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860-292756 - Soft coral;Dendronephthya sp) and lyretail anthias;Pseudanthias squamipinnis) and tropical grouper;Cephalopholis miniata). Coral reef, corals. Ras Muhammad National Park;Sharm Al Sheikh - Raas Mohammed) and Tiran Strait. Sinai Peninsula. Red Sea, Egypt.
860-292752 - Soft coral;Dendronephthya sp) and whip coral;Junceella sp). Coral reef. Ras Muhammad National Park;Sharm Al Sheikh - Raas Mohammed) and Tiran Strait. Sinai Peninsula. Red Sea, Egypt.
860-292750 - Soft coral;Dendronephthya sp). Coral reef. Ras Muhammad National Park;Sharm Al Sheikh - Raas Mohammed) and Tiran Strait. Sinai Peninsula. Red Sea, Egypt.
860-292722 - Whale eating. Bryde's whale (Balaenoptera brydei, edeni) - Fr: Rorqual de Bryde - Sp: Rorcual tropical. Tenerife, Canary Islands.
1387-574 - Detail of a reef-building coral colony, Favia sp., growing on a healthy reef in Komodo National Park, Indonesia.
1387-571 - Detail of a reef-building coral colony, Favia sp., growing on a healthy reef in Komodo National Park, Indonesia.
1387-556 - A small, well-camouflaged cuttlefish, Sepia sp., hovers on a rocky seafloor in the Banda Sea, Indonesia.
1387-524 - A colorful soft coral adorns a giant clam, Tridacna sp., growing on a healthy reef in Raja Ampat, Indonesia.
1387-518 - Vibrant soft corals, Dendronephthya sp., thrive among the islands of Raja Ampat, Indonesia.
1387-516 - A velvetfish, Paraploactis sp., waits for prey to swim by in Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-514 - A well-camouflaged Mototi octopus, Octopus sp., hides in plain view on the sandy seafloor in Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-462 - A bright cup coral, Tubastrea sp., grows on a remote reef in Raja Ampat, Indonesia.
1387-456 - Detail of coral polyps, Tubastrea sp., growing on a healthy reef in Raja Ampat, Indonesia.
1387-444 - A vibrant nudibranch, Phyllidia sp., feeds on sponges on a coral reef in the remote, tropical islands of Raja Ampat, Indonesia.
1387-442 - A vibrant nudibranch, Chromodoris sp., crawls across a coral reef in the remote, tropical islands of Raja Ampat, Indonesia.
1387-438 - Soft coral colonies, Sinularia sp., thrive on a reef found among the remote, tropical islands of Raja Ampat, Indonesia.
1387-434 - A beautiful soft coral colony, Dendronephthya sp., grows amid the remote, tropical islands of Raja Ampat, Indonesia.
1387-433 - A vibrant soft coral, Dendronephthya sp., grows amid the remote, tropical islands of Raja Ampat, Indonesia.
1387-428 - Fast-growing staghorn coral fragments, Acropora sp., are being grown in hopes of replanting colonies in reef areas of the Caribbean Sea that have been damaged.
1387-415 - Detail of a mushroom coral, Fungia sp., growing on a beautiful reef in Wakatobi National Park, Indonesia.
1387-406 - A beautiful feather duster worm, Bispira sp., grows on a coral reef in Alor, Indonesia.
1387-403 - A lizardfish, Synodus sp., waits for prey to swim close by on a reef near Alor in Indonesia.
1387-395 - Detail of the mouth on a mushroom coral (Fungia sp.) in Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
1387-357 - Beautiful soft corals (Dendronephthya sp.) grow on the edge of a channel in Raja Ampat, Indonesia.
1387-343 - An unidentified moray eel (Gymnothorax sp.) swims over a sandy seafloor in Komodo National Park, Indonesia.
1387-342 - Detail of the spiral tentacles arrangement of a feather duster worm (Bispira sp.) in Komodo National Park, Indonesia.
1387-337 - A beautiful coral colony (Heliopora sp.) grows in Komodo National Park, Indonesia.
1387-326 - A large mantis shrimp (Lysosquilla sp.) uses its excellent eyesight to scan its underwater environment in the Lesser Sunda Islands of Indonesia.
1387-302 - Detail of a mushroom coral (Fungia sp.) on a reef in Raja Ampat, Indonesia. This remote, tropical region is home to extraordinary marine biodiversity.
1387-290 - Detail of the texture on a mushroom coral (Fungia sp.) growing in Wakatobi National Park, Indonesia. This remote region is known for its incredible marine biodiversity and gorgeous reefs.
1387-288 - Detail of the colorful dorsal fin of a scorpionfish (Scorpaenopsis sp.) in Wakatobi National Park, Indonesia. This remote region is known for its incredible marine biodiversity and gorgeous reefs.
1387-284 - Detail of a stony coral (Galaxea sp.) growing in Wakatobi National Park, Indonesia. This remote region is known for its incredible marine biodiversity and gorgeous reefs.
1387-269 - Fast-growing corals (Acropora sp.) are being grown by scientists in the Caribbean Sea. Once they reach a certain size they will be planted on a reef that has been previously damaged.
1387-257 - Sunlight sparkles through a table coral (Acropora sp.) in Komodo National Park, Indonesia. This tropical region in Indonesia is known for its spectacular coral reefs and high marine biodiversity.
1387-252 - Abstract of a mushroom coral (Fungia sp.) growing on a reef in Indonesia. This tropical region, within the Coral Triangle, is home to an incredible variety of marine life.
1387-245 - Coral polyps (Galaxea sp.) wait for plankton on a reef in Komodo National Park, Indonesia. This beautiful area harbors extraordinary marine biodiversity and is a popular destination for divers and snorkelers.
1387-241 - Detail of a mushroom coral (Fungia sp.) on a reef in Komodo National Park, Indonesia. This tropical region in Indonesia is known for its spectacular coral reefs and high marine biodiversity.
1387-228 - A tube anemone (Cerianthid sp.) feeds on planktonic organisms on a sand slope in Indonesia.
1387-196 - Detail of anchor coral tentacles (Euphyllia sp.) growing on a reef in Indonesia. This area is known for its high marine biodiversity.
1112-9140 - A pair of moon jellyfish (Aurelia sp), in Jellyfish Lake, located on Eil Malk island, Rock Islands, Palau, Micronesia, Pacific
1112-9139 - Snorkeler with moon jellyfish (Aurelia sp), in Jellyfish Lake, located on Eil Malk island, Rock Islands, Palau, Micronesia, Pacific
1112-9138 - Snorkeler with moon jellyfish (Aurelia sp), in Jellyfish Lake, located on Eil Malk island, Rock Islands, Palau, Micronesia, Pacific
1387-172 - Colorful soft corals (Dendronephthya sp.) adorn the stunning reefs of southern Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia, Southeast Asia, Asia
1387-85 - Bubble coral shrimp (Vir philippinensis) on bubble coral (Plerogyra sp.), Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
1387-14 - Tiny skeleton shrimp, Caprella sp., possibly Caprella linearis, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
860-292318 - African bush elephant (Loxodonta africana) feeding on a very thorny acacia (Vachellia sp.). Mashatu Game Reserve. Northern Tuli Game Reserve. Botswana.
860-292216 - Gursky's spectral tarsier Tarsius spectrumgurskyae (sp. nov. M. Shekelle and al.) North Sulawesi
860-291996 - Fluorescent Tube Anemone (Cerianthidae sp) hunting at night on the sand of the S pass. Mayotte
860-291993 - Moray (Gymnothorax sp) fluorescing under blue light, in the reef at night, Mayotte
860-291991 - Fluorescent coral mushroom. Fluorescent coral (Fungiidae sp) attracting its prey in the dark of night, Mayotte
741-6514 - Papyrus (Papyrus sp), Okavango Delta, Botswana, Africa
741-6513 - Papyrus (Papyrus sp), Okavango Delta, Botswana, Africa
741-6512 - Papyrus (Papyrus sp), Okavango Delta, Botswana, Africa
759-9997 - Table Corals growing at Reef, Acropora sp., Felidhu Atoll, Maldives
759-9996 - Soft Corals in Overhang, Chironephthya sp., Felidhu Atoll, Maldives
759-9984 - Shoal of Chromis over Reef, Chromis sp., Indian Ocean, Maldives
759-15206 - Table coral growing on Jetty, Acropora sp., Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia
759-15157 - Fluorescent Stoney coral, Symphyllia sp., Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia
759-15098 - Flatworm crawls over reef, Pceudoceros sp., Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia
759-15084 - Ornate Pipefish, Halicampus sp., Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia
759-15083 - Red Pipefish, Duncerocampus sp., Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia
759-14557 - Allied Cowry, Phenacovola sp., Kimbe Bay, New Britain, Papua New Guinea
759-13776 - Commensal Shrimp in Mushroom Coral, Periclimenes sp., Tufi, Solomon Sea, Papua New Guinea
759-13763 - Detail of Red Hibiscus, Hibiscus sp., Tufi, Oro Province, Papua New Guinea
759-13762 - Red Hibiscus, Hibiscus sp., Tufi, Oro Province, Papua New Guinea
759-13622 - Colored Soft Corals, Dendronephthya sp., Brother Islands, Red Sea, Egypt
759-13621 - Colored Soft Corals, Dendronephthya sp., Brother Islands, Red Sea, Egypt
759-13620 - Colored Soft Corals, Dendronephthya sp., Brother Islands, Red Sea, Egypt
759-13619 - Colored Soft Corals, Dendronephthya sp., Brother Islands, Red Sea, Egypt
759-13571 - Table Coral in Coral Reef, Acropora sp., Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia
759-13466 - Octopus, Octopus sp., La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico
759-13465 - Octopus, Octopus sp., La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico
759-13369 - Feather Star in Coral Reef, Comantheria sp., Christmas Island, Australia
759-13351 - Feather Star in Coral Reef, Comantheria sp., Christmas Island, Australia
759-13349 - Giant Porites Coral, Porites sp., Christmas Island, Australia
759-13346 - Scuba Diver at Coral Reef, Melithaea sp., Christmas Island, Australia
759-13144 - Buttress Roots of Giant Strangler Fig Tree, Ficus sp., Christmas Island, Australia
759-13143 - Buttress Roots of Giant Strangler Fig Tree, Ficus sp., Christmas Island, Australia
759-13006 - Orange Didemnum, Didemnum sp., Felidhu Atoll, Maldives
759-12749 - Splendid Round Crab, Etisus sp., Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia
759-12741 - Crinoid on Red Sponge, Comanthina sp., Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia
759-12707 - Soft Corals under Aborek Jetty, Dendronephthya sp., Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia
759-12703 - Soft Corals under Aborek Jetty, Dendronephthya sp., Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia
759-12644 - Coral Crab, Trapezia sp., Ambon, Moluccas, Indonesia
759-12643 - Coral Crab, Trapezia sp., Ambon, Moluccas, Indonesia
759-12642 - Coral Crab, Trapezia sp., Ambon, Moluccas, Indonesia
759-12640 - Commensal Shrimp in Sea Anemone, Periclimenes sp., Ambon, Moluccas, Indonesia
759-12637 - Swimming Crinoid, Comanthina sp., Ambon, Moluccas, Indonesia
759-12602 - Eye of Cuttlefish, Sepia sp., Ambon, Moluccas, Indonesia
759-12601 - Stalked Eyes of Spearing Mantis Shrimp, Lysiosquillina sp., Ambon, Moluccas, Indonesia
759-12398 - Skeleton Shrimp, Caprella sp., Bali, Indonesia
759-12396 - White Dorid Nudibranch, Hypselodoris sp., Bali, Indonesia
759-12384 - Ghost Goby on Starfish, Bryaninops sp., Bali, Indonesia
759-12376 - Cleaning Shrimp and White-eyed Moray, Urocaridella sp.B, Bali, Indonesia
759-12345 - Dorid Nudibranch, Tambja sp., Komodo National Park, Indonesia
759-12317 - Fan Worms on sandy Bottom, Sabellastarte sp., Komodo National Park, Indonesia
759-12316 - Fan Worms on sandy Bottom, Sabellastarte sp., Komodo National Park, Indonesia
759-12314 - Four-armed Luzon Starfish, Lynckia sp., Komodo National Park, Indonesia
759-12289 - Chain of Salps, Salpa sp., Komodo National Park, Indonesia
759-12255 - Yellowbarred Jawfish, Opistognathus sp., Komodo National Park, Indonesia