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1112-10967 - The endemic Opuntia cactus (Opuntia echios) cactus growing in the Galapagos Island Archipelago, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America
1387-745 - Common lionfish (Pterois miles) surrounded by snack food.
1387-667 - A lionfish hovers over a coral reef as the sun sets, Raja Ampat, Indonesia.
1387-617 - A lionfish takes up residence on the deck of the Yamagiri Maru, in the Pacific Ocean, Micronesia.
1387-439 - A crown-of-thorns sea star (Acanthaster planci) feeds on a living coral colony among the remote, tropical islands of Raja Ampat, Indonesia.
1387-390 - A crown of thorns starfish (Acanthaster planci) feeds on a coral reef growing near an island in the Banda Sea, Indonesia.
1387-378 - A lionfish (Pterois volitans) hunts for prey in a seagrass meadow in the Banda Islands of eastern Indonesia.
1387-283 - A spine-cheeked anemonefish (Premnas biaculeatus) swims among the tentacles of its host anemone in Wakatobi National Park, Indonesia.
1387-250 - A lionfish (Pterois volitans) displays its venomous spines in Komodo National Park, Indonesia. This tropical area in the western Pacific harbors an extraordinary array of marine organisms.
1387-159 - Close-up view of a lionfish (Pterois volitans), Gorontalo, Indonesia, Southeast Asia, Asia
1387-158 - Common lionfish (Pterois volitans), full body view, Solomon Islands, South Pacific, Pacific
1387-125 - A sea star shimp (Periclimenes soror), swims through a forest of spines on the back of a crown-of-thorns starfish, Micronesia, Pacific
1387-121 - A blue-spotted sea urchin (Astropyga radiata), Hawaii, United States of America, Pacific, North America
1387-86 - These striped catfish (Plotosus lineatus) have a venomous spine in front of their pectoral fin, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
1116-53098 - Surgeonfish aggregate on the north coast of Komodo Island. Surgeonfishes are small-scaled, with a single dorsal fin and one or more distinctive, sharp spines that are located on either side of the tail base and can produce deep cuts. They are primarily algae eaters, Komodo Island, Indonesia
1358-419 - Opuntia (Prickly Pear) cacti on South Plaza island, Galapagos, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America
1112-8938 - Adult San Esteban spiny-tailed iguana (Ctenosaura conspicuosa), endemic to Isla San Esteban, Baja California, Mexico, North America
1112-8931 - Mexican giant cardon (Pachycereus pringlei), on Isla San Esteban, Baja California, Sea of Cortez, Mexico, North America
1385-175 - Photo of a porcupine at London Zoo, London, England, United Kingdom, Europe
1384-894 - Flower of opuntia ficus-indica (prickly pear) cactus crop for cochineal production, Mala, Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic, Europe
1384-877 - Cactus plants inside Jardin de Cactus designed by Cesar Manrique, Guatiza, Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic, Europe
1384-874 - Cactus plants inside Jardin de Cactus designed by Cesar Manrique, including Echinocactus grusonii from Mexico, Guatiza, Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic, Europe
1384-873 - Cactaceae (Optunia Tunicata), from Mexico. Jardin de Cactus designed by Cesar Manrique, Guatiza, Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic, Europe
1384-852 - Abstract pattern of leaves of agave americana cactus plant growing in Cabo de Gata natural park, Almeria, Andalusia, Spain, Europe
1112-8457 - A pair of spine-cheek clownfish (Amphiprion biaculeatus), tucked into an anemone off Wohof Island, Raja Ampat, Indonesia, Southeast Asia
1112-8455 - A pair of spine-cheek clownfish (Amphiprion biaculeatus), Pulau Gam night snorkel off Wohof Island, Raja Ampat, Indonesia, Southeast Asia
832-403714 - Female patient with physiotherapist doing exercises with ball
759-11115 - Greater Weaver, Trachinus draco, Mediterranean Sea, Sardinia, Italy
832-401058 - An common lionfish (Pterois miles) lurks for prey, on sea goldie (Pseudanthias squamipinnis), Marsa Shuna reef dive site, Red Sea, Egypt, Africa
832-397617 - Person with back problems on isolated background, lumbar problems concept, A man with spine problems, a sore person with back pain
860-290900 - Short-beaked Echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus), an oviparous mammal of Australia. Short-beaked Echidnas feed on Ants and termites, the spiky coat, which can differ in color and density in Australia, is protecting the Echidna from predators. Australia, South Australia
832-394115 - Jetty overgrown with stony corals, common lionfish (Pterois miles), Red Sea, Aqaba, Jordan, Asia
1116-51411 - A paraplegic mother holding her baby on her lap, in her kitchen, while pushing in her wheel chair: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
1116-51342 - A paraplegic mother picking her baby up after a sleep in a customized crib with a sliding door; Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
1116-51343 - A paraplegic mother picking her baby up after a sleep in a customized crib with a sliding door; Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
1116-51340 - A paraplegic mom putting her baby down to sleep in a customized crib with a sliding door; Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
1116-51410 - A paraplegic mother holding her baby on her lap, in her kitchen, while sitting in her wheel chair: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
1116-50646 - A paraplegic mother in a wheelchair playing with her baby in a baby seat, while in her kitchen; Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
1116-51341 - A paraplegic mom putting her baby down to sleep in a customized crib with a sliding door; Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
1116-50644 - A young mom with a spinal cord injury looks after her newborn baby while working on her computer in the kitchen; Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
1116-51137 - A paraplegic man working out using an overhead press in fitness facility; Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
1116-50900 - A paraplegic woman popping wheelie in her wheelchair and fooling around in a gymnasium after working out at a fitness facility: Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
1116-51508 - A young girl standing on her tippy-toes to give a kiss to her paraplegic mom who is in a wheelchair: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
1116-50907 - A view from the side of a paraplegic woman working out using a bar connected to a pull down machine in a fitness facility; Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
1116-51538 - A paraplegic mom holding her little girl in her lap while sitting in her wheelchair in her front yard on a warm summer afternoon: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
1116-50914 - Two paraplegic friends pretending to arm wrestle after working out at a fitness facility: Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
1116-50959 - A paraplegic man working out using a crossover pulley weight lifting apparatus in a fitness facility; Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
1116-50915 - Two paraplegic friends giving each other a high five after working out at a fitness facility: Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
1116-50957 - A paraplegic woman working out using an overhead press in a fitness facility; Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
1116-51135 - An older paraplegic man working out using an overhead press in fitness facility; Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
1116-50645 - A young mom with a spinal cord injury looks after her newborn baby while working on her computer in the kitchen; Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
1116-50958 - A paraplegic man working out using a crossover pulley weight lifting apparatus in a fitness facility; Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
1116-51134 - A paraplegic man resting after working out using an overhead press in fitness facility; Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
1116-50916 - A paraplegic man working out using free weights in front of a mirror at recreational centre: Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
1116-50909 - A view from behind of a paraplegic woman working out using a lat pull down machine in a fitness facility; Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
1116-51133 - A paraplegic man looking at the camera and giving an affirming hand gesture after working out using an overhead press in a fitness facility; Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
1116-50904 - A paraplegic woman taking a break in a gymnasium after working out in a recreational facility: Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
1116-50908 - A view from behind of a paraplegic woman working out using a lat pull down machine in a fitness facility; Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
1116-51537 - A paraplegic mom holding her little girl in her lap while taking her for a ride down the street in her wheelchair on a warm summer afternoon: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
1116-50905 - A paraplegic woman looking discouraged while taking a break from working out in a recreational facility: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
1116-51132 - One paraplegic man working out using an overhead press in fitness facility while his disabled friend watches; Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
1116-50913 - Two paraplegic friends talking together and encouraging each other after working out at a fitness facility: Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
1116-50643 - A young mom with a spinal cord injury looks after her newborn baby while working on her computer in the kitchen; Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
1116-50912 - Two paraplegic friends giving each other a fist bump of encouragement after working out at a fitness facility: Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
1116-50901 - A paraplegic man popping a wheelie in his wheelchair and balancing while lifting a weight in a gymnasium after working out at a fitness facility: Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
1116-51890 - Close-up detail of a crown of thorns starfish (Acanthaster planci); Maui, Hawaii, United States of America
1116-50903 - A paraplegic woman taking a break in a gymnasium after working out in a recreational facility: Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
1116-51531 - A husband and his paraplegic wife posing for a family photo in their front yard on a warm fall day: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
1116-50960 - A paraplegic man working out using a crossover pulley weight lifting apparatus in a fitness facility; Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
1116-50902 - A paraplegic woman taking a break in a gymnasium after working out in a recreational facility: Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
1116-51422 - A paraplegic woman cooking steaks and baked potatoes on an outdoor barbecue while sitting in her wheelchair: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
1116-50906 - A paraplegic woman looking discouraged while taking a break from working out in a recreational facility: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
1116-51136 - A paraplegic man working out using an overhead press in fitness facility; Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
1116-50961 - A paraplegic man working out using a crossover pulley weight lifting apparatus in a fitness facility; Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
1116-51552 - A paraplegic mom holding her little girl in her lap while sitting in her wheelchair in her front yard on a warm summer afternoon: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
1116-51138 - A paraplegic man working out using an overhead press in fitness facility; Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
1116-50917 - A paraplegic woman posing for the camera after working out using an overhead press in a fitness facility; Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
832-393624 - Zebra turkeyfish (Dendrochirus zebra), Andaman Sea, Thailand, Asia
832-393714 - Indian lionfish (Ptrois miles) swimming in the open sea, Red Sea, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
832-393701 - Colony of white-spotted diadem Black Longspine Urchin sp (Diadema setosum) on seagrass meadow, Red Sea, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
1350-2537 - Common lionfish, Pterois volitans, close-up, Sabang wreck, Puerto Galera, Mindoro, Philippines.
1350-2454 - Saddled butterflyfish, Chaetodon ephippium, Namu atoll, Marshall Islands (N. Pacific).