, Indonesia
1012-177 - Shaded Batfish juvenile (Platax pinnatus) and Dendronephthya Soft Coral. Lembeh Strait, Sulawesi, Indonesia
1012-153 - New Species of "Hiary Octopus" (Octopus sp.). Lembeh Strait, Sulawesi, Indonesia
1012-152 - New species of 'Hairy Octopus' (Octopus sp.). Lembeh Strait, Sulawesi, Indonesia
1012-121 - Coleman Shrimp (Periclimenes Colemani) Zebra or Urchin Crab (Zebrida adamssi) on Fire Urchin (Asthenosoma varium). Lembeh Strait, Sulawesi, Indonesia
1012-203 - Wunderpus (Wunderpus photogenicus) showing off its bands to scare off predator (or diver). Lembeh Strait, Sulawesi, Indonesia
1012-204 - Xeno or Black Coral Crab, (Xenocarcinus conicus) on Sea Fan. Lembeh Strait, Sulawesi, Indonesia