Recent searches
860-292483 - Waxwing (Bombycilla Garrulus) eating a berrie, England
860-292484 - Waxwing (Bombycilla Garrulus) perched in a rowan tree, England
860-291880 - Planting of 'Gariguette' strawberry plants on a mulch sheet, also preventing cats from scratching the soil, Pas de Calais, France
860-291881 - Planting of 'Gariguette' strawberry plants on a mulch sheet, also preventing cats from scratching the soil, Pas de Calais, France
860-291879 - Planting of 'Gariguette' strawberry plants on a mulch sheet, also preventing cats from scratching the soil, Pas de Calais, France
860-291878 - Planting of 'Gariguette' strawberry plants on a mulch sheet, also preventing cats from scratching the soil, Pas de Calais, France
860-291877 - Planting of 'Gariguette' strawberry plants on a mulch sheet, also preventing cats from scratching the soil, Pas de Calais, France
860-291875 - Planting of 'Gariguette' strawberry plants on a mulch sheet, also preventing cats from scratching the soil, Pas de Calais, France
860-291876 - Planting of 'Gariguette' strawberry plants on a mulch sheet, also preventing cats from scratching the soil, Pas de Calais, France
860-291874 - Planting of 'Gariguette' strawberry plants on a mulch sheet, also preventing cats from scratching the soil, Pas de Calais, France
860-291872 - Planting of 'Gariguette' strawberry plants on a mulch sheet, also preventing cats from scratching the soil, Pas de Calais, France
860-291873 - Planting of 'Gariguette' strawberry plants on a mulch sheet, also preventing cats from scratching the soil, Pas de Calais, France
860-291871 - Planting of 'Gariguette' strawberry plants on a mulch sheet, also preventing cats from scratching the soil, Pas de Calais, France
860-291870 - Planting of 'Gariguette' strawberry plants on a mulch sheet, also preventing cats from scratching the soil, Pas de Calais, France
860-291869 - Planting of 'Gariguette' strawberry plants on a mulch sheet, also preventing cats from scratching the soil, Pas de Calais, France
860-291868 - Planting of 'Gariguette' strawberry plants on a mulch sheet, also preventing cats from scratching the soil, Pas de Calais, France
860-291825 - Woman harvesting plums (late variety 'Datil', with small fruits) in September.
860-291823 - Woman harvesting apples. Early columnar variety 'Chinon', with purple skin.
860-291824 - Woman harvesting 'Willams' pears on a trellised pear tree in September.
860-291821 - Woman harvesting apples. Early columnar variety 'Chinon', with purple skin.
860-291822 - Woman harvesting apples. Early columnar variety 'Chinon', with purple skin.
860-291656 - Roundleaf sundew (Drosera rotundifolia), Tourbiere de Mathon national nature reserve, Manche, Normandy, France
860-291639 - Long-leaved Sundew (Drosera intermedia) with catched midges, Tourbiere de Mathon national nature reserve, manche, Normandy, France
860-291614 - Pine Grosbeak (Pinicola enucleator) female eating American mountain ash (Sorbus americana) beeries, Lake St Jean, Saguenay, Province of Quebec, Canada
860-291541 - Sundew (Drosera sp) carnivorous plant, Jean-Marie Pelt Botanical Garden, Nancy, Lorraine, France
860-291542 - Trap of Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula), carnivorous plant native to N Carolina, Jean-Marie Pelt Botanical Garden, Nancy, Lorraine, France
860-291540 - Fly caught in a trap of Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula), carnivorous plant native to N Carolina, Jean-Marie Pelt Botanical Garden, Nancy, Lorraine, France
860-291539 - Trap of Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula), carnivorous plant native to N Carolina, Jean-Marie Pelt Botanical Garden, Nancy, Lorraine, France
860-290467 - Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) 'Giant Mansille', variety with large coloured traps.
860-290765 - Red Underwing Skipper (Spialia sertorius) on flower, Ardeche, France
860-290468 - Detail of leaf of a sundew (Drosera binata var. multifida), carnivorous plant
860-290521 - Man harvesting strawberries in a vegetable garden.
860-290655 - Orange-legged Furrow Bee (Halictus rubicundus) females collecting pollen from a rose hip flower (Rosa canina), Vosges du Nord Regional Nature Park, France
860-290518 - Man harvesting strawberries in a vegetable garden.
860-290520 - Strawberry harvest atmosphere in the garden.
860-289597 - Pomme 'Calville rouge du Mont d'Or'
860-289647 - Rosa 'Blue Eden' Breeder : Carruth (USA) 2004
860-290048 - Prunus avium, Narcissus 'Actaea', Ecole du Breuil, Paris, France
860-289580 - Rosa 'Sourire d'Orchidee' Obtenteur : Croix (FRA) 1985
860-290443 - Rosa 'Jean Cocteau' Breeder : Meilland (FRA) 2015
860-290406 - Rosa 'Rose à Parfum de l'Hay' Breeder : Gravereaux (FRA) 1901
860-289639 - Rosa 'Grimpant Michele Meilland' Breeder : Meilland (FRA) 1945
860-289638 - Rosa 'Grimpant Michele Meilland' Breeder : Meilland (FRA) 1945
860-290435 - Verger conservatoire de l'Ecole du Breuil, Bois de Vincennes, Paris, France
860-290405 - Rosa 'Rose à Parfum de l'Hay' Breeder : Gravereaux (FRA) 1901
860-290403 - Rosa 'Bataclan' Obtenteur : Tantau (GER) 2003
860-290440 - Rosa 'Carte d'Or' Breeder : Meilland (FRA) 2005
860-290434 - Verger conservatoire de l'Ecole du Breuil, Bois de Vincennes, Paris, France
860-290439 - Rosa 'Calizia' Breeder : Noack (ALL) 2006
860-289676 - Wild boar under apple tree, Sus scrofa, Female, Germany, Europe
860-289642 - Rosa 'Bukavu' Breeder : Lens (BEL) 1998
860-289572 - Rosa 'Douceur Normande', Nepeta faassenii 'Walker's Low', Ecole du Breui, Paris, France
860-290249 - Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) eating European mountain ash (Sorbus aucuparia) berries on a branche, Parc naturel regional des Vosges du Nord, France
860-290250 - Black bird (Turdus merula) eating European mountain ash (Sorbus aucuparia) berries on a branche, Parc naturel regional des Vosges du Nord, France
860-289637 - Rosa 'Clair Matin' Obtenteur : Meilland (FRA) 1960
860-289581 - Rosa 'Guinee' Breeder : Mallerin (FRA) 1938
860-290404 - Rosa 'Bataclan' Obtenteur : Tantau (GER) 2003
860-289533 - Rose tree 'Pink Cloud' in bloom in a garden *** Local Caption *** Breeder : Boerner (USA) 1952
860-289905 - Honey bee (Apis mellifera) on rose flower, Jean-Marie Pelt Botanical Garden, Nancy, Lorraine, France
860-289579 - Rosa 'New Dawn' Obtenteur : Sommerset 1930
860-289646 - Rosa 'Blue Eden' Breeder : Carruth (USA) 2004
860-289493 - Rosa 'Auguste Renoir' in bloom in a garden *** Local Caption *** Reg. : Meilland 1993
860-289307 - Pyrus communis 'Beurre Capiaumont'
860-289312 - Malus domestica 'Galeuse de Bretagne'
860-289367 - Rose tree 'Docteur Watson' in bloom in a garden *** Local Caption *** Reg. : Harkness 2008
860-289447 - Pyrus communis 'Directeur Hardy de Provence'
860-289362 - Rose tree 'Pierre de Ronsard' in bloom in a garden *** Local Caption *** Reg. : Meilland 1987
860-289363 - Rosa 'Fugue' Obtenteur : Meilland 1958
860-289361 - Rose tree 'Elle' in bloom in a garden *** Local Caption *** Reg. : Meilland 1999
860-289364 - Rosa 'Zephirine Drouhin' Obtenteur : Bizot 1868
860-289194 - Making an old-fashioned blackberry jam in summer
860-289133 - Strawberry planting on plastic mulch film, in three stages.
860-289180 - Delbard summer' apples on the tree in an orchard in summer
860-289200 - Making an old-fashioned blackberry jam in summer
860-289181 - Summer Delbard' apple fillets in a wheelbarrow in summer
860-289195 - Making an old-fashioned blackberry jam in summer
860-289173 - Basket filled with plum quetsches 'Stanley' in summer, Alsace
860-289132 - Strawberry planting on plastic mulch film, in three stages.
860-289203 - Woman picking 'Stanley' plums in summer, Alsace
860-289201 - Making an old-fashioned blackberry jam in summer
860-289198 - Making an old-fashioned blackberry jam in summer