A young girl holding a large bunch of carrots.
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Image id: 1174-484
Release status: Model & Property Released
Shot date: September 2013
Upload date: July 2014
Artist: Jane Taylor
Release status: Model & Property Released
Shot date: September 2013
Upload date: July 2014
Artist: Jane Taylor
agricultural activityharvestinggraspingusing senseslookinglooking downeuropean descentcaucasian ethnicityelementary age4 5 yearschildhoodcuriosityexcitementfreshnesslifestyle changerite of passagegrowing upconditionrawone personfacial expressionsmilingtoothy smileeuropewestern europeukenglandessexverticalcolour imagephotographypoint of viewfront viewthe human bodyhuman hairhair colourblond hairfoods and drinksfoodfresh producevegetableroot vegetablecarrotvegetarian foodgroundsgardenbuilt structurebuilding featurewallsoilmudoutdoorsdaydomestic lifeenvironmentenvironmental issuesenvironmental conservationsustainable resourcessustainabilitygardeningnaturesimple living