Recent searches
1387-497 - A Wonderpus, Wunderpus photogenicus, hunts for prey on the sandy seafloor in Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1350-3536 - Mimic Octopus, Thaumoctopus mimicus, Lembeh Strait, Bitung, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean
1350-3574 - Wonderpus or Wunderpus on the sand, Wunderpus photogenicus, Bima Bay, Sumbawa, Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean
1350-3531 - Wonderpus or Wunderpus on the sand, Wunderpus photogenicus, Lembeh Strait, Bitung, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean
1012-203 - Wunderpus (Wunderpus photogenicus) showing off its bands to scare off predator (or diver). Lembeh Strait, Sulawesi, Indonesia
1067-56 - Wunderpus octopus, Wunderpus photogenicus. This rare species of octopus is sometimes found in sandy burrows on shallow slopes in the Coral Triangle. Lembeh Strait, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, Pacfic Ocean.
759-7630 - Wonderpus Octopus, Wunderpus photogenicus, Lembeh Strait, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
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