Swabian cuisine, preparation of hearty Gugelhupf, dried tomatoes in oil, red peppers at the back, large-leaf parsley, garlic cloves on chopping board, kitchen board, wooden plate, vegetarian, vegetables, healthy, typical Swabian reinterpreted, traditional cuisine, food photography, studio, Germany, Europe
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Image id: 832-397055
Release status: No Release Needed
Shot date: May 2020
Upload date: June 2022
Artist: Katharina Hild
Release status: No Release Needed
Shot date: May 2020
Upload date: June 2022
Artist: Katharina Hild
allium cepaallium sativumbell pepper plantbell pepperbulb onionbulb vegetablesbulb vegetablecapsicumcentral europechopping boardschopping boardclove of garliccommon onionscommon onioncountry specificcutting boarddeserteddrieddryemptyeuropeseuropefrggarlic bulbsgarlic bulbgarlic clovesgarlic clovegarlicgerman cuisingerman federal republicgermanygermanhealthyhealthheartykitchen onionmiddle europenobodyno oneno peopleoilsoilonionpaprika plantparsleysparsleypepperpetroselinum crispumplattersplatterred colouredredrepublic of germanysavorysavourysolanum lycopersicumsolidspecialitiesspecialityspice plantsspice plantswabian cuisineswabian foodswabiansweet peppertomatoestomatouninhabitedvegetablesvegetablevegetariansvegetarianveggieveggywooden boardwooden platewood panelswood panel