Cibeles Fountain (Fuente de la Cibeles), Architect Ventura Rodriguez, Palacio de Comunicaciones, Plaza de la Cibeles, Madrid, Spain, Europe
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Image id: 1160-3382
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: April 2017
Upload date: July 2017
Artist: Markus Lange
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: April 2017
Upload date: July 2017
Artist: Markus Lange
travel destinationphotographyhorizontalcolour imagedayoutdoorsbuilding exteriorarchitectureurban scenemadridspaineuropespanish culturecapital citiespalacio de comunicacionesplaza de la cibelescibeles fountainfuente de la cibelesfountaincybele palacecity hallmonumentpalaceoldthe pasthistory18th centurywaterlionanimal likenessstatuefront viewfull lengthincidental peoplesunlightnational landmarkclear skybluecolourcolor imagecoloroutsidetourist destinationtravelarchitecturallandmarkplace of interestbackground peoplepeople in the backgroundhistoricalhistoricheritageculturalculturestatuesmonumentscapital citytypically spanishtraditional culturetraditiontraditionaltraditionally spanisheuropean