Robert Harding

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860-292757 - Anemone with twoband anemonefish;Amphiprion bicinctus). Reef fish. Ras Muhammad National Park;Sharm Al Sheikh - Raas Mohammed) and Tiran Strait. Sinai Peninsula. Red Sea, Egypt.
832-401337 - Symbiotic behaviour Symbiosis of jewel perch vermillion seabass (Cephalopholis miniata) lies at cleaning stationwith mouth wide open showing teeth rows of teeth motionless in coral reef lets cleaner wrasse bluestreak cleaner wrasse (Labroides dimidiatus) rid itself of parasites, Indian Ocean, Mascarene Islands, Mauritius, Africa
832-401334 - Symbiotic behaviour Symbiosis of giant moray (Gymnothorax javanicus) with open mouth looks directly at observer lets cleaner wrasse bluestreak cleaner wrasse (Labroides dimidiatus) rid itself of parasites, Indian Ocean, Mascarene Islands, Mauritius, Africa
832-401277 - Portrait of Sea Cow (Dugong dugon) eating algae on seagrass meadow. Dugong accompanied by school of Golden trevally (Gnathanodon speciosus) fish feeding Smooth ribbon seagrass, Red sea, Egypt, Africa
832-401274 - Close up of Sea Cow (Dugong dugon) or Dugong accompanied by school of Golden trevally (Gnathanodon speciosus) fish feeding Smooth ribbon seagrass, Red sea, Egypt, Africa
832-401275 - Sea Cow (Dugong dugon) or Dugong with Remorafish on its belly swims up to surface in blue water, school of Golden Trevally (Gnathanodon speciosus) fish accompany it, Bottom view, Red sea, Egypt, Africa
832-401273 - Frontal portrait of Sea Cow (Dugong dugon) or Dugong accompanied by school of Golden trevally (Gnathanodon speciosus) fish feeding Smooth ribbon seagrass, Red sea, Egypt, Africa
860-291421 - 27-year-old female researcher working on nitrogen exchange between bacteria and the roots of legumes showing an example of a nodule of bacteria attached to the roots in the rainforest of the "La Selva" research station in Puerto Viejo de Sarapiqui, Costa Rica
832-401054 - Yellow-edged moray (Gymnothorax flavimarginatus) at cleaning station with pacific cleaner shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis), Sodwana Bay National Park dive site, Maputaland Marine Reserve, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, Africa
832-387960 - Pilot Fish (Naucrates ductor) swimming in front of mouth, reef manta ray (Mobula alfredi) with curled up head fins, Great Barrier Reef, Coral Sea, Pacific Ocean, Australia, Oceania
832-387221 - West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus), overgrown with moss, resting on the bottom, Grass perch, Green sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus) eats moss from manti, cleanerfish, Three Sisters Springs, Manti Sanctuary, Crystal River, Florida, USA, North America
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