832-401745 - Traditional food 'Tarte Flambee or Flammkuchen German-French Alsace border region. The name means 'pie baked in the flames', similar to a thin pizza with bacon and soured cream
746-92136 - ďSartizzu arrustiuĒ rost Sausage, ďCordulaĒ made up of braided and cooked kid or lamb intestines wrapped around a spit, typical Sardinia recipe, Campidano, Sardinia, Italy, Europe
746-90497 - Sergio Motta at the processing of cotechino, sausage cured meat, at the renowned Macelleria Motta, Bellinzago Lombardo, Milan, Lombardy, Italy, Europe
746-90496 - Sergio Motta at the processing of cotechino, sausage cured meat, at the renowned Macelleria Motta, Bellinzago Lombardo, Milan, Lombardy, Italy, Europe