Recent searches
860-292732 - Pond surrounded by molinia and spruce trees, fagne water system, Ardennes, Belgium
860-292411 - Pack of European wolves (Canis lupus lupus) playing on a snow-covered bog at dawn. Finland
860-292147 - Peatland on the Varanger plateau in Norway in spring
860-292146 - Peatland on the Varanger plateau in Norway in spring
860-291925 - Black grouse (Lyrurus tetrix) fights at dawn in a peat bog, Finland
860-291696 - Lake Bellefontaine, front (Jura), Lake des Mortes, back (Doubs), France
860-291695 - Bellefontaine lake and its peat bog in autumn, Jura, France
860-291656 - Roundleaf sundew (Drosera rotundifolia), Tourbiere de Mathon national nature reserve, Manche, Normandy, France
860-291645 - Juvenile White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) perched on pine trees at the edge of a bog in spring, Finland
860-291642 - Black Grouse (Lyrurus tetrix) male displaying on a bog, Finland
860-291639 - Long-leaved Sundew (Drosera intermedia) with catched midges, Tourbiere de Mathon national nature reserve, manche, Normandy, France
860-289903 - European Beaver (Castor fiber) swimming, Pulvermoos moor nature reserve, Ammertal, Bavaria, Germany
860-290133 - Lac des Sagnes, mountain lake (1905 m) nestled in Haute Ubaye, Alpes de Haute Provence, France
832-388872 - Aerial view, Birches (Betula) in rewetted peat bogs in the Goldenstedter Moor, Goldenstedt, Oldenburger Muensterland, Lower Saxony, Germany, Europe
832-384054 - Stacked cut peat in raised bog, Durness, Scottish Highlands, Scotland, Great Britain
832-384055 - Peat cut in raised bog, peat extraction, Durness, Scottish Highlands, Scotland, Great Britain
860-287934 - Bear cubs (Ursus arctos) walking, in a peat bog and coton grass, near a forest in Suomussalmi, Finland
860-288152 - Birches (Betula sp) in spring foliage and Roebuck (Capreolus capreolus) in a peat bog, Swamp of Hell, Savoie, France
860-287931 - Bear cubs (Ursus arctos) playing, in a bog and coton grass, near a forest of Suomussalmi, Finland
860-287933 - Bear cubs (Ursus arctos) playing, in a bog and coton grass, near a forest of Suomussalmi, Finland
860-287935 - Bear cubs (Ursus arctos) playing, in a peat bog and coton grass, near a forest in Suomussalmi, Finland
860-287932 - Bear cubs (Ursus arctos) playing, in a bog and coton grass, near a forest of Suomussalmi, Finland
860-287570 - Tundra Bean Goose (Anser fabalis) on a bog covered with snow
860-287568 - Black grouse (Lyrurus tetrix) fighting in lek in a snowy bog
860-287566 - Black grouse (Lyrurus tetrix) fighting in lek in a snowy bog
860-287571 - Black grouse (Lyrurus tetrix) portrait
860-287534 - Birches in autumn mist, Bog of the Swamps of Hell, Bugey, Savoie, France
860-287541 - Lake Nino (1760m), horses grazing the grass around the pozzines (small pond of water surrounded by grassy lawns), stage on the GR 20 between the refuge of Manganu and the Col de Verghio or Castellu di Vergio, Haute-Corse, La France
860-287540 - Lake Nino (1760m) stage on the GR 20 between the refuge of Manganu and the Col de Verghio or Castellu di Vergio, horses grazing the grass around the pozzines (small pools of water surrounded by grassy lawns), Haute-Corse, France
860-287542 - Lake Nino (1760m), horses grazing the grass around the pozzines (small pond of water surrounded by grassy lawns), stage on the GR 20 between the refuge of Manganu and the Col de Verghio or Castellu di Vergio, Haute-Corse, La France
860-287569 - Black grouse (Lyrurus tetrix) displaying in lek in a snowy bog
860-287567 - Black grouse (Lyrurus tetrix) fighting in lek in a snowy bog
797-13012 - Ireland, County Fermanagh, Cuilcagh Mountain Park, Hiker enjoying the view from the summit of Cuilcagh Mountain.
832-378505 - Cut peat on a peat bog, Yell, Shetland Islands, Scotland, United Kingdom, Europe
832-378543 - Bog with Bulrush (Schoenoplectus lacustris) and Downy Birches (Betula pubescens), renatured peat bog, Grundbeckenmoor, peat bog relic from the Würm glacial period, Koller Filze near Raubling, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
832-378506 - Cut peat on a peat bog, Yell, Shetland Islands, Scotland, United Kingdom, Europe
911-10866 - Foulshaw nature reserve, a lowland raised bog in South Cumbria, UK, planted by the forestry commission, years ago, it is now being restored to its former condition.
911-10865 - Foulshaw nature reserve, a lowland raised bog in South Cumbria, UK, planted by the forestry commission, years ago, it is now being restored to its former condition.
911-10867 - Foulshaw nature reserve, a lowland raised bog in South Cumbria, UK, planted by the forestry commission, years ago, it is now being restored to its former condition.
860-286500 - Grey wolf in wetlands in Eastern Finland
860-286501 - Grey wolf in wetlands in Eastern Finland
911-10748 - A raised bog being harvested for peat near Douglas water in the Southern Uplands of Scotland. Raised bogs re rare threatened habitats and important carbon sinks that should not be exploited.
797-11383 - Ireland, County Sligo, Sligo, Peat stacks below Ben Wisken Mountain.
832-377153 - Girl wading in a wet bog, Stammbecken Moor, former Nicklheim peat works, Rosenheim, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
832-368441 - Children smeared with mud, mud bath in the Sterntaler Filze, moorland, peat fields in Bad Feilnbach, Upper Bavaria, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
832-368440 - Children smeared with mud, mud bath in the Sterntaler Filze, moorland, peat fields in Bad Feilnbach, Upper Bavaria, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
832-370824 - Peat briquettes for private domestic fuel being dried by the inhabitants themselves, Birr, Offaly, Midlands, Ireland, Europe
765-1844 - Viru Bog (Viru Raba) peat swamp, Lahemaa National Park, Harjumaa, Laane-Virumaa, Estonia, Baltic States, Europe
765-1846 - Viru Bog (Viru Raba) peat swamp, Lahemaa National Park, Harjumaa, Laane-Virumaa, Estonia, Baltic States, Europe
765-1847 - Viru Bog (Viru Raba) peat swamp, Lahemaa National Park, Harjumaa, Laane-Virumaa, Estonia, Baltic States, Europe
765-1843 - Viru Bog (Viru Raba) peat swamp, Lahemaa National Park, Harjumaa, Laane-Virumaa, Estonia, Baltic States, Europe
765-1845 - Viru Bog (Viru Raba) peat swamp, Lahemaa National Park, Harjumaa, Laane-Virumaa, Estonia, Baltic States, Europe
1161-6605 - Turf cut by machine laid out to dry at Mountrivers peat bog, County Clare, West of Ireland
1161-6820 - Windswept Tree by the Old Bog Road, Connemara, County Galway, Ireland
1161-6602 - Turf bog shows cutting and stacks of peat (footings) at Mountrivers peat bog, County Clare, West of Ireland
1161-6837 - Connemara Landscape and Peat Bog, The Old Bog Road near Roundstone, County Galway, Ireland
1161-6604 - Turf cut by machine laid out to dry at Mountrivers peat bog, County Clare, West of Ireland
1161-6601 - Turf bog shows cutting and stacks of peat (footings) at Mountrivers peat bog, County Clare, West of Ireland
1161-6778 - Stacks of turf, in process called footing, drying on peat bog, by Lough Inagh near Recess in Connemara, County Galway, Ireland
1161-6830 - Windswept Tree on the Old Bog Road, Connemara, County Galway, Ireland
1161-6824 - Stacked peat in turf bog on the Old Bog Road near Roundstone, Connemara, County Galway
1161-6823 - Stacked peat in turf bog on the Old Bog Road near Roundstone, Connemara, County Galway
1161-6826 - Stacked peat in turf bog on the Old Bog Road near Roundstone, Connemara, County Galway
1161-6607 - Clover and grasses at Mountrivers peat bog, County Clare, West of Ireland
1161-6825 - Stacked peat in turf bog on the Old Bog Road near Roundstone, Connemara, County Galway
1161-6777 - Stacks of turf, in a process called footing, drying on peat bog, by Lough Inagh, Connemara, County Galway, Ireland
1161-6603 - Turf cut by machine laid out to dry at Mountrivers peat bog, County Clare, West of Ireland
1161-6822 - Stacked peat in turf bog on the Old Bog Road near Roundstone, Connemara, County Galway
1161-6821 - Stacked peat in turf bog on the Old Bog Road near Roundstone, Connemara, County Galway
1161-6606 - Turf laid out to dry at Mountrivers peat bog, County Clare, West of Ireland
1161-6836 - Connemara Landscape and Peat Bog, The Old Bog Road near Roundstone, County Galway, Ireland
832-217684 - Bog woman, museum peat railway station at the Kendlmuehlfilzen near Rottau, Chiemgau, Upper Bavaria, Germany, Europe
832-148094 - Peat harvest, Tullamore, County Offaly, Leinster province, Republic of Ireland, Europe
832-148095 - Peat harvest, Tullamore, County Offaly, Leinster province, Republic of Ireland, Europe
832-146446 - Peat briquettes stacked to dry on piles in front of a peat briquettes factory, near Birr, Offaly, Midlands, Ireland, Europe
911-9542 - Huge chunks of peat eroded from the side of the Upper Esk by extreme flooding in the Lake District, Cumbria, England, United Kingdom, Europe
911-9543 - Huge chunks of peat eroded from the side of the Upper Esk by extreme flooding in the Lake District, Cumbria, England, United Kingdom, Europe
911-9541 - Huge chunks of peat eroded from the side of the Upper Esk by extreme flooding in the Lake District, Cumbria, England, United Kingdom, Europe
832-127244 - Schopflocher Moor peat bog, Lenningen, Swabian Alb, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
832-116511 - Tracks of a narrow-gauge railway for transporting peat, Stammbecken Moor, near Rosenheim, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
832-39814 - Peat bog of Longeroux, Parc Naturel Regional de Millevaches en Limousin, Millevaches Regional Natural Park, Correze, Limousin, France, Europe
1116-9255 - Water Source In Irish Bog; Achill Island, County Mayo, Ireland
911-8168 - Peat hags near Loadpot Hill above Ullswater in the Lake District, Cumbria, England, Unnited Kingdom, Europe
911-8167 - Peat hags near Loadpot Hill above Ullswater in the Lake District, Cumbria, England, Unnited Kingdom, Europe
911-7813 - A stone flag path to combat erosion of the peat, towards the summit of Ilkley Moor, West Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom, Europe
911-7814 - A stone flag path to combat erosion of the peat, towards the summit of Ilkley Moor, West Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom, Europe
911-1676 - A peat bog on Fairfield, Lake District, Cumbria, England, United Kingdom, Europe
911-1321 - Scientific instruments to measure the carbon balance from peat bogs which is changing due to climate change in the north Pennines at Moorhouse, Cumbria, England, United Kingdom, Europe
911-1323 - A scientist looking at peat erosion in the north Pennines, Cumbria, England, United Kingdom, Europe
911-1895 - Nutberry Moss, a lowland blanket peat bog which is being destroyed to provide peat for the horticultural industry, near Gretna, Scotland, United Kingdom, Europe
911-1318 - Scientific instruments to measure the carbon balance from peat bogs which is changing due to climate change in the north Pennines at Moorhouse, Cumbria, England, United Kingdom, Europe
911-1320 - Scientific instruments to measure the carbon balance from peat bogs which is changing due to climate change in the north Pennines at Moorhouse, Cumbria, England, United Kingdom, Europe
911-652 - Walkers approaching Suilven mountain in Sutherland, Scotland, United Kingdom, Europe
911-1319 - Scientific instruments to measure the carbon balance from peat bogs which is changing due to climate change in the north Pennines at Moorhouse, Cumbria, England, United Kingdom, Europe
911-5514 - Peat harvested from a peat bog in northern Cumbria, England, United Kingdom, Europe
911-1901 - Nutberry Moss, a lowland blanket peat bog which is being destroyed to provide peat for the horticultural industry, near Gretna, Scotland, United Kingdom, Europe
911-7360 - Drainage ditch in peat bog on Eaglesham Moor, Scotland, United Kingdom, Europe
911-6715 - Boggy moorland above Wet Sleddale with drainage ditches dug into the peat, known as gripping, to try and make the ground more suitable for sheep grazing, Cumbria, England, United Kingdom, Europe
911-5144 - A man harvesting peat for fuel on the Isle of Skye, Scotland, United Kingdom, Europe
911-1896 - Nutberry Moss, a lowland blanket peat bog which is being destroyed to provide peat for the horticultural industry, near Gretna, Scotland, United Kingdom, Europe