Hilltop church against twilight sky, Vik i Myrdal, southern area, Iceland, Polar Regions
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Image id: 321-4674
Release status: No Release Needed
Shot date: May 2010
Upload date: August 2010
Artist: Lee Frost
Release status: No Release Needed
Shot date: May 2010
Upload date: August 2010
Artist: Lee Frost
color imagephotographyoutdoorsno peoplenobodyhorizontalicelandtraveltravel destinationsscenicscenicshilltopchurchtwilightskyvik i myrdalnaturebeauty in naturenon urban scenecloudycloudy skyweathermeteorologychristianityplace of worshipreligionlocal landmarkplaces of interestphysical geographyisolatedsolitudedramatic skyspireredwhitetowerdaysirius collection