Swabian cuisine, spinach cake spoon style with pancakes, Flaedle layered, pancake cake on plate, Swabian speciality, herb sauce in the back, sauce, knife, fork, Germany, Europe
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Image id: 832-396716
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: April 2021
Upload date: May 2022
Artist: Katharina Hild
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: April 2021
Upload date: May 2022
Artist: Katharina Hild
baked goodscakescakecentral europecharacteristiccountry specificdesertedemptyeurope'seuropefattening foodsfattening foodflaedleforksforkfrggateaugerman cuisingerman federal republicgermanygermangravygreensherb saucesherb saucehigh calorieknifekniveslayer cakelayeredleafy vegetablesmiddle europenobodyno oneno peoplepancake cakepancakespancakepastriespastrypiledplatesplaterepublic of germanysaucessaucespecialitiesspecialityspinach cakespinachesspinach piespinachspinacia oleraceaspoon styleswabian cuisineswabian foodswabiantortestortetypicalunhealthyuninhabitedvegetablesvegetable