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1366-1007 - Loreto, Baja California Sur, Mexico. November 17, 2021. A colorful mural of a whale with a baby by Uli Martinez.
860-291260 - Coyote (Canis latrans) lying in snow, Yellowstone National park, USA
860-291269 - Sand dune at night, Merzouga, Morocco, Sahara desert
860-291258 - Volcán de Fuego (Volcano of fire) eruption at night, Sierra Madre de Chiapas, Guatemala. Awarded image, Asferico 2022 competition
860-291256 - Volcán de Fuego (Volcano of fire) eruption at night, Sierra Madre de Chiapas, Guatemala.
860-291266 - American Bison (Bison bison) in snow in winter, Yellowstone National park, USA
860-291252 - Northern goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) on a stump in hiver, Bialowieza, Poland
860-291265 - American Bison (Bison bison) walking in snow in winter, Yellowstone National park, USA
860-291263 - Coyote (Canis latrans) walking in snow, Yellowstone National park, USA
860-291268 - Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica) males fighting on rock, Guadarrama National Park, Spain
860-291270 - Hayma camp at night, Merzouga, Morocco, Sahara desert
860-291253 - Volcán de Fuego (Volcano of fire) eruption at night, Sierra Madre de Chiapas, Guatemala. 1st place, landscape category, Fotonoja 2022.
860-291254 - Volcán de Fuego (Volcano of fire) eruption at night, Sierra Madre de Chiapas, Guatemala.
860-291259 - Portrait of Coyote (Canis latrans) in snow, Yellowstone National park, USA
860-291262 - American Bison (Bison bison) in snow in winter, Yellowstone National park, USA
860-291271 - Sand dunes, Merzouga, Morocco, Sahara desert
860-291257 - Volcán de Fuego (Volcano of fire) eruption, Sierra Madre de Chiapas, Guatemala
860-291267 - Coyote (Canis latrans) in the snow in front of wapitis (Cervus candandensis), Grand Teton National Park, USA
860-291251 - Northern goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) on a stump in hiver, Bialowieza, Poland
860-291272 - Sand dunes, Merzouga, Morocco, Sahara desert
860-291261 - American Bison (Bison bison) in snow in winter, Yellowstone National park, USA
860-291264 - American Bison (Bison bison) in snow in winter, Yellowstone National park, USA
860-291255 - Volcán de Fuego (Volcano of fire) eruption at night, Sierra Madre de Chiapas, Guatemala.
1178-40818 - Smiling Mixed Race man running on footbridge
1178-40816 - Smiling Mixed Race man running in field
1178-40814 - Mixed Race man wearing hoody texting on cell phone
1178-40815 - Mixed Race man running at top of curving footbridge
1178-40817 - Mixed Race man jumping near railing on footbridge
860-290004 - Red squirrel on a branch, Sciurus vulgaris. Kaamanen, Finland
860-289718 - Beech marten (Martes foina) at the water's edge, Extremadura, Spain
860-289722 - Beech marten (Martes foina) at the water's edge, Extremadura, Spain
860-289728 - Common genet (Genetta genetta) drinking at the water's edge, Extremadura, Spain
860-289714 - Great egret (Egretta alba) in the water, mouth of the Rio Dulce, Gulf of Honduras, Livingston, Guatemala.
860-289700 - Eurasian golden jackal (Canis aureus moreoticus) threating, Danube delta, Romania
860-290002 - Northern hawk-owl on a branch, Surnia ulula. Tanabru, Norway
860-289699 - Brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis) fishing, Cayo LImon, Gulf of Honduras, Belize
860-289707 - Great egret (Egretta alba) in flight, Gulf of Honduras, Livingston, Guatemala.
860-290008 - King eider in flight, Somateria spectabilis. Batsfiord, Norway
860-289697 - Magnificent frigatebird (Fregata magnificens) in flight, Cayo LImon, Gulf of Honduras, Belize
860-289713 - Great egret (Egretta alba) in the water, mouth of the Rio Dulce, Gulf of Honduras, Livingston, Guatemala.
860-289702 - Magnificent frigatebird (Fregata magnificens) in flight, Gulf of Honduras, Livingston, Guatemala
860-289717 - Great egret (Egretta alba) in the bank of the Rio Dulce, Guatemala.
860-289696 - Magnificent frigatebird (Fregata magnificens) in flight, Cayo LImon, Gulf of Honduras, Belize
860-289694 - Brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis) in flight, Cayo LImon, Gulf of Honduras, Belize
860-289710 - Common genet (Genetta genetta) at the waters' edge, Extremadura, Spain
860-290009 - King eider in flight, Somateria spectabilis. Batsfiord, Norway
860-289716 - Brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis) on the water, mouth of the Rio Dulce, Gulf of Honduras, Livingston, Guatemala
860-289698 - Magnificent frigatebird (Fregata magnificens) in flight, Cayo LImon, Gulf of Honduras, Belize
860-289695 - Magnificent frigatebird (Fregata magnificens) in flight, Cayo LImon, Gulf of Honduras, Belize
860-289723 - Beech marten (Martes foina) at the water's edge, Extremadura, Spain
860-290001 - Northern hawk-owl on a branch, Surnia ulula. Tanabru, Norway
860-289701 - Eurasian golden jackal (Canis aureus moreoticus) threating, Danube delta, Romania
860-289705 - Eurasian golden jackal (Canis aureus moreoticus) fighting, Danube delta, Romania
860-289725 - Beech marten (Martes foina) at the water's edge, Extremadura, Spain
860-290005 - Red squirrel in snow, Sciurus vulgaris. Kaamanen, Finland
860-289715 - Brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis) in flight, Gulf of Honduras, Livingston, Guatemala
860-289693 - Eurasian golden jackal (Canis aureus moreoticus) sitting, Danube delta, Romania
860-290003 - Northern hawk-owl on a branch, Surnia ulula. Tanabru, Norway
860-289709 - Common genet (Genetta genetta) at the waters' edge, Extremadura, Spain
860-289708 - Common genet (Genetta genetta) on a stump, Extremadura, Spain
860-289721 - Beech marten, Martes foina. Extremadura (Spain)
860-289720 - Beech marten (Martes foina) at the water's edge, Extremadura, Spain
860-289712 - Great egret (Egretta alba) in the water, mouth of the Rio Dulce, Gulf of Honduras, Livingston, Guatemala.
860-289711 - Brown pelican, Pelecanus occidentalis. Livingston (Guatemala)
860-289719 - Beech marten (Martes foina) on a trunk, Extremadura, Spain
860-289727 - Common genet (Genetta genetta) at the waters' edge, Extremadura, Spain
860-289726 - Common genet (Genetta genetta) at the waters' edge, Extremadura, Spain
860-289704 - Eurasian brown bear (Ursus arctos arctos) sitting, Slovenia
860-289706 - Brown pelican, Pelecanus occidentalis. Monterrico (Guatemala)
860-289703 - Eurasian brown bear (Ursus arctos arctos) sitting, Slovenia
860-289724 - Beech marten (Martes foina) on a trunk, Extremadura, Spain
1349-1261 - Northern Seastar, (Asterias rubens); regenerating three arms