Robert Harding

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1116-49654 - Plastic bags full of dried frogs for sale at a medicine shop. The frogs are dried for use as aphrodisiacs in Chinese medicine, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China
911-10939 - In mid January 2015, a three day period of excessive rain brought unprecedented floods to the small poor African country of Malawi. It displaced nearly quarter of a million people, devastated 64,000 hectares of land, and killed several hundred people. This shot shows A Medicin Sans Frontieres clinic in Makhanga testing local people for malaria, many of whom proved positive for the disease, as a result of the drying up flood waters providing ideal breeding grounds for mosquitoes.
911-10940 - January 2015 saw a three day period of excessive rain which brought unprecedented floods to the small poor African country of Malawi. It displaced nearly quarter of a million people, devastated 64,000 hectares of land, and killed several hundred people. This shot shows A Medicin Sans Frontieres clinic in Makhanga testing local people, many of whom now have malaria, as a result of the drying up flood waters providing ideal breeding grounds for mosquitoes.
911-10941 - January 2015 saw a three day period of excessive rain which brought unprecedented floods to the small poor African country of Malawi. It displaced nearly quarter of a million people, devastated 64,000 hectares of land, and killed several hundred people. This shot shows A Medicin Sans Frontieres clinic in Makhanga providing Malaria treatment drugs to local people, many of whom now have malaria, as a result of the drying up flood waters providing ideal breeding grounds for mosquitoes.