View of the town of Camara de Lobos with church on Madeira Island, Portugal, Europe
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Image id: 832-400648
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: September 2022
Upload date: May 2023
Artist: Markus Mainka
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: September 2022
Upload date: May 2023
Artist: Markus Mainka
at the seabuildingsbuildingby the oceanby the seacamara de loboschurch buildingchurcheschurchcitiescity portraitcityscapecity scapecity viewcitycoastal citycoastal landscapecoastal scenecoastal towncoastal villagecoastlinescoastlineconstructiondesertedemptyeurope'seuropefacingfishing townfishing villagejourneylocal viewmadeira islandmadeiramunicipalnaturenobodyno oneno peopleoceansoceanorthographicalorthographicoverlookoverview of the townoverviewpalmaceaepalm treespalm treeplaceplantsplantportugalportuguesereligious buildingsacral buildingsacred buildingseaside downtownseaside townseashorelinesouthern europesouth europespotstructuretownscapestownscapetown viewtowntraveltripuninhabiteduprighturban environmenturbanverticalview intoview ofview of the cityview of the townview of the villageview on the cityview over the cityview over the townview overviewvillagesvillagevoyage