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860-292753 - Yellow scroll coral, coral lettuce;Turbinaria reniformis). Coral reef. Ras Muhammad National Park;Sharm Al Sheikh - Raas Mohammed) and Tiran Strait. Red Sea, Egypt.
860-292751 - Yellow scroll coral, coral lettuce;Turbinaria reniformis). Coral reef. Ras Muhammad National Park;Sharm Al Sheikh - Raas Mohammed) and Tiran Strait. Red Sea, Egypt.
860-292749 - Yellow scroll coral, coral lettuce;Turbinaria reniformis). Coral reef. Ras Muhammad National Park;Sharm Al Sheikh - Raas Mohammed) and Tiran Strait. Red Sea, Egypt.
860-292680 - Blue-green damselfish (Chromis viridis) in a coral colony bleached by the El Nino 2024 phenomenon. If bleaching lasts too long, the coral colony will die, taking with it the habitat of these magnificent little tropical fish. Mayotte
860-292677 - Reef resilience: a perfectly healthy coral ball after the bleaching episode of April 2024. The damselfish hotel withstood the heat in less than 3 meters of water. S-shaped pass, Mayotte
860-292676 - Reef resilience: a perfectly healthy coral ball after the bleaching episode of April 2024. The damselfish hotel withstood the heat in less than 3 meters of water. S-shaped pass, Mayotte
860-291991 - Fluorescent coral mushroom. Fluorescent coral (Fungiidae sp) attracting its prey in the dark of night, Mayotte
860-291480 - Magic coral. An explosion of life and biodiversity concentrated around this coral patch not far from the islet M'Tsamboro. Mayotte
860-290064 - Coral reef in the lagoon in Mayotte. A week end in Mayotte, along the S pass to admire the reef and the magnificent corals that compose it.
860-290378 - Orange Coral (Dendrophyllia Ramea). Marine invertebrate, cnidarian. Tenerife, the seabed of the Canary Islands.
860-289824 - Corals on a reef in the S-shaped channel during a high low tide, Mayotte
860-288999 - Staghorn Coral (Acropora sp) on reef, Raja Ampat, Indonesia
860-287241 - Red-Spotted Guard Crab (Trapezia tigrina) female with eggs, sheltered in a branchy coral, Mayotte
860-286856 - Colony of Sea Goldies (Pseudanthias squamipinnis) near its coral head, Mayotte, Indian Ocean
860-282431 - Hard coral garden on reef, Moluccus Banda Sea Indonesia
860-282484 - Diver and Boat above reef, Bunaken NP Indonesia
860-282712 - Acropora coral with Whitetip reef shark, Fiji
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