Group of seals on the coast, Ballestas Islands, Paracas National Reserve, Paracas, Ica Region, Peru
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Image id: 788-14840
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: November 2007
Upload date: February 2008
Artist: Glow Images
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: November 2007
Upload date: February 2008
Artist: Glow Images
ballestas islandscoastcolor imagedayhorizontalicaica regionislandlarge group of animalslatin americalying downmammalnobodyoutdoorsparacasparacas national reserveperurestingrippledseasea animalsea creaturesealsouth americasurfswimming animalwaterwater's edgewild animalanimal themesanimals in the wildnaturesea lifewildlifesealstraveltravelingjourneyphotography