Taxi in Hamburg, Germany
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Image id: 1113-106400
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: March 2021
Upload date: October 2021
Artist: Nikolay Kislichko
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: March 2021
Upload date: October 2021
Artist: Nikolay Kislichko
al fresco diningcabcitiescities tourcitycity breakconceptconcept imageday timedestinationeuropeeveningexteriorexterior shotexterior shotsgeographygermangermanyhamburgin the eveningjourneyjourneyslightsnorth germannorth germanynorthern germannorthern germanyopen airoutout of doorsoutdooroutdoor areaoutdoor areasoutdoor photooutdoor photosoutdoor shotoutdoor shotsoutdoorsoutsideseasonstylesymbolsymbolic imagesymbolic imagessymbolic photosymbolic picturesymbolic picturessymbolstaxitaxistourismtowntraveltravelsurbanurban lifeurban livingurbanewest europewestern europewinterwintry