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1116-39999 - Diver viewing a female Broadclub cuttlefish (Sepia latimanus) pushing an egg into the finger coral where it will hatch in four to six weeks, Philippines
832-371383 - Children beating an octopus with sticks in order to make it edible, Jambiani, Zanzibar, Tanzania, Africa
832-371382 - Children beating an octopus with sticks in order to make it edible, Jambiani, Zanzibar, Tanzania, Africa
832-371384 - Children beating an octopus with sticks to make it edible, Jambiani, Zanzibar, Tanzania, Africa
832-346021 - Fishermen reload octupus in boxes, Peniscola, Costa Azahar, Spanien, Europa
832-227045 - Drying octopuses, Mykonos, Cyclades, Greece
832-15309 - Octopus (Octopus vulgaris), eye and acetabula (suction appendages)
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