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1387-770 - Yellow crinoid (Crinoidea) and a scuba diver in Puerto Galera, Philippines. Photographed using close focus wide angle technique with a circular fisheye lens.
1387-769 - Reef scene with a fish frenzy with many anthias (Anthiinae) and orange, purple and red corals. Captured with a circular fish-eye lens in Puerto Galera, Philippines.
1387-768 - Reef scene including soft pink, red, and purple corals with brighlty colored anthias (Anthiinae) hovering on top of the reef in Puerto Galera, Philippines.
1387-761 - Mantis shrimp (Stomatopoda) sitting in its burrow, Puerto Galera, Philippines.
1387-755 - Bubble coral shrimp (Vir philippinensis) on bubble coral (Plerogyra sinuosa) eating, Puerto Galera, Philippines.
1387-754 - Spotted cleaner shrimp (Periclimenes yucatanicus) on a green sea anemone (Actiniaria), Puerto Galera, Philippines.
1387-753 - Pederson cleaner shrimp (Ancylomenes pedersoni) with eggs on a sea anemone, Puerto Galera, Philippines.
1387-752 - Hermit crab (Paguroidea) in sea shell, Puerto Galera, Philippines.
1387-750 - Hairy squat lobster (Lauriea siagiani), Anilao, Philippines.
1387-747 - A hairy squat lobster (Lauriea siagiani), Anilao, Philippines.
1387-746 - Lined squat lobster (Raymunida lineata), Anilao, Philippines.
1387-738 - A beautiful bubble shell nudibranch (Hydatina physis), Anilao, Philippines.
1387-735 - Emperor shrimp (Periclimenes imperator) on a sea cucumber, Anilao, Philippines.
1387-734 - Ceratosoma nudibranch, Anilao, Philippines.
1387-730 - Glossodoris nudibranch, Anilao, Philippines.
1387-715 - Beautiful tiger anemone colony, Bohol Sea, Philippines.
1387-712 - A pair of mandarinfish mating, Cebu, Philippines.
1387-711 - Anker's whip coral shrimp, Cebu, Philippines.
1387-710 - Undescribed shrimp larva on egg sack, Romblon, Philippines.
1387-709 - Black-lined sapsucking slug, Romblon, Philippines.
1387-708 - Lizardfish eating a dragonet, Anilao, Philippines.
860-292583 - Reticulated python (Malayopython reticulatus)
1387-704 - A male yellow barred jawfish (Opistognathus randalli), broods eggs in its mouth, Anilao, Philippines.
1387-678 - A larval lionfish floats in the open ocean as plankton, Anilao, Philippines.
1387-677 - A female paper nautilus swims through the black water in search of a mate, Anilao, Philippines.
1387-676 - A longarm octopus flashes its colors at night, Anilao, Philippines.
1387-674 - A lizardfish chomps down on a dragonet, Anilao, Philippines.
1387-675 - A damselfish being eaten by a lizardfish, Anilao, Philippines.
1387-652 - A painted frog fish stalks its prey blending in with sponges that are also the same color, Anilao, Philippines.
1387-651 - A thorny seahorse clings to an algae stock, Anilao, Philippines.
1387-650 - A school of anthias darts around a coral reef, Anilao, Philippines.
1387-648 - A snail about the size of a coin generally lives under the sand but comes out at night to feed, Anilao, Philippines.
1387-649 - Cyerce elegans is one of the beautiful butterfly nudibranchs found in the Philippines, Anilao, Philippines.
1387-647 - A coconut octopus makes its way over a tangle of sea weed, Anilao, Philippines.
1387-644 - A sea spider hunts in coral polyps for its dinner, Anilao, Philippines.
1387-645 - A tiny hard coral crab can be found burrowing in between the polyps of the coral, Anilao, Philippines.
1387-643 - A white paddleflap rhinopias showing off its handsome profile, Anilao, Philippines.
1387-641 - A nudibranch shares a home in a bottle with a lemon goby, Anilao, Philippines.
1387-642 - A colorful tiger shrimp ventures from its home under rubble for only a few seconds, Anilao, Philippines.
1387-640 - A seahorse clings to a soft coral in a bed of sand, Anilao, Philippines.
1387-638 - A whip coral goby broods eggs it has laid on the whip coral where it lives, Anilao, Philippines.
1387-639 - A Doriprismatica nudibranch face on portrait, Anilao, Philippines.
1387-627 - Striped catfish swim in schools feeding one in front of the other, Anilao, Philippines.
1387-626 - A pregnant pygmy seahorse clings to a frond of a gorgonian fan, Anilao, Philippines.
1387-624 - Pelagic planktonic shrimp, Anilao, Philippines.
1387-625 - A juvenile broadclub cuttlefish about the size of a human thumb, Anilao, Philippines.
1387-623 - Bubble coral shrimp, Anilao, Philippines.
1387-621 - A reef squid hovers in mid-water, Anilao, Philippines.
1387-622 - A cuttlefish hunts at night, Anilao, Philippines.
1387-620 - Reef squid swimming, Anilao, Philippines.
1387-607 - A banded pipefish hovers above the substrait where it lives, Anilao, Philippines.
1387-606 - Two shrimp on a whip coral, Anilao, Philippines.
1387-605 - A stargazer hides under the sand waiting to ambush its prey, Anilao, Philippines.
1387-603 - Striated hairy frogfish yawning, Anilao, Philippines.
1387-604 - A tiny white hairy frogfish, Anilao, Philippines.
1387-602 - Two mandarinfish spawn and release eggs, Anilao, Philippines.
1387-601 - The curled arm of a crinoid, Anilao, Philippines.
1387-119 - A nocturnal left handed hermit crab (Dardanus gemmatus), Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
1387-101 - A hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata), swims over a reef in the Pacific Ocean, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
1387-93 - Mantle detail on a spondylus (Thorny Oyster shell) (Spondylus varians), Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
1387-90 - A mantis shrimp (Odontodactylus scyllarus), Cebu, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
1387-89 - A pajama nudibranch (Chromodoris quadricolor) attempts to climb up the side of a sea cucumber, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
1387-88 - A blackspotted puffer (Arothron nigropunctatus) curled up on the reef for the night, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
1387-87 - A cleaner shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis) inspecting a honeycomb moray eel (Gymnothorax favageneus), Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
1387-86 - These striped catfish (Plotosus lineatus) have a venomous spine in front of their pectoral fin, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
1387-85 - Bubble coral shrimp (Vir philippinensis) on bubble coral (Plerogyra sp.), Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
1387-84 - Three squat anemone shrimp (Thor amboinensis), at the base of a tube anemone, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
1387-65 - Clown anemonefish (Amphiprion percula), in anemone (Heteractis magnifica), Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
1387-63 - A harlequin swimming crab (Lissocarcinus laevis), lives with this sea anemone in symbiosis, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
1387-61 - A painted spiny lobster (Panulirus versicolor) (Painted crayfish), Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
1387-52 - Gorgonian coral in the background with Arnaz's damselfish (Chrysiptera arnazae), Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
1387-51 - The porcelain crab (Neopetrolisthes maculatus), commensal in sea anemones, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
1387-14 - Tiny skeleton shrimp, Caprella sp., possibly Caprella linearis, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
83-13500 - Ornate Christian church at Taman Balirangeng village on the south east coast of Siau Island, Siau, Sangihe Islands, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, Southeast Asia, Asia
83-13498 - Outrigger canoe moored on Kalea Beach with active Karangetang volcano beyond, Kalea, Siau Island, Sangihe Archipelago, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, Southeast Asia, Asia
800-4137 - Bulog Dos Island, Calamian Islands, Coron, Palawan, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
800-4136 - Bulog Dos Island, Calamian Islands, Coron, Palawan, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
800-4135 - Bulog Dos Island, Calamian Islands, Coron, Palawan, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
800-4134 - Bulog Dos Island, Calamian Islands, Coron, Palawan, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
800-4133 - Bulog Dos Island, Calamian Islands, Coron, Palawan, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
800-4132 - Bulog Dos Island, Calamian Islands, Coron, Palawan, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
800-4131 - Sand Island off Chindonan Island, Calamian Islands, Coron, Palawan, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
800-4130 - Sand Island off Chindonan Island, Calamian Islands, Coron, Palawan, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
800-4129 - Sand Island off Chindonan Island, Calamian Islands, Coron, Palawan, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
800-4128 - Bangka (boat) over coral, Chindonan Island, Calamian Islands, Coron, Palawan, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
800-4127 - Bangka (boat) over coral, Chindonan Island, Calamian Islands, Coron, Palawan, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
800-4125 - Chindonan Island, Calamian Islands, Coron, Palawan, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
800-4126 - Chindonan Island, Calamian Islands, Coron, Palawan, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
800-4124 - Chindonan Island, Calamian Islands, Coron, Palawan, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
800-4123 - Chindonan Island, Calamian Islands, Coron, Palawan, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
800-4122 - Beach 91, Calamian Islands, Coron, Palawan, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
800-4121 - Beach 91, Calamian Islands, Coron, Palawan, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
800-4120 - Secret Lagoon, Miniloc Island, El Nido, Bacuit Bay, Palawan, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
800-4119 - Secret Lagoon, Miniloc Island, El Nido, Bacuit Bay, Palawan, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
800-4118 - Secret Lagoon, Miniloc Island, El Nido, Bacuit Bay, Palawan, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia
800-4117 - Small Lagoon, Miniloc Island, El Nido, Bacuit Bay, Palawan, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia