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1359-1341 - Performers during Inti Raymi Festival of the Sun, Plaza de Armas square, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Cusco (Cuzco), Cusco Province, Cusco Region, Peru, South America
746-92186 - Historical reenactment of the Passion of Christ of Mogliano, Crucifixion, Marche, Italy, Europe
746-92185 - Historical reenactment of the Passion of Christ of Mogliano, Last Supper, Marche, Italy, Europe
746-92412 - Reenactment of the Ball Game with Bracelet, Treia, Marche, Italy, Europe
746-92413 - Reenactment of the Ball Game with Bracelet, Treia, Marche, Italy, Europe
746-92414 - Reenactment of the Ball Game with Bracelet, Treia, Marche, Italy, Europe
746-92415 - Reenactment of the Ball Game with Bracelet, Treia, Marche, Italy, Europe
746-92416 - Reenactment of the Ball Game with Bracelet, Treia, Marche, Italy, Europe
797-10925 - England, West Sussex, Arundel, Jousting festival in the grounds of Arundel Castle.
797-10928 - England, West Sussex, Arundel, Jousting festival in the grounds of Arundel Castle.
797-10924 - England, West Sussex, Arundel, Jousting festival in the grounds of Arundel Castle.
797-10933 - England, West Sussex, Arundel, Jousting festival in the grounds of Arundel Castle.
797-10923 - England, West Sussex, Arundel, Jousting festival in the grounds of Arundel Castle.
797-10930 - England, West Sussex, Arundel, Jousting festival in the grounds of Arundel Castle.
797-10920 - England, West Sussex, Arundel, Jousting festival in the grounds of Arundel Castle.
797-10916 - England, West Sussex, Arundel, Jousting festival in the grounds of Arundel Castle.
797-10922 - England, West Sussex, Arundel, Jousting festival in the grounds of Arundel Castle.
797-10927 - England, West Sussex, Arundel, Jousting festival in the grounds of Arundel Castle.
797-10926 - England, West Sussex, Arundel, Jousting festival in the grounds of Arundel Castle.
797-10917 - England, West Sussex, Arundel, Jousting festival in the grounds of Arundel Castle.
797-10918 - England, West Sussex, Arundel, Jousting festival in the grounds of Arundel Castle.
797-10921 - England, West Sussex, Arundel, Jousting festival in the grounds of Arundel Castle.
797-10932 - England, West Sussex, Arundel, Jousting festival in the grounds of Arundel Castle.
797-10929 - England, West Sussex, Arundel, Jousting festival in the grounds of Arundel Castle.
797-10931 - England, West Sussex, Arundel, Jousting festival in the grounds of Arundel Castle.
797-10919 - England, West Sussex, Arundel, Jousting festival in the grounds of Arundel Castle.
749-2009 - The Viking Museum, Borg, Lofoten Islands, Arctic, Norway, Scandinavia, Europe
1161-8605 - Mehter Takimi, Ottoman Military Band and Sultan's Janissary army corps soldiers at Military Museum at Harbiye, Istanbul, Turkey, Europe
1109-1730 - Stow on the Wold English Civil War Reenactment, Gloucestershire, The Cotswolds, England, United Kingdom, Europe
1109-1728 - Stow on the Wold English Civil War Reenactment, Gloucestershire, The Cotswolds, England, United Kingdom, Europe
1109-1729 - Stow on the Wold English Civil War Reenactment, Gloucestershire, The Cotswolds, England, United Kingdom, Europe
712-2690 - La Veronica, Procession of the Mysteries (Processione dei Misteri viventi), Holy Thursday, Marsala, Sicily, Italy, Europe
712-2692 - Procession of the Mysteries (Processione dei Misteri viventi), Holy Thursday, Marsala, Sicily, Italy, Europe
796-2017 - Thunder on the Roanoke Civil War reenactment in Plymouth, North Carolina, United States of America, North America
796-2018 - Confederate soldiers at the Thunder on the Roanoke Civil War reenactment in Plymouth, North Carolina, United States of America, North America
796-2022 - Union soldier at the Thunder on the Roanoke Civil War reenactment in Plymouth, North Carolina, United States of America, North America
796-2019 - Union soldiers at the Thunder on the Roanoke Civil War reenactment in Plymouth, North Carolina, United States of America, North America
796-2021 - Confederate soldiers at the Thunder on the Roanoke Civil War reenactment in Plymouth, North Carolina, United States of America, North America
796-2011 - Confederate artillery unit cannon action during Thunder on the Roanoke Civil War reenactment in Plymouth, North Carolina, United States of America, North America
796-2020 - Confederate soldiers at the Thunder on the Roanoke Civil War reenactment in Plymouth, North Carolina, United States of America, North America
796-2015 - Union soldiers at the Thunder on the Roanoke Civil War reenactment in Plymouth, North Carolina, United States of America, North America
796-2012 - Union soldiers at the Thunder on the Roanoke Civil War reenactment in Plymouth, North Carolina, United States of America, North America
796-2014 - Union soldiers at the Thunder on the Roanoke Civil War reenactment in Plymouth, North Carolina, United States of America, North America
796-2013 - Union soldiers at the Thunder on the Roanoke Civil War reenactment in Plymouth, North Carolina, United States of America, North America
796-2025 - Union soldiers at the Thunder on the Roanoke Civil War reenactment in Plymouth, North Carolina, United States of America, North America
796-2024 - Confederate soldiers at the Thunder on the Roanoke Civil War reenactment in Plymouth, North Carolina, United States of America, North America
796-2016 - Confederate soldiers at the Thunder on the Roanoke Civil War reenactment in Plymouth, North Carolina, United States of America, North America
796-2023 - Confederate soldiers at the Thunder on the Roanoke Civil War reenactment in Plymouth, North Carolina, United States of America, North America
749-1678 - Nazareth Village, recreating Nazareth in the time of Jesus, Nazareth, Lower Galilee region, Israel, Middle East
749-1671 - Nazareth Village, recreating Nazareth in the time of Jesus, Nazareth, Lower Galilee region, Israel, Middle East
749-1679 - Nazareth Village, recreating Nazareth in the time of Jesus, Nazareth, Lower Galilee region, Israel, Middle East
749-1672 - Nazareth Village, recreating Nazareth in the time of Jesus, Nazareth, Lower Galilee region, Israel, Middle East
851-264 - Reenactment of a knight's fight in the Tower of London, England, United Kingdom, Europe
851-265 - Reenactment of a knight's fight in the Tower of London, England, United Kingdom, Europe
767-881 - Fort Ingall, Temiscouata sur le Lac, Quebec Province, Canada, North America
767-880 - Fort Ingall, Temiscouata sur le Lac, Quebec Province, Canada, North America
857-15255 - Two young altar boys fill a 200-year-old incensor for a reenactment of the washing of the apostles' feet by Jesus on Holy Thursday in Ouro Preto, a colonial Brazilian city noted for its baroque architecture.
857-22995 - A reenactment of a religious procession at El Rancho de Las Golondrinas, a recreated Hispanic theme village for visitors near Santa Fe, New Mexico
796-1724 - Bucket of Blood Saloon dating from 1876, Virginia City, Nevada, United States of America, North America
767-831 - Black Jack Battlefield, Civil War Re-enactment, near Baldwin City, Kansas, United States of America, North America
767-830 - Black Jack Battlefield, Civil War Re-enactment, near Baldwin City, Kansas, United States of America, North America
834-6484 - Re-enactment show of the king and queen strolling in the palace grounds, Gyeongbokgung Palace, Seoul, South Korea, Asia
834-6485 - Re-enactment show of the king and queen strolling in the palace grounds, Gyeongbokgung Palace, Seoul, South Korea, Asia
834-5957 - Historical re-enactment show at the Temple of Potaraka Doctrine dating from 1771, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Chengde, Hebei Province, China, Asia
834-64 - Man in Roman Legionaires costume, Northumbria, England, United Kingdom, Europe
834-4129 - Warwick Castle and knight on horseback, Warwick, Warwickshire, England, United Kingdom, Europe
747-1097 - Two people in period dress by the Cathedral, Peter and Paul Fortress, St. Petersburg, Russia, Europe
809-3525 - Paris Archbishop carrying a cross on Good Friday, Paris, France, Europe
818-107 - Woman creating a tapestry from moss and dried flowers, Upper Canada Village, Morrisburg, Ontario, Canada, North America
818-424 - French soldiers drumming, French-Indian War of 1759 reenactment, Old Fort Niagara, Youngstown, New York State, United States of America, North America
818-421 - French-Indian War reenactment, woman cooking a turkey over an open fire, Fort Niagara, Youngstown, New York State, United States of America, North America
818-427 - French-Indian War reenactment, woman cooking a turkey over an open fire, Fort Niagara, Youngstown, New York State, United States of America, North America
818-109 - Christ Church built in 1837, Upper Canada Village, representing life in Upper Canada in the 1860s, Morrisburg, Ontario, Canada, North America
818-425 - Tent encampment in reenactment of French Indian War of 1759, Old Fort Niagara dating from 1679, Youngstown, New York State, United States of America, North America
818-419 - Tents set up as a camp in reenactment of French Indian War of 1759, Old Fort Niagara dating from 1679, Youngstown, New York State, United States of America, North America
818-423 - Tent encampment in reenactment of French Indian War of 1759, Old Fort Niagara dating from 1679, Youngstown, New York State, United States of America, North America
818-420 - French-Indian War reenactment, women cooking a turkey over an open fire, Fort Niagara, Youngstown, New York State, United States of America, North America
822-132 - Samurai in the Odawara Hojo Godai Festival held in May at Odawara Castle in Kanagawa, Japan, Asia
809-692 - Nazareth biblical village, Nazareth, Galilee, Israel, Middle East
765-667 - Etruscan Necropolis of Norchia dating from the 4th to 2nd centuries BC, Viterbo, Latium, Italy, Europe
120-2560 - Civil War re-enactment by the Sealed Knot, near site of Edgehill, Warwickshire, England, United Kingdom, Europe
391-7040 - Hoeing the vegetable garden, recreated New England village life between 1790 and 1840, Old Sturbridge Village, Massachusetts, New England, United States of America, North America
120-4274 - Masked figure of Christ in Maundy Thursday procession through streets, Marsala, Sicily, Italy, Europe
557-1315 - Re-enactment on the 250th aniversary of the return of Prince Charlie in 1745, Glenfinnan, Scotland, United Kingdom, Europe
733-2422 - Samurai costume battle reenactment, Harajuku District, Tokyo, Honshu Island, Japan, Asia
747-445 - Roman soldiers of the Ermine Street Guard on the march, armour and shield detail, Birdoswald Roman Fort, Hadrians Wall, Northumbria, England, United Kingdom, Europe
747-444 - Ermine Street Guard in armour, at ease, Birdoswald Roman Fort, Hadrians Wall, Northumbria, England, United Kingdom, Euruope
747-430 - Ermine Street Guard, at ease, with Standard Bearers and Trumpeter, Birdoswald Roman Fort, Hadrians Wall, Northumbria, England, United Kingdom, Euruope
747-432 - Ermine Street Guard advancing with protective shields, cavalry in attendance, Birdoswald Roman Fort, Hadrians Wall, Northumbria, England, United Kingdom, Europe
747-433 - Roman soldiers of the Ermine Street Guard, marching in column led by Standard Bearers and Trumpeter, Birdoswald Roman Fort, Hadrians Wall, Northumbria, England, United Kingdom, Euruope
747-434 - Two members of the Ermine Street Guard in conversation, Birdoswald Roman Fort, Hadrians Wall, Northumbria, England, United Kingdom, Euruope
747-431 - Roman soldiers of Ermine Street Guard, in line abreast with shields and stabbing swords, cavalry in support, Birdoswald Roman Fort, Hadrians Wall, Northumbria, England, United Kingdom, Europe
747-443 - Ermine Street Guard preparing to advance, Birdoswald, Hadrians Wall, Northumbria, England, United Kingdom, Euruope
747-437 - Roman Cavalry of the Ermine Street Guard, Birdoswald Roman Fort, Hadrians Wall, Northumbria, England, United Kingdom, Europe
685-1374 - Traditionally dressed guardsmen, The Citadel, a Canadian National Historic Site, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, North America
777-1569 - Fort Snelling State Historic Park, St. Paul, Minnesota, United States of America, North America