Piggy bank with an american flag reflection on wooden table
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Image id: 832-391447
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: May 2014
Upload date: June 2021
Artist: Andy Dean
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: May 2014
Upload date: June 2021
Artist: Andy Dean
american flagamericandesertedemptyensignflagsflagmirrormoney boxmoneynational colorsnational coloursnational flagsnational flagnationalitiesnationalitynational symbolnobodyno oneno peoplepatriotismpiggy bankspiggy bankpiggybankreflectingreflectionsreflectionreflectreflexesreflexsave moneysavesaving moneysavings boxessavings boxstar spangled bannerstars and stripesstarsstarstate flagstripesstripesymbolicsymbolssymboluninhabitedunited states flagus americanus flagwooden tableswooden table