Group of friends doing planks in exercise class
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Image id: 1178-29379
Release status: Model & Property Released
Shot date: January 2020
Upload date: May 2020
Artist: Jamie Grill
Release status: Model & Property Released
Shot date: January 2020
Upload date: May 2020
Artist: Jamie Grill
horizontalindoorsdaysports trainingsportsportsweargymathletemuscular buildexercisingcaucasian ethnicityof african descentafrican american ethnicitylatin american and hispanic ethnicitymixed race personmulti ethnic groupside viewjoyfulhealth clubfitnessplank positionin a rowmirrorconcentrationfriendshiptogethernesshealthy lifestylereflectionfour peoplemenwomenyoung menyoung womenmature women20 24 years25 29 years40 44 years