Pied crow, Corvus albus, harassing white backed vulture, Gyps africanus, Zimanga game reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
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Image id: 743-1721
Release status: No Release Needed
Shot date: September 2018
Upload date: January 2019
Artist: Ann and Steve Toon
Release status: No Release Needed
Shot date: September 2018
Upload date: January 2019
Artist: Ann and Steve Toon
travel destinationphotographyhorizontalcolour imageoutdoorsdayno peoplewildlifeanimal themesanimals in the wildafricatraveltwo animalsside viewfull lengthbirdspread wingssouth africakwazulu natalgame reserveanimal behaviourgyps africanuswhite backed vultureendangered speciescorvus albuspied crowkickingstanding on one legconfrontationconflicthumourobliviousrivalryblackwhitebrownaggressioncolourcolor imagecoloroutsideoutdoortourist destinationnobodyno oneafrican