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759-9997 - Table Corals growing at Reef, Acropora sp., Felidhu Atoll, Maldives
759-11473 - Scuba diver over coral reef, Tanimbar Islands, Moluccas, Indonesia
759-11470 - Various Coralfishes over Tabel Corals, Tanimbar Islands, Moluccas, Indonesia
759-11467 - Reef of Hard Corals, Acropora, Tanimbar Islands, Moluccas, Indonesia
759-10139 - Coral Fishes over Reef Top, Felidhu Atoll, Maldives
759-10138 - Reef of Table Corals, Acropora sp., Felidhu Atoll, Maldives
759-10136 - Reef of Table Corals, Acropora sp., Felidhu Atoll, Maldives
759-10137 - Reef of Table Corals, Acropora sp., Felidhu Atoll, Maldives
759-10135 - Reef of Table Corals, Acropora sp., Felidhu Atoll, Maldives
759-10134 - Reef of Table Corals, Acropora sp., Felidhu Atoll, Maldives
759-10133 - Reef of Table Corals, Acropora sp., Felidhu Atoll, Maldives
759-10022 - Longjawed Squirrelfish underneath Tabe Coral, Sargocentron spiniferum, Thaa Atoll, Maldives
759-10016 - Table Corals growing at Reef, Acropora sp., Thaa Atoll, Maldives
759-10015 - Table Corals growing at Reef, Acropora sp., Thaa Atoll, Maldives
1113-46591 - Scuba Diver over Coral Reef, Wakaya, Lomaiviti, Fiji
759-6752 - Group of Red Crescent-tail Bigeye, Priacanthus hamrur, Blue Corner, Micronesia, Palau
759-6725 - Diagonal-banded Sweetlips under Table Coral, Plectorhinchus lineatus, Ulong Channel, Micronesia, Palau
759-7339 - Skin Diving at Maldives, Ellaidhoo House Reef, North Ari Atoll, Maldives
759-7338 - Skin Diving at Maldives, Ellaidhoo House Reef, North Ari Atoll, Maldives
759-6750 - Group of Red Crescent-tail Bigeye, Priacanthus hamrur, Blue Corner, Micronesia, Palau
759-5639 - Table Corals in Bikini Lagoon, Marshall Islands, Bikini Atoll, Micronesia, Pacific Ocean
759-5637 - Pristine Table Corals in Bikini Lagoon, Marshall Islands, Bikini Atoll, Micronesia, Pacific Ocean
759-5636 - Pristine Table Corals in Bikini Lagoon, Marshall Islands, Bikini Atoll, Micronesia, Pacific Ocean
759-5635 - Snorkeler over Corals in Bikini Lagoon, Marshall Islands, Bikini Atoll, Micronesia, Pacific Ocean
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