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759-11626 - Pair of Emperor Shrimp, Periclimenes imperator, Ambon, Moluccas, Indonesia
759-11625 - Pair of Emperor Shrimp, Periclimenes imperator, Ambon, Moluccas, Indonesia
759-11624 - Pair of Emperor Shrimp, Periclimenes imperator, Ambon, Moluccas, Indonesia
759-11623 - Pair of Emperor Shrimp, Periclimenes imperator, Ambon, Moluccas, Indonesia
759-11622 - Porcelain Crab associated with Sea Anemone, Neopetrolisthes maculatus, Ambon, Moluccas, Indonesia
759-11613 - Orang Utan Spider Crab, Achaeus japonicus, Ambon, Moluccas, Indonesia
759-11511 - Colored Squat Lobster, Neomunida olivarae, Kai Islands, Moluccas, Indonesia
759-11510 - Small Sponge Crab, Dromia dormia, Kai Islands, Moluccas, Indonesia
759-11509 - Conic Spider Crab, Xenocarcinus conicus, Kai Islands, Moluccas, Indonesia
759-11355 - Pair of Squat Shrimps, Thor amboinensis, Triton Bay, West Papua, Indonesia
759-11354 - Pair of Squat Shrimps, Thor amboinensis, Triton Bay, West Papua, Indonesia
759-11353 - Squat Shrimp, Thor amboinensis, Triton Bay, West Papua, Indonesia
759-11561 - Commensal Shrimp associated with Starfish, Periclimenes soror, Ambon, Moluccas, Indonesia
759-12619 - Spider Crab covered with Anemones, Cyclocoeloma tuberculata, Ambon, Moluccas, Indonesia
1116-49670 - Wire coral goby (Bryaninops yongei) on wire coral (Cirrhipathes sp.), a relative of black coral.
1116-39948 - This soft coral crab or candy crab (Hoplophrys oatesii), is wearing a decoration of soft coral polyps on top of head as camouflage, Dumaguete, Philippines
1116-39942 - The dragon shrimp (Miropandalus hardingi) on whip coral, is also known as a gorgonian sandaled shrimp, Philippines
1116-39939 - An Imperial commensal shrimp (Periclimenes imperator), photographed at night on the Spanish dancer nudibranch (Hexabranchus sanguineus), that it calls home, Philippines
1116-39729 - Both a Crinoid Commensal Shrimp (Periclimenes cornutus) and a Crinoid Squat Lobster (Allogalathea elegans) on a crinoid. These tiny crustaceans are commensal on crinoids or feather stars and take their color from the host, Philippines
1116-39719 - A Slender Spongegoby (Phyllogobius platycephalops) and two different species of crabs. Attached to the goby are several parasites with egg cases, that will likely prove fatal over time. Many species live on the convuluted surface of this sponge, Philippin
1116-39718 - Male and female porcelain crabs (Neopetrolisthes maculatus) are commensal in sea anemones, Philippines
1116-39944 - Bug-eye Squat Lobster (Neomunida olivarae), also known as a colored squat lobster or the google-eyed fairy crab, Dumaguete, Philippines
759-8142 - Bubble Coral Shrimp, Vir philippinensis, Plerogyra sinuosa, Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia
759-7898 - Commensal Shrimp in Sponge, Periclimenes cf. tenuipes, Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia
759-7901 - Anemone Comensal Shrimp, Periclimenes tosaensis, Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia
759-7838 - Reef Spider Crab, Mithrax spinosissimus, Cozumel, Caribbean Sea, Mexico
759-7899 - Commensal Shrimp in Coral Polyps, Periclimenes psamathe, Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia
759-7871 - Porcelain Crab in Soft Coral, Pocellanella triloba, Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia
759-7902 - Anemone Shrimp and Clown Anemonefish, Periclimenes tosaensis, Amphiprion ocellaris, Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia
759-6708 - Symbiotic between Randalls Prawn-Goby and Pistol Shrimp, Amblyeleotris randalli, Alpheus rapicida, Turtle Cove, Micronesia, Palau
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