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1384-774 - Ruins of pre-Spanish Mahos village, Poblado de la Atalayita, Pozo Negro, Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic, Europe
1384-773 - Ruins of pre-Spanish Mahos village, Poblado de la Atalayita, Pozo Negro, Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic, Europe
1384-772 - Ruins of pre-Spanish Mahos village, Poblado de la Atalayita, Pozo Negro, Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic, Europe
848-3031 - Cano Negro, Alajuela Province, Costa Rica, Central America
848-2955 - Roseate Spoonbill, Cano Negro, Alajuela Province, Costa Rica, Central America
848-2954 - Wood stork, Cano Negro, Alajuela Province, Costa Rica, Central America
848-2953 - Cano Negro, Alajuela Province, Costa Rica, Central America
848-2952 - Anhinga, Cano Negro, Alajuela Province, Costa Rica, Central America
848-2951 - Russet naped Wood-rail, Cano Negro, Alajuela Province, Costa Rica, Central America
848-2950 - Great blue Heron, Cano Negro, Alajuela Province, Costa Rica, Central America
848-2949 - Great blue Heron, Cano Negro, Alajuela Province, Costa Rica, Central America
848-2948 - Little blue Heron, Cano Negro, Alajuela Province, Costa Rica, Central America
848-2947 - Caiman, Cano Negro, Alajuela Province, Costa Rica, Central America
848-2946 - Neotropic Cormorant, Cano Negro, Alajuela Province, Costa Rica, Central America
848-2945 - Baby Caiman, Cano Negro, Alajuela Province, Costa Rica, Central America
1131-1996 - Waterways on the Rio Negro, Manaus, Amazonas State, Brazil, South America
1131-1995 - Boardwalk in the flooded forest along the Rio Negro, Manaus, Amazonas State, Brazil, South America
832-403546 - Cultural center Rio Negro Palace, Former seat of government, Manaus, Amazonia State, Brazil, South America
832-403544 - Hunting Amazon River Dolphin or Pink Amazon Dolphin (Inia geoffrensis), Rio Negro, Manaus, Amazonia State, Brazil, South America
1131-1921 - Boardwalk in the flooded forest along the Rio Negro, Manaus, Amazonia State, Brazil, South America
1131-1920 - Flooded forest along the Rio Negro, Manaus, Amazonia State, Brazil, South America
1131-1919 - Traditional wooden boat navigating on the Rio Negro, Manaus, Amazonia State, Brazil, South America
1131-1917 - Hunting Amazon River Dolphin (Pink Amazon Dolphin (Inia geoffrensis), Rio Negro, Manaus, Amazonia State, Brazil, South America
832-401125 - Curvy roads at the Lomo Negro viewpoint on the southwest coast of El Hierro. Canary Islands
1366-996 - Guerro Negro, Mulege, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Oysters being served raw on the western coast of the Baja peninsula.
1366-995 - Guerro Negro, Mulege, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Oysters being served raw on the western coast of the Baja peninsula.
1366-994 - Guerro Negro, Mulege, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Sand dunes along the western coast of the Baja peninsula.
1366-993 - Guerro Negro, Mulege, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Sand dunes at sunset along the western coast of the Baja peninsula.
1366-992 - Guerro Negro, Mulege, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Sand dunes at sunset along the western coast of the Baja peninsula.
1366-991 - Guerro Negro, Mulege, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Sand dunes at sunset along the western coast of the Baja peninsula.
1366-990 - Guerro Negro, Mulege, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Salt ponds at sunset in Ba
1366-989 - Guerro Negro, Mulege, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Salt ponds at sunset in Ba
1184-8075 - Yanomami boy sitting in a canoe on the Rio Negro River, southern Venezuela, South America
1184-8064 - Clouds reflecting in the Rio Negro, southern Venezuela, South America
1184-8063 - Clouds reflecting in the Rio Negro, southern Venezuela, South America
1184-8062 - Clouds reflecting in the Rio Negro, southern Venezuela, South America
1184-8061 - Border town of San Carlos, Rio Negro, Venezuela, South America
860-291325 - Amazon River Dolphin, Pink River Dolphin or Boto (Inia geoffrensis) , Three wild animals in tannin-rich water , extremely rare picture of wild animals spyhopping ,Threatened species (IUCN Red List), along Rio Negro, Amazon river basin, Amazonas state, Manaus, Brazil, South America
860-291324 - Amazon River Dolphin, Pink River Dolphin or Boto (Inia geoffrensis) , extremely rare picture of wild animal breaching , Threatened species (IUCN Red List), along Rio Negro, Amazon river basin, Amazonas state, Manaus, Brazil, South America
860-291326 - Amazon River Dolphin, Pink River Dolphin or Boto (Inia geoffrensis) , Two wild animals in tannin-rich water , extremely rare picture of wild animals spyhopping ,Threatened species (IUCN Red List), along Rio Negro, Amazon river basin, Amazonas state, Manaus, Brazil, South America
1184-6763 - Confluence of the Rio Negro and the Amazon, Manaus, Amazonas state, Brazil, South America
1184-6764 - Confluence of the Rio Negro and the Amazon, Manaus, Amazonas state, Brazil, South America
1184-6765 - Confluence of the Rio Negro and the Amazon, Manaus, Amazonas state, Brazil, South America
1112-6662 - Excited tourists watching and photographing jaguars on the Rio Negro, Mato Grosso, Pantanal, Brazil, South America
1112-6669 - Adult jaguar (Panthera onca), on the riverbank of Rio Negro, Mato Grosso, Pantanal, Brazil, South America
1112-6655 - Adult green iguana (Iguana iguana), basking on the banks of the Rio Negro, Mato Grosso, Pantanal, Brazil, South America
1112-6635 - An adult golden tegu (Tupinambis teguixin), along the riverbank on the Rio Negro, Mato Grosso, Pantanal, Brazil, South America
1112-6647 - An adult jacare caiman (Caiman yacare), on the river banks of the Rio Negro, Mato Grosso, Pantanal, Brazil, South America
1112-6648 - An adult jacare caiman (Caiman yacare), on the river banks of the Rio Negro, Mato Grosso, Pantanal, Brazil, South America
1112-6597 - Adult female green kingfisher (Chloroceryle americana), with fish on the Rio Negro, Mata Grosso, Pantanal, Brazil, South America
1112-6596 - Adult female green kingfisher (Chloroceryle americana), on the Rio Negro, Mato Grosso, Pantanal, Brazil, South America
1112-6594 - Adult cocoi heron (Ardea cocoi), with a fish on the Rio Negro, Mato Grosso, Pantanal, Brazil, South America
1112-6599 - Adult Guira cuckoo (Guira guira), on the Rio Negro, Mata Grosso, Pantanal, Brazil, South America
1112-6584 - An adult black-capped donacobius (Donacobius atricapilla), Rio Negro, Mato Grosso, Pantanal, Brazil, South America
1112-6568 - Adult female Amazon kingfisher (Chloroceryle amazona), with a fish, Rio Negro, Mato Grosso, Pantanal, Brazil, South America
1112-6574 - Adult male American pygmy kingfisher (Chloroceryle aenea), Rio Negro, Mato Grosso, Pantanal, Brazil, South America
1350-2560 - Pink anemone fish, Amphiprion periderion, on magnificent sea anemone, Heteractis magnifica, Dumaguete, Negros, Philippines.
1350-2327 - Pink river dolphin or boto, Inia geoffrensis, Negro River, Amazonas, Brazil
1350-2348 - Group of pink river dolphins or botos, Inia geoffrensis, Negro River, Amazonas, Brazil
1350-2347 - Pink river dolphin or boto, Inia geoffrensis, Negro River, Amazonas, Brazil
1350-2525 - Blackspotted puffer fish, Arothron nigropunctatus, Dumaguete, Negros, Philippines, Visayan sea.
1350-2523 - Reef cuttlefish, Sepia sp., displaying defensive posture, Dumaguete, Negros Island, Philippines.
1350-2499 - Balloonfish, Diodon holocanthus, at night, Dumaguete, Negros Island, Philippines.
1350-2507 - Anemone shrimp, Periclimenes brevicarpalis, El Dorado reef, Dumaguete, Negros Island, Philippines.
1350-2559 - Decorator spider crab, Cyclocoeloma tuberculata, Dumaguete, Negros, Philippines.
1350-2521 - False clown anemone fish, Amphiprion ocellaris, Dauin, Dumaguete, Negros, Philippines.
1350-2557 - Mushroom coral, Ctenactis sp., night, Dumaguete, Negros Island, Philippines.
1350-2517 - Shortnose boxfish, Rhynchostracion nasus, at night, Dumaguete, Negros Island, Philippines.
1350-2519 - Yellow boxfish, Ostracion cubicus, juvenile, Dumaguete, Negros Island, Philippines.
1350-2350 - Pink river dolphin or boto, Inia geoffrensis, Negro River, Amazonas, Brazil
1350-2553 - Ornate ghost pipefish, Solenostomus paradoxus, Dumaguete, Negros Island, Philippines.
1350-2556 - Ascidian, Didemnum molle, oscule detail, Dauin, Negros, Philippines.
1350-2497 - Orange cup coral, Tubastrea faulkneri, Dumaguete, Negros Island, Philippines.
1350-2524 - Nudibranch, Chromodoris magnifica, Dumaguete, Negros Island, Philippines.
1350-2527 - Map puffer, Arothron mappa, Skin texture detail, Dumaguete, Negros, Philippines, Visayan sea.
1350-2503 - Anemone hermit crab, Dardanus pedunculatus, Dumaguete, Negros Island, Philippines.
1350-2552 - Celebes wrasse, Oxycheilinus celebicus, Dumaguete, Negros, Philippines.
1350-2508 - Feather star, Oxycomanthus bennetti, Dauin, Dumaguete, Negros Island, Philippines.
1350-2502 - Bigfin reef squid, Sepioteuthis lessoniana, Dumaguete, Negros Island, Philippines.
1350-2511 - Family of false clown anemone fish, Amphiprion ocellaris, seeking refuge in sea anemone, Masaplod, Dumaguete, Negros Island, Philippines.
1350-2558 - Magnificent sea anemone, Heteractis magnifica, Dumaguete, Negros, Philippines.
1350-2526 - Pleurobranch slug, Pleurobranchus grandis, night, Dumaguete, Negros, Philippines.
1350-2501 - Thorny oyster, Spondylus varius, resting on coral reef at night, Dumaguete, Negros Island, Philippines.
1350-2349 - Pink river dolphin or boto, Inia geoffrensis, Negro River, Amazonas, Brazil
1350-2504 - Family of false clown anemone fish, Amphiprion ocellaris, seeking refuge in sea anemone, Dumaguete, Negros Island, Philippines.
1350-2522 - Short-tailed pipefish, Trachyrhamphus bicoarctatus, Masaplod, Dumaguete, Negros Island, Philippines..
1350-3802 - Local food, tamal served in Ixoq Ajkeem comunity, San Juan La Laguna, Solol√°, Guatemala. Santiago Atitlan, lake Atitlan, Guatemala.
1350-2516 - Banded coral (cleaner) shrimp, Stenopus hispidus, Dumaguete, Negros Island, Philippines.
1350-2513 - Common lionfish, Pterois volitans, blends in with a variety of soft corals and sponges, Cars, Dumaguete, Negros Island, Philippines.
1350-2500 - Colorful decorator crab, Camposcia retusa, at night, Dumaguete, Negros Island, Philippines.
1350-2512 - Family of false clown anemone fish, Amphiprion ocellaris, seeking refuge in sea anemone, Masaplod, Dumaguete, Negros Island, Philippines.
1350-2505 - Anemone fish, Amphiprion sp., Dumaguete, Negros Island, Philippines.
1350-2562 - Snowflake moray eel, Echidna nebulosa, scavenging in seagrass beds, Dumaguete, Negros, Philippines, Visayan sea.
1350-2555 - Clark's anemonefish, Amphiprion clarkii, unusual color variant, male, Dauin, Negros, Philippines..
1350-2510 - Painted frogfish, Antennarius pictus, head detail, Masaplod, Dumaguete, Negros Island, Philippines..
1350-2506 - Emperor shrimp, Periclimenes imperator, on top of nudibranch, Pleurobranchus grandis, at night, Dumaguete, Negros Island, Philippines.
1350-2561 - Painted frogfish, Antennarius pictus, perched on red sponge, Dumaguete, Negros, Philippines.
1350-2498 - Spider crab, Chirostylus sp., on soft coral, Dendronephthya sp., Dumaguete, Negros Island, Philippines.
1350-2554 - Pair of false clown anemonefish, Amphiprion ocellaris, in anemone, Daiun, Negros, Philippines.
1350-2515 - False clown anemone fish, Amphiprion ocellaris, Dauin, Dumaguete, Negros Island, Philippines.