Weg der Hoffnung, work of art, memorial, food for thought, an art project of the Point Alpha Foundation, The Weg der Hoffnung with its 14 stations ties in with the Christian Way of the Cross, Point Alpha, memorial, commemorative and meeting place on the road between Geisa (Thuringia) and Rasdorf (Hesse), Germany, Europe
Weg der Hoffnung, work of art, memorial, food for thought, an art project of the Point Alpha Foundation, The Weg der Hoffnung with its 14 stations ties in with the Christian Way of the Cross, Point Alpha, memorial, commemorative and meeting place on the road between Geisa (Thuringia) and Rasdorf (Hesse), Germany, Europe
Weg der Hoffnung, work of art, memorial, food for thought, an art project of the Point Alpha Foundation, The Weg der Hoffnung with its 14 stations ties in with the Christian Way of the Cross, Point Alpha, memorial, commemorative and meeting place on the road between Geisa (Thuringia) and Rasdorf (Hesse), Germany, Europe

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Sunny Celeste
Image id: 832-398222
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: July 2022
Upload date: October 2022
Artist: Sunny Celeste


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14anthropomorphicartisticallyartisticart projectartsartworksart workartworkartbeliefbible storiesbiblical figuresbiblical figurebiblicalborder stationbordersborderboundarycenter for encountercenters for encountercentral europecentre for encountercharacteristiccharacterchrist crosschrist figurechristian artchristianschristianchristuschristchurch figureschurch figureconsidercontemplatecontemplativecontemporary historycrossroadsculturesculturecustomddrdeliberatedeserteddoubtfuldoubtingdoubteastern germanyeast germanyemptyeurope'seuropefaithfigure human likenessfigure of a saintfigures of saintsfiguresfigurefolklorefoundationsfoundationfourteenfrgfrontierfuldagdrgeisagerman german bordergerman democratic republicgerman federal republicgermanygermanhessenhessehessianhessiahistoricalhistorichistoryholyhuman depictionshuman depictionhuman figureshuman figurehuman likenesshumanlikeindecisiveinner german borderjesus christjesusknotmale figuremale shapeman figuresman figuremasculine figuremeeting placememorial sitememorialsmemorialmiddle europemonumentmusemusingnobodyno oneno peopleon the roadpensivelypensivepiecepilgrim's waypilgrimage placepilgrimage routepilgrimage sitespilgrimage sitepilgrimage trailspilgrimage trailpilgrimagepilgrimagingplace of pilgrimageplacepoint alphaponderingponderpost war eraspost war erapost war periodpost war yearsprojectsprojectreligious artsreligious artrepublic of germanyroadsroadsacred figuresaint figuresaintssaintskepticismspotstation of the crossstations of the crossstationsstationstatue of a saintstoriesstorystreettalethinkingthinkthoughtfulthoughtsthoughtthuringiathueringentietowntraditionaltraditionstraditiontyingtypicaluncertainundecideduninhabitedvillagesvillageway of sorrowsway of the crosswork of art