Man with snowshoes admiring the frozen snowy forest under the blue light of dusk, Riisitunturi National Park, Posio, Lapland, Finland, Europe
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Image id: 1179-6022
Release status: Model Released
Shot date: January 2022
Upload date: November 2022
Artist: Roberto Moiola
Release status: Model Released
Shot date: January 2022
Upload date: November 2022
Artist: Roberto Moiola
photographyhorizontalcolor image40 44 yearsmid adultone mid adult man onlyonly menadultadults onlylatin american and hispanic ethnicitytravel destinationstraveloutdoorssunsetduskone personpeoplefinlandeuroperiisitunturi national parknational parksnowwinterposiolaplandfrozentreenatureforeststandingsnowshoeadmiring viewjacketpantscloudskyhikingadventureexplorationrecreational pursuitleisure activitygetting away from it allredfull lengthcopy spacewintrycoldcold temperaturechillchillytreestravel destinationtourist destinationtourist destinationssundowneveningtwilightoutdooroutsideone person only1 person1 person onlypersonhikerhikersexploringhikesportsportsrecreationrecreational pursuitsleisureleisure activitiesforestscloudscloudy40 4540 to 4540 45 years40 to 45 years40sadults