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83-13559 - Round-headed katydid (bush cricket) (Amblycorypha), earhole in forelegs, superb leaf mimic with leg scraping song, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
1112-11065 - Antarctic tern (Sterna vittata) in brash ice near the Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica, Southern Ocean, Polar Regions
1112-11054 - Adult snow petrel (Pagodroma nivea nivea) near the Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica, Southern Ocean, Polar Regions
1112-11021 - Adult blue-footed booby (Sula nebouxii) in the Galapagos Island Archipelago, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America
1112-10967 - The endemic Opuntia cactus (Opuntia echios) cactus growing in the Galapagos Island Archipelago, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America
1112-10919 - The endemic Galapagos marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) on Espanola Island in the Galapagos Islands, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America
1112-10912 - The endemic Galapagos marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus), foot detail, Espanola Island in the Galapagos Islands, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America
1112-10909 - The endemic Galapagos marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) on Espanola Island in the Galapagos Islands, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America
1112-10905 - The endemic Galapagos marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) in the Galapagos Island Archipelago, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America
1112-10891 - The endemic Galapagos marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) in the Galapagos Island Archipelago, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America
1112-10889 - The endemic Galapagos marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) in the Galapagos Island Archipelago, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America
1112-10885 - The endemic Galapagos marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) in the Galapagos Island Archipelago, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America
1112-10672 - A lone adult emperor penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri) on sea ice in the Gullet between Adelaide Island and the Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica, Polar Regions
1112-10633 - Adult striated caracara (Phalcoboenus australis), close-up, on Carcass Island in the Falkland Islands, South Atlantic Ocean, South America
1112-10613 - Adult southern rockhopper penguin (Eudyptes chrysocome chrysocome) at breeding and molting colony, Falkland Islands, South America
1112-10528 - King penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) at breeding and nesting colony at Salisbury Plain in the Bay of Isles, South Georgia, Polar Regions
1112-10243 - Adult yellow-lipped sea krait (Laticauda colubrina) snake, coming ashore at night on the Volivoli Resort grounds on Viti Levu, Fiji, South Pacific, Pacific
1112-10040 - Blue-footed booby (Sula nebouxii) courtship behavior in the Galapagos Island Archipelago, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America
1112-9915 - The endemic Galapagos marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) in the Galapagos Island Archipelago, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America
1112-9900 - The endemic Galapagos marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) in the Galapagos Island Archipelago, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America
1112-9898 - The endemic Galapagos marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) in the Galapagos Island Archipelago, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America
1112-9869 - Lava lizard (Microlophus spp) in the Galapagos Islands Archipelago, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America
1112-9462 - Macaroni penguins (Eudyptes chrysolophus) scrambling up steep cliffs at Hercules Bay on South Georgia Island, Polar Regions
1112-9269 - Adult chinstrap penguin (Pygoscelis antarctica), carrying rock in its beak at breeding colony at Half Moon Island, Antarctica, Polar Regions
917-407 - Flying Squid Species in mid-air (Ommastrephes bartramii). Extremely rare unusual image. South Atlantic Ocean. MORE INFO: Flying Squid use membranes between their tentacles (visible on pic) & two fins at the rear of the mantle to glide through the air in a similar way to flying fish. These unique adaptations allow them to avoid predation more easily. Ommastrephid squids are among the strongest swimmers in the Cephalopoda. A number of species are fished commercially. This particular species (Ommastrephes bartramii), is commonly known as "Neon Flying Squid" due to its colouration and its ability to glide over the ocean surface as seen in the photographs. Please note that this is a genuine image of a wild animal in its natural environment. It is not a digital manipulation.
917-406 - Flying Squid Species in mid-air (Ommastrephes bartramii). Extremely rare unusual image. South Atlantic Ocean. MORE INFO: Flying Squid use membranes between their tentacles (visible on pic) & two fins at the rear of the mantle to glide through the air in a similar way to flying fish. These unique adaptations allow them to avoid predation more easily. Ommastrephid squids are among the strongest swimmers in the Cephalopoda. A number of species are fished commercially. This particular species (Ommastrephes bartramii), is commonly known as "Neon Flying Squid" due to its colouration and its ability to glide over the ocean surface as seen in the photographs. Please note that this is a genuine image of a wild animal in its natural environment. It is not a digital manipulation.
917-405 - Flying Squid Species in mid-air (Ommastrephes bartramii). Extremely rare unusual image. South Atlantic Ocean. MORE INFO: Flying Squid use membranes between their tentacles (visible on pic) & two fins at the rear of the mantle to glide through the air in a similar way to flying fish. These unique adaptations allow them to avoid predation more easily. Ommastrephid squids are among the strongest swimmers in the Cephalopoda. A number of species are fished commercially. This particular species (Ommastrephes bartramii), is commonly known as "Neon Flying Squid" due to its colouration and its ability to glide over the ocean surface as seen in the photographs. Please note that this is a genuine image of a wild animal in its natural environment. It is not a digital manipulation.
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