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1350-4849 - Flowers being carried on a motorcycle at a flower market, Mandalay, Myanmar, (Burma)
1350-4863 - Painting of boats in a floating market, Yangon, (Rangoon), Myanmar, (Burma)
832-378635 - Coal power plant Scholven, E.ON Kraftwerke, cooling towers, chimneys, smoke, Gelsenkirchen, Ruhr district, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe
832-378633 - Emschermündung, River Emscher and Rhine, coal power plant, Dinslaken, Ruhr district, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe
832-378634 - Coal power plant Scholven, E.ON Kraftwerke, cooling towers, chimneys, smoke, Gelsenkirchen, Ruhr district, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe
832-378607 - Kraftwerk Voerde coal power plant on the Rhine, emissions, smoke, smokestacks, cooling tower, Voerde, Ruhr district, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe
832-378606 - Kraftwerk Voerde coal power plant on the Rhine, emissions, smoke, smokestacks, cooling tower, Voerde, Ruhr district, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe
832-378596 - E.ON Scholven Power Station, Gelsenkirchen, Ruhr district, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe
832-378402 - Grafenrheinfeld nuclear power plant, steam coming out of the cooling towers against a dark sky, Grafenrheinfeld, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
832-376403 - Exhaust emissions, plume of smoke, chimney of a power plant, Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, Europe
832-378355 - STEAG Evonik Walsum coal-fired power plant, Duisburg, Ruhr Area, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe
832-378356 - Huckingen Power Plant, Hüttenheim, Duisburg, Ruhr Area, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe
832-378087 - Jänschwalde open pit, behind the Jänschwalde lignite power plant, Jänschwalde, Brandenburg, Germany, Europe
832-375847 - Kraftwerk Neurath power plant with a huge cloud of steam, Grevenbroich, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe
832-378292 - Leibstadt Nuclear Power Plant and village, Leibstadt, Canton of Aargau, Switzerland, Europe
832-378290 - Leibstadt Nuclear Power Plant and village, Leibstadt, Canton of Aargau, Switzerland, Europe
832-375846 - Neurath brown coal power station in the Rhineland region, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe
832-378291 - Leibstadt Nuclear Power Plant and village, Leibstadt, Canton of Aargau, Switzerland, Europe
832-351165 - Power station, GKM Grosskraftwerk Mannheim at twilight, Mannheim, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
832-341568 - Weisweiler coal power plant near Aachen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe
832-351144 - Illuminated columns at an incineration plant, Stuttgart, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany
832-341586 - Coal power plant, Weissweiler, Aachen, North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany
832-342005 - Football field in front of Klingenberg Power Station, Berlin-Lichtenberg, Berlin, Germany, Europe
832-341567 - Weisweiler coal power plant near Aachen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe
832-327818 - Europe's largest construction site, Brown coal plant, Neurath, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
832-321370 - RWE company sign in front of the RWE Tower, called Power Tower, the headquarters of Germanys biggest electricity supplier, Essen, NRW, Germany
832-315273 - Baburenmolen historic windmill with modern wind turbines in background, Bolsward, Friesland, The Netherlands, Europe
832-315280 - Prosper Coking Plant, Bottrop, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
832-315284 - Prosper Coking Plant, Bottrop, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
832-315277 - Scholven coal-fired power station, Gelsenkirchen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe
832-315278 - Scholven coal-fired power station, Gelsenkirchen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe
832-280956 - Grafenrheinfeld Nuclear Power Plant, Lower Franconia, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
832-280960 - Grafenrheinfeld Nuclear Power Plant, Lower Franconia, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
832-280950 - Grafenrheinfeld Nuclear Power Plant, Lower Franconia, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
832-280954 - Grafenrheinfeld Nuclear Power Plant next to the village of Garstadt, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
832-280521 - Mannheim, DEU, 23.08.2001, building of a Gas pipeline, natural gas pipeline in the Rhine level
832-281029 - Nuclear power station Grafenrheinfeld, Lower Franconia, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
832-280944 - Grafenrheinfeld Nuclear Power Plant, Lower Franconia, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
832-280951 - Grafenrheinfeld Nuclear Power Plant, Lower Franconia, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
832-280957 - Grafenrheinfeld Nuclear Power Plant, Lower Franconia, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
832-281027 - Cooling towers and power lines of the Grafenrheinfeld Nuclear Power Station, Lower Franconia, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
832-281023 - Grafenrheinfeld Nuclear Power Station, Grafenrheinfeld, Lower Franconia, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
832-280943 - Grafenrheinfeld Nuclear Power Plant next to the church steeple of Roethlein, Lower Franconia, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
832-280946 - Grafenrheinfeld Nuclear Power Plant, Lower Franconia, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
832-268138 - Photovoltaic system on the roof of the mountain station of the Arber Mountain Railway at Mount Grosser Arber near Bayerisch Eisenstein in the Bavarian Forest, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
832-268254 - EON nuclear power station Isar II, reactor building and cooling tower, Essenbach, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
832-268552 - Waste incineration plant run by the Zweckverband Abfallverwertung Suedhessen in Darmstadt, Hesse, Germany, Europe
832-268270 - EON Nuclear Power Plant Isar II, reactor building, spent fuel pool, refueling stage, Essenbach, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
832-268355 - Photovoltaic system on the roof of the mountain station of the Arber Mountain Railway at Mount Grosser Arber near Bayerisch Eisenstein in the Bavarian Forest, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
832-268262 - EON Nuclear Power Plant Isar II, reactor building, spent fuel pool, refueling stage, converting fuel assembly, Essenbach, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
832-266914 - Open-cut mining near Zwenkau, cooling towers of the Lippendorf Power Station near Leipzig, Saxony, Germany, Europe
832-266911 - Open-cut mining near Zwenkau, stripping shovel, cooling towers of the Lippendorf Power Station near Leipzig, Saxony, Germany, Europe
832-265717 - Scottish Power generating station at Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom, Europe
832-266196 - Building of the Yellow company, Munich, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
832-264917 - Sunset behind electricity pylon, Ruhr area, Germany, Europe
832-265111 - RWE Tower, Essen, Ruhr Area, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe
832-264857 - RWE-Tower, Dortmund, Ruhr Area, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe
832-262607 - Lippendorf Power Station, Saxonia, Germany, Europe
832-260540 - Big Photovoltaic system, solar plant, in snow, Oberruesselbach, Middle Franconia, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
832-260541 - Big Photovoltaic system, solar plant, in snow, Oberruesselbach, Middle Franconia, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
832-254659 - Werne-Stockum power plant, 'Gersteinwerk', driven by natural gas and coal, at the Lippe River, Werne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe
832-254063 - Geothermal power plant, Nesjavellir, aerial picture, Iceland
832-254658 - Werne-Stockum power plant, 'Gersteinwerk', driven by natural gas and coal, at the Lippe River, Werne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe
832-253290 - Two people in the forefront of EnBW Energiepark at sunset, Marbach on the Neckar, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
832-252952 - Large roof with with solar collectors in a village
832-247809 - Walchensee power plant, Kochel, Upper Bavaria, Germany, Europe
832-246355 - Smoking chimney of the HafenCity combined heat and power station of the company Vattenfall, HafenCity, Hamburg, Germany, Europe
832-246356 - Smoking chimney of the HafenCity combined heat and power station of the company Vattenfall, HafenCity, Hamburg, Germany, Europe
832-245756 - Grafenrheinfeld nuclear power plant, Lower Franconia, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
832-238150 - Service station of the Linde AG company in Regensburg, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
832-245077 - Aerial photo, Uentrop GUD gas turbine power station, snow, Hamm, Ruhr Area, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe
832-244172 - Aerial photograph, AKW, Atomkraftwerk, atom power plant, two cooling towers evaporating water, Grafenrheinfeld, Main, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
832-244452 - Aerial photograph, atmospheric cooling tower, power plant, Steag, Evonik, Rhein, Walsum, Duisburg, Ruhr Area, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe
832-234483 - RWE-Tower in Dortmund, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe
832-243902 - Aerial view, hard coal-fired power plant of Evonik Steag, in cooperation with RWE Power AG, at the Datteln-Hamm-Kanal (canal), Bergkamen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe
832-244453 - Aerial photograph, atmospheric cooling tower, power plant, Steag, Evonik, Walsum, Duisburg, Ruhr Area, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe
832-244492 - Aerial view, photo at night, Trianel, GUD, public utility company Hamm, power station powered by gas turbines, Uentrop, Hamm, Ruhr area, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe
832-244916 - Aerial picture, night shot, RWE Power, coal power station expansion, Hamm, cooling tower, building site, Westfalen power plant, Ruhr area, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe
832-244290 - Aerial photo, Prosper coking plant, Ruhr Coal, Evonik, night exposure, blue illumination, Extraschicht 2008 festival, Bottrop, Ruhr area, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe
832-241158 - Photovoltaic solar collectors at the largest photovoltaic power plant in the US, operated by SunEdison, generates 8.22 megawatts, San Luis Valley, Alamosa, Colorado, USA
832-244170 - Aerial photograph, AKW, Atomkraftwerk, atom power plant, two cooling towers evaporating water, shadows, Grohnde, Emmerthal, Lower Saxony, Germany, Europe
832-244493 - Aerial photograph, GuD-Kraftwerk, gas turbine power plant, evening shot, power plant cooler, public utility companies: Stadtwerke Hamm, Stadtwerke Witten, Stadtwerke Herne, Trianel, Siemens, Uentrop, Hamm, Ruhr Area, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europ
832-238166 - Service station of the Linde AG company in Regensburg, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
832-245027 - Aerial photo, VEBA Oel AG plant Horst, tank farm, gas tanks, snow, Gelsenkirchen-Buer, Gelsenkirchen, Ruhr Area, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe
832-245752 - Grafenrheinfeld nuclear power plant, Lower Franconia, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
832-244028 - Sunrise over the VEBA-Oel AG company and the Scholven power station, aerial photo, Dorsten, Ruhrgebiet, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe
832-234840 - Incinerator and Heating Plant, Thermal power plant, designed by Friedensreich Hundertwasser, Spittelau, Vienna, Austria, Europe
832-244171 - Aerial photograph, AKW, Atomkraftwerk, atom power plant, Weser, Grohnde, Emmerthal, Lower Saxony, Germany, Europe
832-244125 - Aerial picture, Aaltotheater, Evonik, RWE, DSK Ruhrkohle and Philharmonie, in the background Essen city center, Essen, Ruhr area, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe
832-245750 - Grafenrheinfeld nuclear power plant, Lower Franconia, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
832-241374 - RWE Tower, also called Power Tower, headquarters of Germany's largest electricity supplier, Essen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe
832-245757 - Grafenrheinfeld nuclear power plant, Lower Franconia, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
832-245753 - Grafenrheinfeld nuclear power plant, Lower Franconia, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
832-245763 - Grafenrheinfeld power plant, Lower Franconia, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
832-245055 - Aerial photo, power supplier Gazprom, headquarters, Ruhrgas Eon, snow, Essen, Ruhrgebiet, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe
832-244242 - Aerial view, Westfalen RWE Power Energy Plant with sunset, Uentrop, Hamm, Ruhr Area, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe
832-245768 - Grafenrheinfeld power plant, Lower Franconia, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
832-245437 - Atomic power station, Grafenrheinfeld, Lower Franconia, Bavaria, Germany, Europe