Secretary bird (Sagittarius serpentarius) bird, Etosha National Park, Namibia, Africa
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Image id: 832-400721
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: November 2018
Upload date: May 2023
Artist: Norbert Achtelik
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: November 2018
Upload date: May 2023
Artist: Norbert Achtelik
animal protectionanimal rightsanimals in the wildanimalsanimal welfareanimalavesbird of preybird photographybirds of preybirdsbirddesertedemptyetosha national parketoshafaunahabitatkunene distriktkunene regionnpnamibianational parksnational parknatural environmentsnatural environmentnatural habitatnatural preservesnatural preservenatural reservenature conservation areanature parknature reservesnature reservenaturenaturparknobodyno oneno peopleprotected arearaptorreservesreservesagittarius serpentariussancturysecretary birdssecretarybirdsecretary birduninhabitedwild animalswild animalwildlife photographywildlife refugeswildlife refugewildlife