857-33952 - Crowds of boys and men, holding posters of Ahmad Shah Masood and Afghan president Hamid Karzai, line the roofs of buildings during a ceremony in the Panjshir Valley on the one year anniversary of Masoods assasination, September 9, 2002. Thousands of people from all over Afghanistan and the world, including many important dignitaries, arrived in the Panjshir Valley for ceremonies honoring Masood, a revered mujahedin leader who also was one of the leaders of the Northern Alliance which opposed the Taliban and helped the US Military in their defeat. Masood was assasinated by what are thought to be Al Queda operatives on Sept. 9, 2001. The shrine to honor this latest of Afghan war heros was built in the Panjshir Valley as that is from where Masood led much popular resistance against both the Soviets and the Taliban forces.
794-3390 - International Friendship Exhibition, massive complex housing the world's gifts for the Great Leaders, Mount Myohyang, Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), North Korea, Asia
794-3389 - International Friendship Exhibition, massive complex housing the world's gifts for the Great Leaders, Mount Myohyang, Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), North Korea, Asia
794-3388 - International Friendship Exhibition, massive complex housing the world's gifts for the Great Leaders, Mount Myohyang, Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), North Korea, Asia
1188-10 - Alberto Korda with a picture of 'Che' Guevara, cuba. The late photographer Korda holding an original copy of his world-famous print of the guerilla leader, taken in 1962
1188-35 - Roberto salas with pictures of 'che' guevara, cuba. The photographer salas looking at his world-famous prints of the guerilla leader, taken in the 1960s
1196-146 - Tens of thousands of buddhist pilgrims from around the world traveled to bodhgaya, a town in northern india, to hear exiled tibetan spiritual leader hh dalai lama give the kalachakra-religious teachings. Pilgrim take rickshaw to the main temple in bodhgaya. Kalachakra initiation in bodhgaya, bihar, india
1196-113 - Tens of thousands of buddhist pilgrims from around the world traveled to bodhgaya, a town in northern india, to hear exiled tibetan spiritual leader hh dalai lama give the kalachakra-religious teachings. Pilgrims walk through the entrance banner at main temple in bodhgaya. They carry kusha grass for offering. Kalachakra initiation in bodhgaya, bihar, india
1196-190 - Tens of thousands of buddhist pilgrims from around the world traveled to bodhgaya, a town in northern india, to hear exiled tibetan spiritual leader hh dalai lama give the kalachakra-religious teachings. Pilgrims offer holy kusha grass (amrisso). Kalachakra initiation in bodhgaya, bihar, india
763-826 - Pisac, village in Sacred Valley near Cuzco and one of world's most colorful markets village elders and boys blowing shell horns, Highlands, Peru
763-819 - Pisac Sunday Market near Cuzco in Valley of the Incas one of the world's great markets village elders with traditional staffs, Cuzco area, Highlands, Peru