Minimalist long exposure in the square of the Torre de Belem on the river Tejo in Lisbon, Portugal, Europe
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Image id: 832-400824
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: August 2022
Upload date: May 2023
Artist: Ronny Behnert
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: August 2022
Upload date: May 2023
Artist: Ronny Behnert
angularattractionsattractionbelem towerbelemblurred motionbody of waterbuildingsbuildingbulb exposurecountrysidecultural monumentscultural monumentcultural sitescultural sitedesertedemptyeurope'seuropefamous placeheritagesheritageinternational landmarklandmarkslandmarklandscape photolandscape shotlandscapeslandscapelisboalisbonlong term exposurelong exposurelong time exposureminimalistmotion blurnaturenobodyno oneno peopleplace of interestportugalportuguesequadranglesquadranglequadrilateralrectanglerio tajorio tejoriversriverscenerysightsouthern europesouth europesquarestructuretagus rivertagustajo rivertajotejo rivertejotime exposuretorre de belemtourist attractionstourist attractiontourist landmarktower of st vincenttowerstowertravel photographyunesco siteunesco world heritage sitesunesco world heritage siteunesco world heritageunesco world hertiage siteunesco world siteunescouninhabitedwaterswaterworld heritage siteworld heritage