Durdle Door, Jurassic Coast, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Dorset, England, United Kingdom, Europe
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Image id: 1199-383
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: December 2015
Upload date: January 2016
Artist: John Alexander
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: December 2015
Upload date: January 2016
Artist: John Alexander
travel destinationphotographyhorizontalcolour imagedurdle doorjurassic coastunesco world heritage sitedorsetenglandunited kingdomeuropelandscapebeauty in naturescenicsphysical geographywaterone personblurred motionwalkingon the movesolitudehigh angle viewarchrockrock formationnatural archnatural landmarksteps and staircasesgrasscoastlinesunsetwomenfenceseaoutdoorsenglishukbritaingreat britainbritisheuropeancolourcolor imagecoloroutsidetravel destinationstravelhigh angleelevated viewview from abovelooking downtopographysceneryscenicscenescenesnaturethe natural worldnatural beautyunesco world heritage sitesunescoworld heritage siteworld heritage sitesarchesarchedsundowndusktwilightsirius collection