Sculptures on the walls of Lakshmana Temple, Khajuraho Group of Monuments, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Madhya Pradesh state, India, Asia
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Image id: 1131-1362
Release status: No Release Needed
Shot date: May 2019
Upload date: January 2020
Artist: G&M Therin-Weise
Release status: No Release Needed
Shot date: May 2019
Upload date: January 2020
Artist: G&M Therin-Weise
color imagetraveltravel destinationsverticalfront viewoutdoorsdaykhajurahomadhya pradeshindiaasialakshmana templetempleplace of worshipreligionhinduismspiritualitywallsculptureartmale likenessfemale likenesspasthistoryno peopleunesco world heritage sitedaytimeoutdooroutsidetemplesinternational landmarklandmarktravel destinationtourist attractiontourist attractionstourist destinationtourist destinations