Robert Harding

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1116-53244 - Close-up of a sign at the McNeil River State Game Sanctuary. McNeil River Camp is operated by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. The Department hosts guests in small numbers throughout the summer and early fall and provides bear-viewing tours. Guests must enter and be drawn in an annual lottery to be granted access to this world-famous brown bear sanctuary, Alaska, United States of America
1116-53097 - Fish fossil is held in the palm of a hand. Some of the world's best preserved fossils are found in the Fossil Butte National Monument on flat-topped ridges of southwestern Wyoming's cold sagebrush desert. Discoveries from the ancient lake sediments the Eocene Green River Formation of Fossil Basin are world-renowned, Wyoming, United States of America
911-10297 - A dried up creek that when it contains water, supports Pup fish, a highly adapted fish that can tolerate high levels of salt. Death Valley is the lowest, hottest, driest place in the USA, with an average annual rainfall of around 2 inches, some years it does not receive any rain at all.
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