Old town alley, old pink building, lantern, cloudless blue sky, old town, Vegueta, Las Palmas, capital, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain, Europe
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Image id: 832-400814
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: April 2006
Upload date: May 2023
Artist: Ralf Adler
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: April 2006
Upload date: May 2023
Artist: Ralf Adler
alleysalleyantique pinkblue skiesblue skybuildingsbuildingcanariescanary islandscanary islandcapital citycapitalscapitalcitiescity centercity centrecityclose upclosecloudlessconstructiondeserteddowntowndusty pinkemptyeurope'seuropefine weathergood weathergran canariahistorical old townhistoricalhistoric centerhistoric centrehistoric city centerhistoric city centrehistoric old townhistorichomehouse facadehouse fronthouse rowhouses linehouseshouseinner cityinner townlanelanternslanternlas palmas de gran canarialas palmasmidtownmunicipalnarrownice weathernobodyno oneno peopleold city alleyold cityold districtold pinkold town alleyold town areaold town lanesold town laneold town streetold townsold townpinkroserosyrow of housesrows of housessouthern europesouth europespainspanishstreetstructurethe canariestighttown centertown centretowntravel photographyuninhabitedurban environmenturbanweather is fineweather is nice