Scenic view from the hills to the Raut river at Orheiul Vechi (The old city of Orhei) . Christian monastery on top of the cliff at Butuceni village, Moldova, Europe
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Image id: 832-403523
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: September 2021
Upload date: September 2023
Artist: PsychoShadow
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: September 2021
Upload date: September 2023
Artist: PsychoShadow
abbeysabbeyarchitecturebuildingsbuildingchristianitychristiancitiescity portraitcityscapecity scapecity viewcitycliffscliffcloisterconstructiondesertedemptyeurope'seuropefacinggardenshillshillyhilllocal viewmoldovanmoldovamonastery complexmonastery facilitiesmonastery facilitymonasterymoundmunicipalnobodyno oneno peopleoldoverlookoverview of the townoverviewparkpeakspeakplacereligionsreligionreligious buildingriversriverrock cliffrocky cliffsacral buildingsacred buildingsoutheastern europesoutheast europespotsteep cliffstructuretiptoptownscapestownscapetown viewtowntravel photographyuninhabitedurban environmenturbanview intoview ofview of the cityview of the townview of the villageview on the cityview over the cityview over the townview overviewvillagesvillage